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Everything posted by VabeachBledsoefan

  1. Well please, share your war experiences with us.....
  2. The moment I stepped on those ship my life was endangered...guess we forget that we were at war in the 1st Gulf War...my job was as important as what Marines are doing in Iraq now...but I'm sure this board will explain to me why I was not in danger.
  3. Boarding an Iraqi container ship and opening containers can be very nerve racking.
  4. No but there were rules of engagement and use of deadly force....yes the threat has changed, combat is different, but you don't think we wanted to just unload our clips on the Iraqi on board these floating buckets of stevestojan
  5. it all applies...we were expected to follow the orders of our superiors. But i guess my situation on boarding parties does not qualify as war....there were sailors shot in our destroyer squadron though.....the Iraqi was taken into custodynot shot dead...but no, this sailor was not GRAZED in the face...he took a shotgun shell to his abdomen and thigh..
  6. Nobody on my crew ever got shoot....we did detain numerous armed individuals....but we were under strict orders on what we could do and not do...the use of deadly force was pounded into our brains in training
  7. Now its a joke to all our conservative bretheran
  8. Hey I did boardings parties on unknown ships in the Gulf during GW I.....we were scared shitless and crew members would come out of little nooks...but we never shoot dead anybody. That was not a Lethal Weapon movie in Iraq, where the villan appears dead and then shoots Mel Gibson. It was an act of cruelity..especially after the Marine's comment "now he is dead"...I was sick watching the video....this is worst than another black eye on our mission in Iraq
  9. I don't enjoy having my anus penetrated (well maybe Pam Anderson) but for any man that does...carry on smartly....
  10. those Pats defenders are just not trying to knock his ass out
  11. just a tease.....
  12. HOMOPHOBIA!!!!!!!! Don't be scared...let it in..don't fight it
  13. I'm sorry but you would not have enough jail space in America for all those who committ sodomy...be real
  14. Sue we are proud of you ...we need bumper stickers that say you are our TDB honor roll student
  15. Simple in this society...homosexuality is accepted..sorry its true deal with it....even most homosexuals are against incest as is most of society
  16. I'm sorry but a person's health does not equate to his politics....I hope he is ok
  17. Bravo on idea of separation of church and state with regards to homosexuality
  18. "put me in coach, i'm ready to play"
  19. Wow such insights on the board about the extracurricular activities goin on in our penal system
  20. your sense of humor is truely lacking tonight.....smile
  21. if you tell me a Christian only have sex in the missionary position, i'll vomit.
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