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Everything posted by VabeachBledsoefan

  1. I really think that Fox's coverage of both league series is terrible. I feel that the announcers are much better with ESPN.. I miss my little strike box. Love John Miller and Joe Morgan..your thoughts. You are all aware that the feeling of losing for us (Red Soxfans) is like a sick perverted pleasure. Its like pain...it lets you know you are alive.
  2. El Duque's curve does not look good
  3. Its just wierd Rico...Bills started going in the tank when George W took office
  4. Yeah BiB, Campy is a very cute partner!!!!!beautiful man
  5. Not labeling...the number of Yankee fans I have had to associate with has given me good proof of how Yankee fans are, and I hate you people!
  6. Its hard Rico....as bad as my beloved Bills are, those !@#$ing Yankees and that used car salesman George Bush...I feel lots of negative energy
  7. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that the Dolphin run defense stops Willis...its going to be up to Drew
  8. You guys are crazy....only thing us Bosox fans do now is go buy a Astros or Cardinals fitted cap and start cheering for the NL. Do you think the tax break George gets gets from Goerge helps him purchase all these players?? its funny most Yankee fans are Republicans...its appropriate
  9. todays a new day..i recover quickly...its Sunday...the day of football...ok, you Yanks are so !@#$ing great....better
  10. Navy not a good day to start.....lets just talk about Bills-Dolphins...i don't wanna get nasty this early with Yankee fans...how about winnibg gracefully
  11. you guys are !@#$ing idiots
  12. my professionalism as a special educator has no correlation to my HATE, yes i said HATE for Yankee fans. I have been recognzed for my teaching style. stevestojan head
  13. Hey you know what i detest you as a Yankee fan as much as you do me...I don't even know you at all and i truely dislike you. I'm sure your personality matches that of most Yankee fans
  14. Funny thing is the Cardinals have a far more powerful offense than the Yankees
  15. Hey moron,,,i teach special education i deal with labels every day...labels parents and teachers have given these kids, so labels are a business.
  16. you mean keep?? bet you are a conservative tightass rightwing yankee fan...the rich get richer
  17. I was stationed 4 years there...japanese baseball was very predictable. there were many players better than Matsui
  18. Bill, what childhood trauma made you a rightwing pig.?
  19. i'm officially a fan of any team thats plays the spankmees in series. just like anybody but Bush...hey I watched Hideki "you drop the a-bomb on me" Masui for 4 years in Japanese league...no biggie
  20. Hey ladies quite wasting space on this server here is where you should be: http://newyork.yankees.mlb.com/NASApp/mlb/...forum_index.jsp
  21. Sorry Campy...i cannot make it...would love to but i take my weekly defecation on Sunday mornings. See ya at the game
  22. I've been to the opera in Rome, i didn't enjoy it
  23. the guy singing God Bless America for the 7th inning stretch at Yankee Stadium......his voice is like fingers across the chalkboard
  24. NY, NY , BOS, BOS, BOS, NY NY
  25. The who's your daddy chant is getting boring..its like Bill's fans doing the wave when we are on offense
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