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Everything posted by VabeachBledsoefan

  1. Hey we all B word at defensive pass interference...but that was a blantant play by A-Rod...he knows interference rule...
  2. Go to MLB .com..read your rules...as a Little League umpire I know that action is illegal
  3. he cannot do that what stevestojan....class act by Yankee fans,,,Arod knows better...Torre looks like a fool arguing this
  4. Mike doesn't a game 7 make it even more fun...i think so...
  5. Ronan does this better than anyone.....I saw him in concert , 3 Irish Tenors, amazing
  6. My dear Bill's buddy..been here whole series
  7. BF...its hard for them...a guy batting .120 in the series shut them up...funny game
  8. BF as much as i wish...we have no good response to the "who's your daddy" maybe "Papi is your daddy"
  9. Lieber is not looking same as game two. My opinion is that after a second looks these players get some timing down. Great to see Belhorn hit that, he was slumping. Let see what Curt does... I cannot watch the Yankees bat..i just change channel
  10. You guys are clueless....do you realize the Fox announcers are so deep in the boxers of Hideki "you dropped the A-bomb on" Mastui and Jeter its not funny...i hear the caught Buck coming up for air in the Yankee whirlpool last night
  11. Lets keep this train rolling!!!!!!!! i can get to bed at a decent hour
  12. You don't think the FOX aren't deep in the butts of the Yankees...come one...they are truely one sided
  13. God I'm feeling good here....Maryann showed she was human last night...just a deep fly ball
  14. Thats part of it ..Dona wanted to see Luna and Sam
  15. I'm not even excited.....that stinks
  16. I'd rather finish third in division than watch that schuck pitch anoter year for the Bosoxs...!@#$ I'll die before the Bosox win a series...my grandmother said same thing....that woman was a fan
  17. Hey Yankee fans...do us a favor...sign Pepe in the officeseason....he is a shell of what he used to be...Pepi..you'll look good in pinstripes...you can use your espanol more often
  18. Nice call..you must be a soothsayer, omnipresent
  19. My god he is Mr. Playoffs...greatest reliever ever...
  20. Anybody tell me who blew that save in th 9th?
  21. I like us up against Gorgdon in the bottom
  22. The Robot Rivera looked very human
  23. Hey as Red Sock fans we know its over. Come on we are used to it.
  24. Well I'm through with this...I did realize though...looking at my fellow Red Sox fans...we are a unique interesting devoted group of fans...we look like America as they show Sox fan's faces... To me Yankee fans are like Raider fans...bandwagoners. ...not from NYC, just see the Yankees win and follow them, tthere is no heart to a Yankee fan, there is no personality, I would say bland would be a good word to describe Yankee fans. Yankee fans remind me of people that vote and have no clue about the political process and whay the issues are. Oh well I like my pain. It's nice ..its my family's pain too, all of us are Red Sox fans. The Yankee really don't represent Americans...it represents big money and having anything you like. I think Boston would be America's team more than the Yankees
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