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Posts posted by VabeachBledsoefan

  1. granted, Drew did not have a good day...only one of those interceptions were a bad decision...hey these receivers are professionals...if that !@#$ing ball hits you in the hands, CATCH it.......you sit there and watch that game...Ravens said that it looks like nodoby tries....you know they had a good point...from my view in the stands.....we lost this game in the 1st qtr////we lost  the line of scrimmage...hey just my thoughts...Raven fans were harmless....some Nills fans were idiots


    Bills fan not Nills tired from drive




    GO Sox!!!!

  2. granted, Drew did not have a good day...only one of those interceptions were a bad decision...hey these receivers are professionals...if that !@#$ing ball hits you in the hands, CATCH it.......you sit there and watch that game...Ravens said that it looks like nodoby tries....you know they had a good point...from my view in the stands.....we lost this game in the 1st qtr////we lost the line of scrimmage...hey just my thoughts...Raven fans were harmless....some Nills fans were idiots

  3. Oscar Madison vs Felix Unger, notice all cleancut the Yankee players are... :blush:


    Well here is a clean cut conversation between those Yankees this morning:

    Derek: Hideki, Alex, what kinda ball are you playing?

    Alex: I'm playing a Titlest, i marked it with .167, our 1-4 batters average in last four games

    Hideki: Anata ga atarashi Topflight booru desu

    Derek: do yu guys think I shaved close enough today, I could not hit Derek Lowe for stevestojan but I wanna make sure I'm clean cut on the golf course. Do i look fat in these golf pants?

    Hideki: Hai!!!!!!

  4. Nice come from behind victory Red Sox fan, but you haven't won anything yet.  1918 is the year the Sox last won the Big One.  St. Louis or Houston still might have something to say about what happens next!


    Realize you might be setting yourselves up for the fall once again.


    you can't ruin this night for us...sorry lame attempt

  5. As a person who lives in this hell hole of New England I have to tell you that most Pats/redsox/celtic fans are the biggest aholes alive and to see so many of you pulling with them makes me sick. im no yankee fan by any means but let me ask all of you this question?

    If the Bills had ever won a superbowl and had a baseball team on the verge of going to the world series,,,,do you think that pat fans would be pulling for us?


    ARE YOU INSANE.....they hate us and love to see us miserable! Thats why you should NEVER ROOT FOR ANY BOSTON SPORT!


    There are no bigger pr@#@ks in sports than New England fans....BELIEVE ME!!! They are the bottom feeders of teh world when it comes to taunting other teams fans!

    :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: SOX NATION AND TAkE BRADY WITH YOU!


    Rudy I grew up in Buffalo.....but my whole family is from Boston...I'm not screwed up it was the way i was raised...I love my Sox....hate the Pats, Celtics and Bruins

  6. Newbie questions:


    My understanding is that the Yanks have traditionally hit Pedro well.  If that's the case, from a Boston perspective, why put him in?


    Also, what happened earlier in the series when Pedro pitched?  BoSox win, did he do well, did he get hammered?


    Campy come give me mouth to mouth..I'm freaking out

  7. :devil:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

    :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

    Thats priceless.  Yep, Jeter and the boys thought it was supposed to be handed to them!! HAHAHAHAHA


    Do you honestly believe that Jeter and the boys felt they would lose 3 straight? What happen to the great clean up hitter from the East, Godzilla after a nuclear blast?? You consider it, Mr. Captain has not had a completely productive series.

  8. Yankee players haven't expected anything to be given to them. That is an idiotic statement. Boston has just simply out pitched us the last three nights. We'll see what happens tonight. If Boston wins then they deserve it. They have fought hard to win three in a row.


    Now to vent a little. Where the fug is Olerud? How hard did he hit himself anyway? Tony Clark SUCKS!!! I think he's struck out 80 percent of the time he's been up. I hate to see him walk to the plate. I could hit better than this !@#$.


    Ok, lets just say...after game the the Yankees had an arrogance to them, an invincibility about them...guess that is gone...by the way Marine telling a 20 year Navy man that his comment was idiotic, now that is a textbook definition of an oxymoron if you know what i mean.

  9. I've heard talk show hosts and the like saying that it would have been less painful for Sox fans if they had been swept rather than taking it to a Game 7 and losing.      I wholeheartedly disagree, especially in this instance and in this manner in which this team has come back from the dead to force a winner take all game.        No matter what happens tonight, I'll be proud of this team for the way it showed the heart/guts and tenacity that we all knew they had.   

    I think if the Sox win tonight, the momentum and relief will carry them through the World Series.  That and a few days of rest would help greatly.


    Hey win or lose tonight I'm proud to be a Bosox fan. Red Sox players remind me of everyday Americans. Scratching and clawing to just get by. I don't know what Yankee players were thinking...maybe they thought the ALCS was supposed to be given to them, guess not

  10. Really unfortunate..... not all fans are bad.. such actions stain so many and really a very intense and special game, now much of the story of game will be this.

    Make no mistake even at the Ralph there are many folks who behave just as shamefully, this is our culture not just one city......


    Not too offend anybody but the Canadian Bill's fans at the Ralph...little embarssing

  11. Boston fans questioning somebody else's class? :lol:


    Pardon me while I laugh my ass off at the very worst fans in the United States' most embarrasing sportstown calling somebody else classless!


    That's just pricelss  :lol:


    Simon, you obviously forgot your Ritilan today....been to Giant staduim....a Rangers/Bruins hockey game??? how does that stevestojan taste as it comes out your mouth, don't forget to wipe your mouth

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