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Posts posted by VabeachBledsoefan

  1. No. They are NOT that good. Really, honestly, people they are not, and if you think they are, I would loooove to actually make you some. First of all, they are too small. Duff's are alot better.


    I am a fan of Pasquale's wings, but that is biased, as i have had them since i was little, and always have them when I am home, but they are very, very good. And the hot won't kill you like at Duffs.


    But, if you havnt had wings in Buffalo, go to the Anchor bar so you can say you had some wings there, then go get some that are actually good at duffs.


    From my college days in Buffalo (go Golden Griffs) I feel that Anchor Bar quality has gone down hill. Between the two...i choose Duff's over AB...Anchor wings size has decreased...last time i was at Duff's, Herm Edwards anfd the Jets staff were there...guess NFL recommends Duffs

  2. wasnt impressed this week.


    VERY sad story, but I'm sorry, Alot of people lose a father/husband. It was nice that they rebuilt their house that was falling apart, but fix up their 20 acres, to give them two $25,000+ vehicles, and a 60,000 sq foot barn, plus a $60,000 trust fund??? come on!


    The family the week before had 2 deaf parents and a blind autistic son, who could "read" the parents sign language by feeling their hands. And they didnt even get one extra square foot added to their home..


    Sorry, I love the show, but this week's was lame.


    Now I was crying with th efamily the week before...that was a great show...didn't catch how the father died in this weeks episode

  3. Good article from Jason Whitlock:


    I was going to put this in the Artest thread, but I thought it would be buried.

    A different perspective from a Black Reporter.



    I used to love the NBA....I loved Robert Parrish, Willis Reed, Walt Frazier, not because of their race..but how they played the game. The NBA always has been a black dominated sport...compare those players to Allen Iverson, Artest, Shaq....I have lost all interest in the NBA. Is there in fact an theme theme here about socioeconomics and where you came from?, maybe. Its a black sport attend by whites, owned by whites. There are so many cultural differences. I prefer to be a season ticket holder for our local college, ODU.

  4. I agree with you.  If the Yanks had anything to offer, Johnson would have been a Yank by playoff time.


    I heard the Cubs are looking at RJ also.


    Hey, here is what we do....Red Sox sign Pavano...let the Yanks have Pedro...We still sign Varitek and we are fine...Honestly being a Red Sox fan for over 30 years....Pedro is past his prime

  5. Ok, all kidding aside, hahaha, i have about 6 deep purple welts up and down the side of my neck, and no i cant hide these either...damn girl went nuts yesterday, and wouldnt stop(note, i am not complaining), and now i look like i have been in a fight...the best way to describe it would be to say that it looks as if half a dozen golf balls were shot out of a gun and hit me in the side of the neck...so anyone got any ideas of how to get rid of them...i mean seriously, i cant go into work on monday looking like this, its really bad...and yes if anyone really wants to see, i can take a digicam pic so you all can laugh at me...i honestly cant make up any excuse, like i got hit or choked, cuz there aer 6 damn big deep purple spots...somebody help!!!!!  :lol:  :blink:  :w00t:


    i do take consolation tho in the fact that she looks like she got hit with a baseball bat across the neck tho, so we both look retarded...


    Peanutbutter and a comb...really.

  6. This is a no brainer Mick. Do you really think they're going to reprimand that Marine? Honestly?. Think of the repercussions with regard to the other men and woman fighting there. In about 6 months, the facts will find that this Marine did his job. You dont need our men and woman second guessing themselves on when to protect themselves or their fighting brethren. Think what could happen to moral. I could give you plenty of other examples, and I'm sure many of the Veterans here could too. This isn't a rush to judgment, we're supporting out troops. Get off the fence counselor.


    I promise you that somebody up high will call for an investigation in accordance with the code of military justice....thank the press for all the coverage..no press..this would have never been a front page story

  7. Bush's favorite books range from Texas history to criticism of 1960s counterculture. According to the website of the Arizona Republic, AZCentral.com, Bush's favorite books are The Raven: A Biography of Sam Houston by Marquis James (Univ. of Texas Press); Robert J. Samuelson's The Good Life and Its Discontents: The American Dream in the Age of Entitlement (Vintage), a book that delves into the modern American psyche in regards to the "American Dream"; and The Dream and the Nightmare: The Sixties' Legacy to the Underclass by Myron Magnet (Encounter), which argues that the honorable intentions of 1960s liberals produced tragic consequences by ultimately creating today's underclass.


    Were all those books in the Oprah book club?? Is there a link to that read list...or did Laura read them to him..she is a librarian

  8. As I said, to each his own.


    And no, I'm in no way implying that SDJ doesn't have the right to criticize.  I'm not sure where you're getting that from.  I just find the impassioned line about freedom followed by telling someone to shut up because he doesn't like what's said to be ironic.  It's o'kay if you don't, it's really no big deal.


    I get it!!!!!!!!!

  9. Actually, it all goes back to the red states not having as many television options.  That severely minimizes the ability of the American male to tune out his wife - especially for that one week or so per month that it's so crucial.


    has Bush promised the red states better options for cable and satellite TV? maybe this is what all this conservative right stuff was about..more channels in Kansas.

  10. The lefties support the troops?  Hmmm, lets take a look-see at that statement shall we?


    PetrinoinAlbany says this;

    UCONN James echoes this (before an investigation is even begun mind you);

    blzrul goes back to poster boy John Kerry and again makes no original point that doesnt sniff of "Bush-BAD"

    And from VABeachBledsoe;

    SUPPORT THE TROOPS right?    Keep putting those yellow ribbons on your cars and then turning around and stabbing them in the back lefties.


    I wrote my post on how i felt watching the video..it was an emotional reponse...god, what paranoia the Right seems to show on this forum. Are you too narrow minded to think we cannot feel support for the troops there....I'm not saying it was right or wrong what that marine did..It's not for me to decide. Military law will do its job in this case. But please come in from right field with this "we. liberals, don't support the troops" we are able to express our opinions on certain situations and those may not be right...but we are free to express them

  11. I guess the red states really do need help keeping their families together.


    red states and family


    Notice where the eye of the gay marriage storm, Massachussetts, is.


    I don't buy the slippery slope argument about gay marriage for a second, but is there some irony that the 10 states with the highest divorce rates are the same states that claim to provide our moral foundations for the family.


    Egads. Not more Republican hypocrisy.


    First they increase the size of government.


    Then they want the power of the huge government expanded.


    Now this.


    Where does it end?


    Maybe the Red states morality is based in God but not in keeping a family together..maybe God spoke to them and told them to divorce.

  12. Keep up the crying about a brave patriotic marine slaughtering a scumbag terrorist and kiss 2008 goodbye like you did 2004. You’ll never learn, will you. Wussies.


    Such brutal attacks at liberals, can't we all just get along...Hey we support the troops in Iraq..no matter what the circumstances are that got them there.

  13. OK...let me put myself in the thinking of a liberal...


    "Not all Iraqis are terrorists! He could have had a child with him! We shouldn't have been there in the first place!"


    Stop thinking period.......thats right you have us pegged..we are totally against what any Marine does in Iraqi..you make me laugh

  14. Just as bad, yet I'm not proposing that we invade people's bedrooms to find out if they are engaging in sodomy.  With gay males it is pretty much guaranteed that sodomy is occurring if they are having sex.  So I do not agree with sanctioning a relationship in which sodomy is inherent.  With heterosexual couples I believe sodomy is used many times as a form of abuse.  Just like you don't hear gay males jumping up and saying they love anal sex, you also don't hear that from women.  You certainly can make an argument there are laws on the book already that would criminalize the use of sodomy as a violent act without the need for specific anti-sodomy laws.

    If you are in favor of gay marriage then you are liberal on the issue.  Stop ducking the label and wear it with honor.  I'd gladly accept being called conservative on the issue and wouldn't take offense to it.  I really didn't care to debate you on the point you were making.  Your post accused two conservatives of selectivity applying  biblical values as it suits their agenda.  It's a ridiculous argument.  Neither was suggesting that homosexuality should be illegal based on biblical grounds.  The post from Arondale you quoted from had nothing to do with him using the bible to prove homosexuality was wrong, it was in response to his perception that others were improperly using verses from the bible.  Just because people have religion doesn't mean they necessarily force their religion on others.  You were accusing them of exactly that.  It was wrong.


    Michfan...please look at the definition of sodomy...how much oral sex do you think goes on in the homes of Americans....i have read that in middle schools around this country young girls compete to see who can give the most oral sex.. Homosexual anal sex is not the only form of sodomy....sdrry it runs rampant in hetersexual households...sodomy laws..thats a laugh...sodomy is NOT used as a form of abuse in heterosexuals...

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