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Everything posted by VabeachBledsoefan

  1. Darin just checked Rhodes Scholar website.....none from Alaska...I went back to 2001
  2. You seem to put down educated teachers, as much crap that flows out your mouth into your posts, I figured you would respect teachers...Laura Bush was one...oh sorry she was a librarian....son, i lived in Alaska...you education system is in tatters
  3. Paco, Paco, Paco Any leader of this country would have said the same thing....right place, right time for GWB
  4. Do you think everyone on this forum knows the facts, tells the truth..be real...look at the Bills posts. What ethnic group? , Bills fans?
  5. That burnt tongue seems to last for ever
  6. The thing on here is that probably 30 percent of what is written is true, whether here or in Bills forum...sometiimes I think the freedom of speech amendment should have included a clause, that it had to be freedom of speech that made sense. I simply don't type as fast as i think...typing errors...so what....my dad was just diagnosed with prostate cancer..thats something to worry about. By the way I'm very proud of my education, I worked hard to receive it.
  7. I'm actually starting to like the HotPockets thing...GOD, they are so yummy!!!!!!!!!
  8. Thank god you never made a grammatical error...maybe I can fly you into Virginia and you can teach all my students with learning disabilities how to spell...you are a man amongst men.. please check my grammar and syntac....so so look forward to your corrections oops i left out my period....i'm so uneducated...I should have gone to school in Alaska with all those Rhodes scholar students from the tribes.
  9. Come on now..Americans are apathetic and uninformed when it comes to voting.
  10. Well if you child has a learning disability, see how many private schools offer quality special education services
  11. I know the situation in my state, VA...the state had to dole out 152 mil of additional monies...my school is over crowded...sorry we don't have a union here. I kow education in my school and in my state. How many years have you been teaching. I could send you the brouchures the bimbo in my congressional district, she has no clue about education needs, George Bush's NCLB is fantasy, spend a week in my classroom George...see if this stevestojan the RNC has been mailing out on education has any validity..the republican candidate here is losing because she cannot stop the RNC from making bothersome phone calls to homes. I'm talkin 15 calls in last 10 days at dinner time. Give me RNC leaders names..I'll call them at dinner
  12. Good god boys....I have a sensitive compartment TS clearance......and I do know things....but I want say on here..I know this , but I won't tell you...
  13. Gavin..I agree....put it back into the local governments, but I don't know if the states could support public education alone......lets go back to teaching your kids at home give parents some responsibility for what their child becomes.
  14. The sad thing is that the Republican Congress wants to fund the re-authorization of IDEA (Individual's with Disabilities Education Act) the way that they funded that joke of legislation from Bush called No Child Left Behind. They made all these requirements of school districts and then no funding, states had to use their own funds to the required legislation. Ah yes George Bush the great education president. Do you know how he showed such great success in Texas school? they left out grades of minorities and students with disabilities on standardize testing.
  15. I do not advocate drugging our children. my students can be jerks all they want on thier own time. If they are disruptive due to being diagnosed ADHD, well that takes away from effectiveness of my teaching. If you teach long enough the difference in goofyness and ADHD is obvious. Honestly many parents do not wish for their children to be medicated, in those cases we have to teach the students skills that will keep them on task, whatever the classroom task might be.
  16. I got offered a 80K job as a contractor when I left the Navy...teaching you do because you love doing it...not for the 40k they pay you...thank god for my retirement and my wife's 75K salary
  17. Stuck...I teach special education....I test and evaluate kids everyday..I should not say that..I refer them to the school shrink for testing. A class full of 6 ADHD kids on a Friday afternoon...not fun
  18. I honestly beleive many of us were ADHD or ADD and they just thought we had lots of energy.
  19. Since you used it first, it was not as active as it should be.....
  20. I respect that...I did 20 years in the Navy.
  21. I myself prefer Lemming
  22. How long have you served?
  23. Are you aware that you use the mynah bird analogy often on the PPP board?Do yu have it saved and just paste it into the box?
  24. Sorry my background is in Special Education...you know there is adult testing to determine if someone has a disability.. I apoligize for my spelling error. This PPP gets me so excited my fingers cannot type as fast as I think.
  25. Just what post are you speaking of??? as for my education, BS in Politcal Science, Canisuis College, MS in Secondary Education, UVa and Phd in School Administration, William and Mary...not a bad resume...if not for teacher there would be no George Bush or John Kerry
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