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Everything posted by VabeachBledsoefan

  1. Nice post....where the hell is my Horror Channel??? I want my HC!!!!
  2. George Bush is a Bills loving, beer drinking underpaid middle class stiff???Georgie is a bad used car salesman..say anything to make the sale....
  3. We decided if our candiadate does win we are moving to Ireland...good beer!!!!
  4. Praise the Lord, Praise Allah
  5. i'll be a gentleman and say..."Good evening"
  6. !@#$ it you spent time on Adak..i respect you i was there for the 7.7 earthquake
  7. i made lots of road trips out to NSGA club there after eve watches
  8. Swede...i trust people i have met....like BiB, my close friend Campy, SDS, etc..know what i mean..you can get a real impression of them by meeting them, talking to them
  9. He was my roommate when i was stationed in Adak, Alaska....he had a bit of a body odor problem
  10. Rudy..i think many fans consider the product we see on the field....better product , better attendance
  11. it depends on if you trust people...but look how uptight everyone is about this election
  12. What about Kelly's friend that did coke with Bushy Junior?? Proof enough for many of us
  13. I need more of my kid's parents to be like you.
  14. You coke snorting homo
  15. I apoligize...been getting a bit of feedback on my typing...I'm sorry
  16. First of all , we have no union here in Virginia, what salary increase i recieve is up to the local government. I don't think a salary raise of 3.5% is killing tax payers. YOu don't realize that I teach children that for them, school is their only refuge...I have to be a parent, a police, a counselor, a friend.....I also have a pacing guide that I have to meet and get the information to the kids. With my experience teaching...I can say that the environment that these kids from, home life, is a large reason why SOL's aren't met. Sports are not part of regular curriculum...its a privlege to play sports...NCLB had no funding..oh federal government forces us to meet certain standards...but funds required to do that are not supplied..go figure..I'm sure there are grammatical and spelling errors..i'm sorry
  17. So the government will have to get involved to supply vouchers to those that cannot afford private education
  18. Ithink the word you meant was GOVERNOR
  19. Well hate to disappoint you but we have been close friends for 5 years and respects me and thinks my teaching is a great thing....so maybe you can accept me. You don't agree with us about grammar police on here...we also decided that the Hot pocket thing was idiotic. please check my grammar and spelling..Thanks
  20. Me and Campy were talking today about all the !@#$s on this board that correct grammar...He was so right. No i meant here
  21. Well too bad not every parent is as lucky as you to send their child to public school
  22. Does not mean I don't walk into my classroom every day and act professional...hey I'm at home it my free time.
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