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Everything posted by VabeachBledsoefan

  1. He must...our local gas is at an all time low today...$1.78...hold on i'm gonna go feel up the SUV
  2. Stephen Blaldwin (of Baldwin family fame) on MSNBC...He is representing the christian right.....George W, with friends like SB...you don't need enemies. Could the be moving embarassing...Karl Rove must be seething watching him
  3. I've been working for David Ashe campaign...was it a real person??
  4. There had not been one single presidential commercial in Virginia Beach this whole campaign....now we are flooded tonight....if we give in and give Bush Virginia , will they stop?
  5. well i do not believe in privatizing SS...that seems to be GW's plan
  6. "there" but yours will probably be gone....which is wrong
  7. You know that sayng "" the world needs ditch diggers" you don't think whinos would refer more to Republicans?...yes, the democrats are the crackheads and whores...but what would all these god fearing Republicans do without the whores when the wander from their betrothed
  8. I don't want to tax the next generation...but i also don't want to hit 67 and not be entitled to monies i put into the system...GG you know Dona will leave me without my benefits
  9. I think that is great...makes my Championship Red Sox seems more everyday. i can remember team bonding things we did in college.
  10. the king of cut and paste...well done...ahhhhh
  11. no, no need, IDEA has been extend til after elections...NCLB was a pile of stevestojan from inception
  12. No you are talking about NCLB...not IDEA
  13. you are quick on google!!!!!! but do you know what it encompasses
  14. Do you have any idea what IDEA is???? well it has a great effect on special education
  15. I work in a very suburban upper middle class school are funding is above average
  16. special education funding is up for re-authorization (IDEA)...Republicans want to fund it like NCLB was funded
  17. I'm not a youngster..I'm concerned about my social security....taxes..all the basics
  18. I still feel Kerry would best meet my domestic needs with education
  19. Well I could vote outside the mainstream Demo/Repub arena...but I don't see many options there..ok I'm picking lesser of two evils..I wish my party had a stronger candidate...would a stronger democratic candidate beaten GW handily??I honestly feel more people are concerned about gas prices, wages, medicare than terrorist attacks and homeland security.
  20. make brownies..make brownies
  21. I'm just stating the fact that we can all take shots at the candidates, but its a quid pro quo idea...republicans bring up dirt, democrats reciprocate...stupid cycle..do you agree.
  22. Point well taken...My buddy Campy refuses to come in here....I will make a better effort to give to the discussion
  23. The same can be said of Bush....his lack of honor to fight in Vietnam makes him a coward in many people's eyes...see where I'm coming from...some may still say he is a coward.
  24. I am trying to take the high rode. I really enjoy many of th eopinions on this board...here I'll open a can of worms for you..I licensed to teach social studies...so this type of forum interests me
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