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Everything posted by VabeachBledsoefan

  1. But those are god fearing Christian families living in the slums of urban cities. Aren't the Christian values of those parents the same as the Christian values of the conservative right?? So those parents cannot get those kids to school...don't you see a terrible cycle starting here...these kids drop out of school and have babies...here we go again...but we won't ask the government for assistance. Its not their job. gee I wonder if urban violence will increase?
  2. The tax break topic really gets me...here is $300 dollars if you are single..why don't you go out and spend it on stimulating the economy...I was in the navy when that happened...Majority of my friends and shipmates used that money to pay off debt already incured. Hope you are not implying that NCLB was successful education reform?
  3. My question is how do you ever stop it..there has been terrorism since the beginning of time..so we catch OBL...how do we stop the thousands of young 12 year old Muslim boys he has influenced, go door to door and kill them....as much as we would like to...we cannot influence the whole world...other people in the world do not care to have our values, our beliefs...terrorism has hit home....but no way we stop all terrorism...in this world terrorism is a factory...we stop a few...a few more appear. i really think that is the reality of it.
  4. I told that student that when the next election comes around..no matter what party your candidate is for...get involved..volunteer...make a difference
  5. Would you be offended if I said I am starting to think more like you
  6. Could be any worse than the Republican drunk that came to the polling place i was working at and just went off in a ramble....he was carted off by Virginia Beach police...probably still sitting in jail.
  7. One of my students asked me if there were other candidates running for president..I said yes...they said they had no clue...they said the never saw them on TV or talked about in the paper...our kids live in a TV world....I wish we could change that.
  8. But if you look at the demographics of the ghettos.....most of these families are very Christian...where are those Christian values and morals from home?? well I guess if you have no heat, cannot afford housing , kids are starving...it hard to praise Jesus every day. At some point you basic needs take over from you good moral standing.. How much will this administration improve lives for those living in these urban areas
  9. Praise the lord!!!!!!! Love that guy who tried to run down that former witch of Sec. of State in Florida....you bust on Kerry's wife..that woman was nasty...now she in in congress.
  10. I'm sure he'll take away from education in Cal-lee-for-ne-ya.
  11. Ken....I just never felt that the Libertarian candidate or Ralph were viable candidates....I feel that the Republicans or Democrats will never allow a strong third party to surface.
  12. Well we only have the liberal education system to blame for that....those dropouts probably came from families with great moral and Christian values....how do you explain the high drop out rates of students in Virginia...hey this is the bible belt, shouldn't good Christians value education?
  13. I simply hope for a balance of attention to domestic concerns as well as world concerns
  14. Honestly I had no choice in the picking of Kerry...I would have prefered a more middle road candidate.... I would love a viable third party but that has not happened since John Anderson
  15. Hey I admit it...as a liberal...I can spend it..never could manage it
  17. sorry many mant priests....i was an altar boy..got lucky never touched...went to Catholic schools..never touched
  18. Sorry Darin..do some research..the Catholic priest got caught...don't think it does not happen in the Evangelical church..."Healed......"
  19. No we take our beliefs and apply them to our everyday life...we are not about the fire and brimestone that many saved Christians are about
  20. I have no hate for Christians...their mixing of Jesus and their politics rubs me the wrong way. Hey I live in Pat Robertsonville, USA..I have many close friends that ar born again Christians....but they handle their Christianity differently
  21. Well, I do believe that Catholics are Christians..i may be wrong..i was brought up to believe that religion is something you keep to yourself...not scream it the streets "i'm saved, Jesus loves me..you are going to hell". Sorry its a northern Irish Catholic thing you would not have a clue. Take Jesus out of Washington DC!!!!!!!
  22. I'm Catholic..its in our bible...i'm waiting for my personal relationship with Jesus. Too much religion in government
  23. When does the "jesus saves" conservative right start up with the witchcraft trials???
  24. I guess obstructionist is better than isolationist OBAMA in '08
  25. " I wanna speak to all of those who voted for my opponent..." then he gives you that shiteating grin.....he is just hard to believe he wants to unite...Campy and I decided in 18 months to make "don't blame me , I voted for Kerry" bumper stickers...just to be ready
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