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Everything posted by VabeachBledsoefan

  1. God I hated Franco...and Mussolini
  2. SD i love you ...christians , catholics..can't we all get along
  3. DC...please try to get over my comments.....its seems childish....i take so much stevestojan here is does not bother me
  4. As a special education teacher I find the term "retard" very offensive...some of the greatest kids I ever worked with were mentally retarded.
  5. Touche!!!!! Well stated Mickey
  6. Bad things don't happen to good people..what kinda garbage is that?
  7. Thought I heard something previous to today..still sad
  8. Didn't that come out a week or two ago...God Bless her
  9. Would you agree that there is countless amounts of opinions that are stevestrojan on this forum
  10. Yes idiot, that was my mission for 20 years in the US Navy, supporting terrorist......The story of Katherine harris was humorous in that it should to what extent this election had peopel riled up....I didn't wish harm on Katherine Harris...she was fine
  11. I'm very aware of the performance of Arafat in the realm of terrorism...I'm fine that he is dead
  12. Please try to retrieve your sense of humor...goodness..I'm just looking to get reactions
  13. I simply said that Katherine Harris is no less attractive than Theresa Kerry
  14. You know if I win megamillions on Friday its yours...
  15. Stop posting here..I WANT MY HORROR CHANNEL
  16. I simply feel compassionate towards all mankind today..trying to start the healing in this country
  17. The lack of compassion from my conservative buddies is equally disturbing
  18. You oughta listen to the conservative radio here in Bible Belt USA, Virginia Beach...these !@#$s are really trying to promoted a coming togther of this divided country...NOT
  19. Besides his beliefs...he was a husband, a father.....nice touch of class....did Arafat's politics officially touch yuor life..oh yeah another dead terrorist..hey guess what many more where he came from
  20. Your post is well written...but i feel your comments represent a fantasy world, not reality....you have Israel in the middle of all this....they aer more stuborn than us...watch out..Syria will become our next Iraq.
  21. I agree about the tweaking...In my little world in Chesapeake, VA...its has been a burden to educators and local governments..there for, not sucessful here
  22. Well i guess you appreciate the "tammy faye baker" makeup of Katherine Harris..to each his own
  23. Its just taht currently more of my concerns are addressed by the two major parties...I looked at the Libertarian party..i researched Ralph
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