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Posts posted by VabeachBledsoefan

  1. I have no problem making the same argument about our troops mistreating prioners as they did.  The problem with the blame there, is that the military has such a structure where it may not be the people actually commiting the crime, but somewhere further up that should have the blame, I dont konw, but its no more or less wrong.


    There is a vast difference between not standing for the pledge of allegiance and burning an effigy of our president however.  Indeed both are exercises of free speech.  One is mild and one is very strong.  One gravely damages our country, the other causes a PTA meeting.  Most likely the children are in rebellion, and not against the US, but against the words "under god", and their dissent is a perfectly acceptable reaction in America, and does not aid and comfort our enemies.  The extent of the potential damage to our country is what defines treason IMO.  These people should be found and brought up on charges.


    I accept your viewpoint..i just think the courts would not in this country..freedom of speech i a well guarded right

  2. Its not just F@# Bush...


    Come on man...I am all for freedom of speech, but I can tell you right now, these pictures of GWB burning made me sick.  And yes, I woudl feel the exact same way if it was kerry or clinton. 


    Who does it hurt?  It hurts our military.  It hurts the image and respect of our country.  It motivates our enemy and can be used as terrorist recruiting propaganda.  These people (and im not talking about the people wearing the you're fired buttons, but the people buring GWB), are NOT americans.  They may be citizens of this great land, but they are no more american than osama bin laden, and should be treated accordingly.


    At best its sedition, at worst treason.  And last I checked treason was punishible by death.


    good point, but what do the pictures of our soldiers mistreating prisonors do for us citizens...forget placing blame on that one....i have kids that do not stand for pledge of alliance in my class...court says they don't have to...are they Americans???

  3. I believe that these actions amount to a betrayal of the united states of america, and our leadership, and provide comfort and aid to our enemies.


    I'm sure congressmen in the halls of congress are using profanities about GWB behind closed doors...a !@#$ Bush sign is harmless..who does it hurt..i here students say !@#$ you every in the hall of my schools

  4. The election is over. I've posted a lot of stuff, some of it good and some of it crap over the years.


    I'm just really curious as to why my posts kill threads. There's been more than a few. I really wonder why?


    Disclaimer: You virgins here need not respond, but you will.


    I actually enjoy some of your posts....my posts on the other hand are not widely liked..scary to think an American university gave me a B.S. in political science

  5. What do I mean by win? To tell you the truth, I don't know. Is it even possible to win? Once again, I don't know. Maybe the question should have been, are we taking the right steps to win the war on terroe? But I did not want to turn this into a flaming war between sides.


    So I guess I'll ask again. Can this war be won?


    I think we can protect our shores...we can fight and lobby for democracy in the Middle East...but that is a fight we'll not have much luck with

  6. Red line, downtown near the zoo.  Woodley park, I believe. 


    Don't know how it wasn't worse...apparently an empty train came into the station, had its brakes and both backup safety systems fail, and hit the back of a stopped train with passengers.  From what I heard the first car of the empty train actually ended up running up on top of the last one in the other. 


    Washingtonpost.com has some good pictures of the accident...can't link to them, but just go to www.washingtonpost.com, and they should have on on the front page.


    Where'd you live during your Pentagon tour?  I used to live at River House, right on Army-Navy and S. Joyce.  Got a front-row view of 9/11...


    i lived at ft lee

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