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Posts posted by VabeachBledsoefan

  1. About a year ago I stumbled upon an online version of the Army's Urban Battlefield Maneuvers (or some similarly named manual, I don't recall the exact name).  It covered everything from points of fire, covering fire, strategies for clearing rooms, bounding, and even hopping over cellar windows so you don't get your ankles blown off. 


    Just reading it kinda' freaked me out...


    Stop stumbling...give you wife a little man butter instead of researching Bill Murray and his Urban Assault Vehicle

    "oh no" yeah, "oh no, No John.....I'll drive"

  2. I'm also hopeful that one of the reasons it has taken this long is that hopefully we have Iraqis inside the city ready to spring into action.


    I simply put no hope in Iraqi forces doing much of anything to assist us...Let my Navy boys lob some cruise missiles in there

  3. I read we have 10,000 troops in position around the city.  I also read where they anticipate booby traps, ambushes, suicide bombers, and being on the recieving end of RPGs fired in close quarters. 


    But do we know how many bad guys there are in Fallujah?


    my question is...are our young fighting forces trained properly to face the insurgent tactics...its like being in jungles of Vietnam....God speed to those boys

  4. To save some time, do a search on posts on this topic by BiB, and you'll get a lot of the answers.  You may also ask SDS to restore the old server for the really good answers.


    I was reading some "middle of the road" articles online anfd the thoughts came to mind..i'm trying to better prepare myself to compete on the board...

  5. Yet he also said "let he who is without sin cast the first stone." and "Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven." 

    "As for the person who hears my words but does not keep them, I do not judge him. For I did not come to judge the world, but to save it. "


    By the Christian doctrine, we Sin because God gave us free will.  Jesus did not want to take that away.  He would want all to follow the principles, but would not advocate condemning someone for not following.  He sought not to punish sinners but restoring by reaching out to them.  What of Matthew?  He was a tax collector, whose profession was one of the most hated and corrupt at the time.  Did Jesus condemn him?  No, he dined with him, and asked Matthew to follow him.


    Hey all I can say is WWJDD!!!!!!!!!


    Paise Johnny!!!!!!...all championships are possible through him.

  6. In all honesty, thank you all for your service.  God bless you, every one.


    However, this thread explains so very much about the views of some of my fellow Bills fans.  We will never see eye to eye on many issues.


    in general i'm liberal...but many conservative views..i know i type like stevestojan...but i respect all my fellow warriors on the board..Thank you

  7. I enlisted in the army a week after I turned 18.  I was a paratrooper in the 82nd airborne for 3 years.  Jumped out of planes, slept in the mud, and went to ranger school.  Out of 13 guys that arrived to my battalion that day.  Only two of us EST at the end of our enlistment.  The others were killed, medically discharged, or kicked out for drugs. 


    I switched to the "other side" and became an intelligence analyst in the national guard.  I did a deployment to the desert with them, as well as spent time working at the south eastern intelligence center.


    I salute you ...jumping out planes

  8. I've never served. I'm really sixteen and I just enjoy being a kid screwing with people. I always lie, and make lots of stuff up. You can be whatever you want to be here. People have told me so.


    What's your point? You spent your time going to school. I would have liked to.


    you didn't look 16 when i met you at Gators...a mature 16 then

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