Stop stumbling...give you wife a little man butter instead of researching Bill Murray and his Urban Assault Vehicle
"oh no" yeah, "oh no, No John.....I'll drive"
my question is...are our young fighting forces trained properly to face the insurgent tactics...its like being in jungles of Vietnam....God speed to those boys
So my good fella you are in agreement that dispite what we were told (WMD, blah, blah blah) it was in fact a leverage tactic. Leverage against Muslim nations?...leverage against European nations?
I live in Washington..Annual Rain Festival...Jan 1 -Dec actualy is is gorgeous up there..I think Seattle is a great city...but GG, its not Amsterdam for sure
i hated the storms that started blowing rain...switches to blowing sleet then switches to blowing snow in 20 minutes...throw an earthquake in there too