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Everything posted by UpperDeck

  1. I think I could scrape up a couple hundred dollars if that would do. I would love to own a team.
  2. He also said he is frustrated with the pace of the negotiations and there hasn't been much progress since March.
  3. Who's Tom Donahue, Phil's brother?
  4. I just heard on WGR that Schopp and the Bull Dog suggest a breakfast food draft as an alternative. Can't go wrong there.
  5. Okay, then flip it and sell 51%. What's another 2% when you're dropping that much money.
  6. Not only what's on it but you're given the answers too.
  7. The difference is that the NFL is not going bankrupt so no taxes will be avoided by doing this.
  8. Are you trying to say its easier to get good players later in the round? Maybe there's more pressure but if you know what you're doing you have a lot better chance of getting an impact player.
  9. It's a lot easier to do well when you have early round picks (5, 5, 30, 4, 12) most of the time as SD did from 2001-2005, versus picking 19, 30, 27, 16, 12 from 2006 - 2010. That said, I really like the way Buddy drafts. The only worry I had when he was hired was his age. But he's putting a very competent (and young) scouting staff in place that can carry on after he decides to retire. Our future looks pretty bright for the first time in a long time.
  10. I could be wrong but my understanding is that viewers in Canada do not count towards the ratings. To your point, TV revenue is based on overall viewership across the country. The networks then decide how much they would be willing to pay for that many viewers and make a bid for broadcasting rights. That TV revenue is then divided evenly between the teams. It's not divided based on viewership in each given area.
  11. I really like this guy's running instincts. From the highlight reel around the 7:30 and 7:45 marks he immediately sees that there's no hole and cuts it outside for gains. Although it remains to be seen if he has the speed to do that in the NFL. His instincts also show around the 11:00 mark with the touchdown run. There's not much room there but he makes a couple of quick cuts to find his way into the endzone. He also seems to run tough for his size. I'm looking forward to see what he can do in the NFL.
  12. She may not be pretty but all she does is win.
  13. It's also worthless to predict our record when we don't even know how many games will be played.
  14. Where's Deep Voice when you need him?
  15. Isn't Walter the guy that washed the veggies at Tops?
  16. So true. And substitute "Patriots" for "Bills" while doing any of these and instantly we're geniuses.
  17. Nice job. Although I wonder about Dalton. Was it a bad call or is he a great value at the top of the 2nd round?
  18. I believe that release form just allows passing your records to other providers, not to the general public.
  19. I didn't even know that Tebow liked bowling let alone going pro.
  20. How about Nefarious Dareus?
  21. Kaopectate - because he stops the runs
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