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Everything posted by blzrul

  1. The agent was running through disclaimers about programming availability and I told her I knew they'd renewed ST for 10 years within the last year or so. She said "We will NEVER give up Sunday Ticket", LOL.
  2. I got ST free and they also cut my monthly bill by $30 (for 12 months). I was nice. My talk track was that I've been a customer for over 10 years, and it hurts to go to the website and see $200 gift cards (but not for me) and $19.99 programming (but not for me). I said if I had to cancel my service and then come back to get those deals I would, but it didn't make sense. And she agreed with me. She said to call back after the Superbowl next year to get more free stuff.
  3. It's a roller coaster for them. One day they're in your face and the next they are rending their garments. This is just not a great sports town. They actually BRAG about being recent newcomers to football. Many of the diehards are almost longing for the days when the Seahawks were marginal just so they can have their team back. I used to enjoy going to games but then it just became a hassle. Do you know, the Jumbotron is used to tell those idiots to be quiet while the team's on offense? Never saw that in another stadium.
  4. It's not "gay marriage" it's just "marriage". If it bothers you, ignore it. It's really no-one's business. If you don't want to marry a homosexual - don't.
  5. It's fun to watch. Every year, Least Mode (the guy who's 2-for-7 inside the 5 for TD's, which is why Carroll opted to pass) plays hard to get and they throw money at him. He tells everyone to !@#$ off, more money. Meanwhile Russell Wilson, Mr. Nice Guy (and average QB at best) is ignored, still playing Nice Guy. While the ethically-challenged Pete Carroll, who'll throw his mom under the bus if he furthers his cause, is on a pedestal even higher than Lynch. Since most of the "fans" here don't remember the name of the last coach before Carroll (Mora), never heard of Shaun Alexander or can't recall if it's "Krieg" or "Kreig" or "Craig"....its just fun to watch. The Seahawks don't have an allegiance to Wilson. Unless he has an amazing year, or unless there's no-one else available, he'll be gone in 2016. The Seahawks made their bones on defense and just enough offense, plus a whole lotta luck. It won't last. Fun fun fun!
  6. She's mentally ill. She just happened to obsess on being black. She could just have well decided she identified as a lamppost.
  7. The families of the victims have set forth the example of what it means to be Christian. When someone wrongs you, you forgive. You don't judge. You don't use Jesus as a sledge to force people to see things your way, or act as you think they should.
  8. I have 2-3 boxes of Flutie Flakes, a box of Flutie Fruity Chews, and I think I also have some TO's.
  9. my daughter is going but don't know if she's got seats yet. did you get your tickets already?
  10. As long as they drop them on red states we'll be ok. Well, wait...many of them are already in the stone age. Still.
  11. Cowboys, Pats, Colts, Giants all gone. I haven't lived in Western NY since 1995 but faithfully renewed and upgraded my tickets to Club Seats over the years. I don't even want to know how much money I've lost when I couldn't even GIVE my tickets away. I try not to think about it. This year, however, I might even be able to get a little $ for the pre-season tickets. I'll be attending 4 games also, I can't wait!
  12. I would not assume they've held tickets for groups unless they're repeat groups.
  13. I had a hard time too, bought 2 online (needed 6) had to call in (tried for 30 minutes) then hold for 15, ended up with 4 in the Family Section, and had to split them up 3 and 1 to do it. Agent said there would be nothing left but singles. There are club seats available starting at $179.
  14. No kidding - was online at 6 am this morning to buy some pre-sale tickets for a friend. The website wait was 30 minutes and it took me 45 minutes to get through on the phone. I'm limited to 2 transactions, and total of 6 tickets, per game. The agent told me that the only thing available for the season opener now is club seats (starting at $179 each). I do see there are some good seats on eBay.
  15. I always liked Taylor. But accuracy is easy when you're not in imminent danger of being crushed by an opponent. Most of what I saw when he played was him running for his life. Russell Wilson is accurate while running for his life (which he wasn't on that last pass in the SB), if Taylor has that skill I'll jump off the EJ bandwagon. For right now though I think we haven't really seen what EJ is capable of. This is his pivotal year - he's going to have to show something early. IMHO.
  16. bLet's get real about Tuel. During his combined time at WSU and the NFL he won 2 games. Granted he didn't get much NFL playing time but having watched his college career, he didn't deserve it.
  17. Doesn't surprise me at all.
  18. Meh. He had a chance to have a say in the matter. Now it's just his opinion, and he's entitled to it.
  19. Notice just went out to Season Ticket holders - from 4/28 - 5/5 we can buy up to 8 seats each. I'm not sure what's "exclusive" about it, except maybe there is access to better seats?
  20. Stones put on a great show last time in Seattle at the Clink (Century Link Field). I'm a Club Seat holder and will not be flying back for the concert. I haven't received any information from the Bills yet in terms of when they go on sale, how much or how many tickets I could buy. I'll keep my eyes peeled.
  21. I would take a STD over Tuel. He sucks. I can live with Cassel. At least it's not Sanchez.
  22. Kiko WANTED to go. Don't know why. I wish him well and hope he doesn't regret it.
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