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Everything posted by blzrul

  1. I would imagine they probably wanted to laugh but figured that Bush would sort of expect them to stand up for him.
  2. Seems to me like a certain Governor of Illinois ran and won on taking on corruption. I am not saying Palin is corrupt, but what does "taking on corruption in her own party" MEAN exactly? That she's wiped it out? Didn't she support Ted Stevens? Didn't she also fly her family on the state's dime to events that they were invited to and then fudge her expense accounts? And etc. Whoever replaces Clinton is for New Yorkers to deal with. The Constitution sets forth only very minimal requirements for our repesentatives, as the founding fathers believed that in a government "by the people", represntatives could and should come from "the people", not the "aristocracy". So if there are a bunch of incredibly stupid, incompetent corrupt or evil people in Congress the natural conclusion is that the American people got what they wanted...or if not, what they deserved.
  3. That's true but sadly a lot of the tactics that were set afoot during the Reagan years (wasn't his VP a .... Bush?!) can be traced back to Reagan. Remember Lee Atwater ... may he burn in heck? I'm not saying Reagan condoned them ... but he certainly did nothing to discourage them. I don't think he realized how far the extremists would actually take it.
  4. My mother worked with John in support of the Foundation before she retired and she was really touched by his (and his family's) passion to get justice for victims and their families. The death of Adam was a terrible tragedy - the circumstances were so frightening it still gives me chills - but in the work of his family he will live on forever.
  5. Your thoughtful, well-articulated and constructive posts are - and I am certain everyone agrees with me - a definite asset to this forum. Keep it up. You make a very good argument for your side.
  6. If our current situation (war, recession etc) has taught us anything it's the perils of going too far to one side, or the other, or center. Obama seems "extreme" to those on the far right, but I never took him to be a lefty. Kucinich? Yep. Nader? Pretty much. Obama - not really. But, he's not in office yet. So we'll just have to wait and see. 34 more days.
  7. In answer to the question posed by many on November 3, 2008: Yes, the Republican party really is THAT stupid. In the face of one of the toughest challenges this country has faced in years, instead of being part of the solution the RNC is seeking to fan the flames of partisanshp and keep America divided...even the guy who defines partianship is objecting. I can only hope they'll keep it up. It will provide a great deal of humorous distraction and ensure their party is even more marginalized next election. "Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich isn’t happy with the Republican National Committee. In a letter addressed Tuesday to Mike Duncan, chairman of the RNC, Gingrich slams the committee for releasing a recent Web video that seeks to connect Obama to embattled Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich. In a nearly three-minute spot entitled “Questions Remain,” the RNC seeks to raise questions about involvement by Obama or his staff in Blagojevich’s alleged plan to award Obama’s former Senate seat in exchange for political favors. Gingrich calls the video a “destructive distraction” and asserts that the national committee “is engaged in the sort of negative, attack politics that the voters rejected in the 2006 and 2008 election cycles.” Instead, “Republicans should be working to help the incoming president succeed in meeting” the “real challenges” the nation is facing, Gingrich writes to Duncan. When Republicans believe Obama is wrong, the GOP should “offer a better solution, instead of just opposing him,” Gingrich also wrote. The letter ends with Gingrich’s suggestion that the RNC “pull the ad down immediately.” Gingrich’s letter echoes recent comments from Obama’s former rival, Sen. John McCain. In a television interview Sunday, McCain also took issue with the video. “In all due respect to the Republican National Committee,” McCain said, “right now, I think we should try to be working constructively together . . . on the economy stimulus package, reforms that are necessary.” The RNC has not responded to CNN’s request for comment+
  8. Yeh...that's partially my dilemma. I can refinance OR I can continue to pay extra principal, reduce my term and save interest on the current loan AND take advantage of the market and buy another house or condo...in this area, affordable rentals are in very short supply. I am really torn and what's holding me back is not the financial aspect so much as the fact that maintaining two pieces of property is a headache I don't need. So maybe I'll go for the condo or townhome...
  9. But ... what was the result of that action? I guess at this point what is really holding us all back is confidence. Like I said, a 4.5% 10 year fixed is good and if things don't budge we'll probably do it, but it is irritating that the rate is so high given where the funds rate sits.
  10. I certainly would not want the job Obama is about to undertake. I am still stymied a bit about the interest rates though. I got a 5% fixed 30 year mortgage in 2004. Right now the best I can do on a 10 year fixed, with points, to refinance, is 4.5%. The talk is now all about a 4.5% fixed 30-year rate...which I am not yet seeing. I'd expect then to see a lower rate for the shorter term - yet everywhere I look I still see 5, 5.6 and up. I will still go for this refi, because my payments (I currently pay extra principal each month but that would only shorten my term by 13 years) would be about the same... I'm just going to wait a couple of weeks to lock in assuming the 30-year drops in the next few days. With 30-year fixed at 4.5% I would expect to see, for a shorter term with points, something more along the lines of at least 3.5% or 4%....it's a little frustrating.
  11. He's pretty good at shooting the sh-- too...so maybe you Turds ought to be careful. Oh dear, I wonder if this will be interpreted as a threat?
  12. Given that he'd have to be even worse than Bush II to be a failure - I suspect there wouldn't be a need. Worse than Bush will have to involve global thermonuclear war. Or "thermonukular", for you Turds.
  13. Rumors are the funds rate will be cut to .50 p/c...or more. Rationale stated is that since real estate is driving the crappy economy, lower rates will make mortgages more affordable, etc etc. However, the rate is already pretty low, yet mortgage rates haven't come down - Treasury bills are holding somewhat steady. So what's it going to take? I understand a disincentive to save, but slashing interest rates hasn't done squat so far...
  14. I would take McNabb, and I think it would benefit Trent a lot. A lot of people freak out of Brady, Cassell etc and their talent but what they don't acknowledge is that they each had a GOOD QB from which they could learn. Trent had no-one to emulate. The Bills have gone for years picking guys as if they were ready to go, but they've not had anyone to develop them. McNabb is pretty talented with good work ethic and leadership skills and I think he would work with Trent to help him be ready to be a more effective starter.
  15. And should he turn out to be a competent, even a great, President, the sheeple on the right known as Turds won't admit it anyway.
  16. I wasn't talking to you. As a former firefighter with arson investigation training, I know he will get caught. Most of them do. And then there will be one less reason to discuss this because, deplorable an incident as it is, we all know it probably wouldn't be a topic for discussion on a national basis if it was not for the connection to the 2008 Republican VP candidate.
  17. I agree. Unfortunately taking the high road doesn't work so I reply to the nitwits in kind which is, after all, about what they deserve. Regarding the arson, it should be possible to find out who did it even given the vast expanses of geography from which the perp could have come. It may well have nothing to do with Sarah Palin except that being her church, it would garner the attention the culprit craves - that's why many of them do it. I would be very surprised if a building this expensive didn't have a video surveillance system - many do, and I am assured that Alaska is every bit as techno-savvy as the lower 48. I recall there was a guy bombing temples not that long ago who was caught on glorious tape. The loners ae a little more difficult to catch than the stupid juveniles, like those who cut a swath through the rural south a couple of years ago.. Even if it was a group of outsiders, there's always one who can't keep his stupid mouth shut. Arsonists don't want to be caught but they almost can't help it because the reason many of them burn is to create excitement...and they usually can't help but stick around and watch it. If the arson was a political or religious protest, there would have been some kind of statement issued by now. In any event, I would imagine it won't be too long before someone's caught.
  18. Sure thing: Jarheads Wackos Bombed etc Funny thing that you don't seem to look at the lies, accusations, drivel and other outrageously vile and nasty stuff posted by the right. I have just thrown in the towel and decided that if you can't beat em, join em. However it seems like the double standard is alive and well ... because while it's A-OK for the knuckle draggers to be profane, obscene and purely stupid, when someone else responds in kind... You can't handle it. Free speech is so liberating. I don't know why you wingnuts who so revel in it, would try to deny others the same pleasure?
  19. You might be surprised.
  20. Oh sure, gotta safe full of them right in the fambly room. I keep my teeth in a glass on top of it. Did I mention my husband was USMC / sharpshooter?
  21. Actually we were Catholics.
  22. No, don't confuse me with Wacka. Wacka is the pedophile. I am perfectly safe around small children. Do you have a problem with Indians? Ah just what we need, another PPP racist.
  23. And the FBI before that. Our line was tapped when I was a kid. My mom used to end her calls with "Goodnight Mr. Hoover".
  24. But you probably think renaming every airport and national monument after Ronald Reagan is a great idea, right?
  25. No, I always ahve a comeback. But I learned to love FREE SPEECH which means I can say whatever I want to. Palin is yesterday's news. Pedophilia however is not. Some would say that your Kool Aid avatar is a dead giveaway, as you try to lure unsuspecting children into your evil clutches. Who are those "some"? I don't have to answer that. It's FREE SPEECH. I learned about FREE SPEECH from watching Fox News.
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