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Everything posted by blzrul

  1. Oh you're just saying that because it's Christmas and you got caught in a moment of weakness.
  2. Never said I didn't. Face it, we are pretty much the Land of Misfit Toys here. With a few notable exceptions I find qualities to admire and respect no matter where in the political spectrum one resides.
  3. It's "doofus" by the way. I was just advised by a friend in the business from my last job that Flying J has filed for bankruptcy. I think people see Flying J and think of truckstops but they also have a vast network of refineries and a complex logistics/delivery network too. It will be interesting to hear what's behind this ...
  4. Now don't be so harsh. Just think of Tom as our own resident Cliff Klaven. Irritating as hell with his know-it-all attitude, but lovable in spite of it all.
  5. Well I owe Bush an apology. He's created 100 new jobs, at the factory of the shoemaker who produced the now-famous shoes. Apparently this guy has had over 300,000 inquires / orders. And so it goes.
  6. The KERMlin? Really?!
  7. By the way, yesterday was Bristoal Palin's due date. The baby is apparently a boy...I found a list of potential names om the web. I kinda like the first two. Tractor Budweiser Johnston Goalie Dragon Johnston Rake Trinket Johnston Bronx Mowgli Palin Levi Johnston, Jr. Any favorites in there? Of course you know if the baby's late enough those who claimed that Trig (Trig?! give me a break) is actually Bristol's first "oops" will have a field day.
  8. Where's the Kermlin? Somewhere in Kajerkistan?
  9. Good point. Bush tried to eradicate the middle class and almost succeeded. This would, ironically, have been the ONLY thing he'd ever succeeded at in his life. Unless, of course, you consider !@#$ing up (at which he excels) to be his goal...in that case, he's definitely a standout.
  10. It is pretty funny that people from Alaska, who take free oil money they don't work for, want to withhold assistance from others. I personally would like to see GM and Chrysler disappear but ... the timing is lousy. They have us over a barrel now, because the economy is so bad, with so many jobs lost, losing another 1-2m jobs at this time would probably put us into a worse tailspin. I yelled at my Congressman and got a 2-page letter back explaining their viewpoint (and he voted against the Wall Street bailout, both times) and I have to grudgingly admit that something has to be done. Not for these stupid companies but for the rest of us. I'm starting to think this situation is far, far worse than many people realize. We could just be at the edge of a precipice...of course, I've noted all along that greed and fiscal irresponsibility have got to have consequences, and here we are. I personally am freaking pissed that I have saved and invested all my life, I owe nothing but a reasonable mortgage, yet I am losing my nest egg AND will be paying for greedy pigs and fatcats forever, as will at least the next two or three generations. But it is what it is. If we still want to thumb our noses at OBL just before we give him that lethal injection, we're just going to have to suck it up and work together to get ourselves out of this mess. Because right now the US of A is looking pretty damned weak and stupid. First we panic after 9/11, allowing our government to behave an an un-American fashion, and then we "do" ourselves to death financially because we have no self-control. This could be another one of those chapters that future Americans point to proudly as to how we are survivors. Or not.
  11. I note that some stations, due to the economy, are now going off the air in the evening. If these cable news stations were to follow that lead, then they wouldn't have to stretch to fill up 24 hours with "news". With the web, many people are getting their news on demand anyway without having to be subjected to commercials LifeAlert, Cialis, Viagara and the screeching of Nancy Grace ....
  12. Amy Winehouse album maybe.
  13. One has to wonder they why you'd speak out against someone when you obviously know nothing about him.
  14. But, Rush Limbaugh is STILL a big, fat idiot!
  15. He was referring to The Stand. Read much?
  16. The people I know who worked for her didn't share this experience. I suspect that she's neither as bad as you think, nor as good as I think. The truth is usually, like most things, somewhere in the middle.
  17. I like to see the Republicans served with their own sauce. Franken wouldn't be any worse than the incumbent, who's already the target of two investigations/lawsuits.
  18. No, the title was a question. These little "????" thingies are called "question marks". Most of us learned about them in second or third grade perhaps?
  19. Yeah, I can imagine. I've worked for three giant bumbling corporations in my lifetime, and also did a stint in a couple of large civic organizations. What it takes to get things done would piss off the Good Humor man..I am sure the federal government is FAR FAR worse and to be honest I can see where sometimes you'd need to run roughshod over folks. And most staffers aren't planning to be lifers, it's a stepping stone. And most don't make a whole lotta $$ either. I decided against running myself because there is no way I'd have the patience to put up with the @#$. I watch C-Span and I've been to Congress and listened to it all. I am much better behind the scenes pulling the strings. Louise did tell me you need to have a very thick skin and not be afraid to hurt feelings, and get your own feelings hurt. It's a brutal environment but if you want to get something done you sometimes have to slash and burn.
  20. Well he DOES check first to see how they're hanging. Flags that is.
  21. It is odd that Louise isn't in contention. But perhaps she isn't interested. She is closer to 80 than 70 you know, although she certainly doesn't look it. I've known Louise since I was a kid. Say what you will about policians and $$$, she is still in the same house on the street I grew up on, and she doesn't put on airs or seem to have a bazillion dollars to throw around. She's pretty much the same as she ever was - she was a very nice lady but even as I kid I knew better than to act up because I figured justice would be swift and furious...
  22. Didn't you see the names of the rest of the kids? They're worse! I wonder what would happen if someone wanted to name their kid "!@#$ing !@#$ @#$#@ #$#@ @$". How would the board of vital statistics deal with that in preparing the birth certificate?
  23. Please point out to me where I stated that ANYONE'S RIGHT TO FREE SPEECH WAS BEING INFRINGED UPON? Of course Shoprite could refuse to serve this moron and I am glad they did. Likewise I am NOT surprised that WalMart didn't think twice. I wonder if the kid's name was Osama bin Laden Smith if there would be an outcry? But...yes this kid's gonna grow up to be like Karl Rover, what with all the beatings he's going to take.
  24. Where do these nutjobs come from?. And now that I think about it, wasn't there a big fuss not that long ago over a statement that WESTERN PA was racist. Hmm. I guess you were right to be upset - perhaps it's EASTERN PA.
  25. I have a suspicion that she's kinda testing the waters herself...yeah she's campaigned some, but never on her OWN behalf. I don't think this tour is to sell others as much as to sell herself that it's what she really wants. I have always thought that Cuomo would be the frontrunner and he's definitely got political experience. I guess you have to decide whether that's a skill that's needed to succesfully pull New York state out of the depths to which its sunk this past decade.
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