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Everything posted by blzrul
Obamas change - cabinet already under investigation
blzrul replied to VABills's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Have you take a good look at Rick "Goodhair" Perry lately? His is darker, and his features more of a Neanderthal (but then, he's a Republican). Both of them out to be wearing plaid sportcoats and selling gently-used Edsels or Yugos. -
Obamas change - cabinet already under investigation
blzrul replied to VABills's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
But he didn't pull anything. Hey I have agreed that Blago@#$@#$FIU@RYvich ought to be locked up if he did what they say he did. I'd love to kick him in the ass myself. -
Obamas change - cabinet already under investigation
blzrul replied to VABills's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Not that anyone here cares about the facts but, not only does Obama not yet HAVE a cabinet, as already pointed out, but Richardson is not the target of this investigation, which has been underway for awhile. The subject of the investigation is CDR, a CA company which received payments totalling about $1.5m in 2004-2005 for work on a NM transportation program. Allegations were made that there was "pay for play" in getting the contracts, via someone in the NM government. CDR and its CEO together combined to contribute $110k to three political committees that were formed by Richardson. There have been no allegations of any money going to Richardson, or that he benefited in any way. The investigation has been in process for awhile and was expected to have been completed by now, meaning that the path to confirmation for Richardson would be clear. Since the investigation is not done, and with the Blago234erfe@$"vich mess hanging in the air, Richardson decided it would be better to step aside now rather than to add an additional distraction. Nice try. -
You must hate freedom.
Meanwhile in the rest of the world
blzrul replied to /dev/null's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Kinda like you masquerading as a homo sapien, eh? -
Roland Burris named for Obama's seat
blzrul replied to erynthered's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Oh, BiB was the only one on this board to whom I'd ever explain anything. Probably, because he understood. I believe that Mr. Adams is merely trying to do his best to help our blubber-chewing buddy to get through the long, dark, cold Alaskan winters - the best he can. Raising the ire is...better than .... raising nothing, eh? -
I would imagine if Joe the Plumber and Kahlil the Camel Driver were able to sit down and slam back a few brews and compare some notes about how their religious leaders and government had sold them each a bill of goods about the others' beliefs...and then have a frank talk about values (like raising their kids to be good people, maybe take a real vacation every so often, have a safe place to live and enough food to eat)....they'd realize we aren't that far apart after all. And maybe they'd be pissed at how they fell for all the institutional bull sh--.
I have NFL Sunday ticket but this year have been Tivo'ing most of the games...then end up not watching them anyway because the Bills lose. Not sure what to do about the season tickets, I have had them for so long, the seats are good and I can usually sell them. I guess if I can't sell them in 2009 (and if the team continues to suck) I won't renew them when my contract is up.
He was elected in 68 promising to end the war. He didn't. He was relected in 1972. So you are telling us that there were no casualties in those 4 years? Were you even BORN then? By the way, our victorious "retreat" from Vietnam was 1975. Hate statistics? Then don't look here.
How about Farve to Buffalo for a one year deal?
blzrul replied to Tipster19's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
I am all in favor of signing a veteran QB who can help Trent develop. It ain't Favre. He went to the Jets, inflated everyone's hopes, tore the team apart and got the coach fired. Just what we need - a complete meltdown. When you look at the good QBs today most if not all of them had the benefit of at least a year on the bench behind a veteran. Trent didn't. I think that a Kurt Warner, who's a mature, TEAM PLAYER, would be a good addition. I don't know who's available but Favre has made it pretty clear he doesn't give a rat's ass about developing anyway. He is only out for himself. And it shows. Dumbass - should have stayed retired as a winning QB. Now he's a laughing stock. Once again, too much testosterone and an over-inflated ego drives a really bad decision. -
I am not sure I see anything that rivals "I am not a crook" although in the grand scheme of things I think Bush is definitely responsble for at least as much overall death and destruction (Nixon's failure to end the Vietnam war, in spite of making it a campaign promise in TWO elections, cost another what, 20k American lives and countless Vietnamese and other?).... We got past Nixon, it's going to take longer to dig out from under Bush and his messes, the key is to learn from his mistakes (and ours). Otherwise, it's just going to keep happening.
Roland Burris named for Obama's seat
blzrul replied to erynthered's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Don't flatter yourself. ME obsessed - what do I look like, CNN? They can't let the Witch from Wasilla go...of course maybe if she'd shut her dumb mouth, they would...the latest is her statement that baby momma and son-in-law-to-be-someday are not "dropouts". Although they're not actually in high school any more...and Bristol is getting her diploma via "correspondence school". Maybe that's another Alaska thing, what with the large geography and all you have to get your edumacation from "Close Cover Before Striking" University? -
Roland Burris named for Obama's seat
blzrul replied to erynthered's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
I am fully aware of this you moron. That's why I brought it up. With the election of Barack Obama the race card just isn't much of an argument any more. Racism isn't dead, alas, but there is absolutely no room for argument in this case, with the position that's already been stated by the Democrats, to try to use it. Naturally the media is going to dreg up the argument, knowing that the ignorant, unwashed wingnuts are going to be all over it...sucked YOU right in didn't it. I bet you're still pissed over pigs and lipstick. -
Roland Burris named for Obama's seat
blzrul replied to erynthered's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Very flattering that you are so concerned about what I think. Gratifying even. I was embarrassed for Burress. I cannot imagine why he would put himself in such a ridiculous position. It's already been stated that whoever Blagoesfj3rjfijchivych appointed would not be accepted, and if anyone seriously thinks that the "race card" would be an effective leverage...why, they must be Republican, or perhaps a blubber-chewing, tobaccy-spitting, gun totin Alaskan. But seriously. The Burress I would have expected to see appointed by Blagoesfj3rjfijchivych is not from IL but is currently holed up somewhere in NJ wondering if he'll ever see the light of day again. It will be interesting to hear what's on the tapes. I am almost starting to think that the weakest part of the feds' case may be in the seat-for-sale arena. From what I've heard and read, Gov Goodhair II did no more than shoot off his big mouth about selling the seat, but unless he actually offered to do so (and it can be proven), he may only be guilty of being a major dumbass. I suspect that what will convict him is the strong-arming of the Tribune, etc. It's highly possible that they jumped the gun on this BEFORE he could go far enough, in order to save the President-Elect, and the country, from what would happen after he appointed someone and the conversations came out. -
I believe the Palin in-laws-to-be prefer Hillbilly Heroin. As to the Palins, I believe they have some sort of natural chemical thing going on that keeps them out there in their own private Idaho. Ho. Ho. Ho.
Hello? He lives in ALASKA. His GREAT UNCLE is named "Trig". He fits right in.
Biden to Lead Task Force on Expanding Middle Class
blzrul replied to UBinVA's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
I really don't care, to be honest. But it is true that he was mentioned as a replacement within days of the election and he said he wasn't interested. I am sure his dad would much rather have his son stateside but he respected his son's decision to honor his prior commitment. So it would seem as if he has some integrity, which is something sorely needed in American politics these days. -
Like people from Alaska know a lot about competent leadership.
But, how would you KNOW?! He's already A Big Fat Idiot...so it would be hard to tell.
It's very easy. Just do it.
Biden to Lead Task Force on Expanding Middle Class
blzrul replied to UBinVA's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Beau Biden could have been appointed, and freed from his military obligation, and he said NO. -
If I didn't know any better I'd think you were my husband...but I know his screen name. He's counting too. She was due last week. But the first child is often a little late.... Of course you and my hubby are thinking maybe the Trigster was the first, is that it. Whatever. Let's just let the Palins...ALL of them...go quietly into that good night and never be heard from again...
Biden to Lead Task Force on Expanding Middle Class
blzrul replied to UBinVA's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Tell that to Queen Dick. You really don't believe Bush thought up all this stuff on his own did you? He's essentially pretty lazy. Cuttin brush is more his style. World domination and war for profits is all Uncle Dick. Or, you may prefer to call him Queenie. -
Good one. Actually I didn't mean the actual shoes (and I bet they weren't really destroyed, someone's probably building a shrine with them as centerpiece), I mean selling this style etc of shoe on eBay. If someone would want a Palin turkey and a celebrity's snotty used tissue, I am sure people will buy handmade shoes.
I wonder how long before they pop up on eBay... I also have a vision of a dump truck pulling up to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue sometime this Christmas and dumping a whole load of nasty old shoes right out front. It would be appropriate.