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Everything posted by blzrul

  1. Aren't YOU a pig? Well of course you are. That's why I've blocked you for years. A MAJOR pig and EXCELLENT representative for your side. So excellent. Pig. It's too bad Alaska is so pretty, I hate so think of it as populated by pigs and ignoramuses. But alas, so it seems to be. Oink.
  2. NIXON WAS A GREAT PRESIDENT?! I would love to know WHERE you got THAT impression?!
  3. It was and that makes me think that someone else has obtained AD's login.
  4. First time I've seen those specific arguments. And Cheney took his death-ray, he didn't leave it for Biden.
  5. That would be the best way to state the fact IMHO.
  6. oh now you're just being downright silly. looks like i'm going to have to start blocking you again.
  7. Two people haven't seen FEMA. And are there no FEMA officials left from Bush's era? What do they do, all immediately pack up and leave the building empty with the new administration? Obama has been in office 16 days. If he'd announced that he was going to focus on staffing FEMA becuase it was more important that the economy, what would your reaction be? I seem to remember everyone doggin New Orleans because until the local people ask for help, the feds can't intercede. Nice try.
  8. I have to tell you- I got clobbered by the IRS last year for unpaid taxes. Turns out my husband got a distribution when his company was bought. The 1099 went to the IRS, but my husband never got his. (He was supposed to have downloaded it from the website, he remember...when prodded.) Next thing you know the IRS is asking for $24k. OUCH! I couldn't figure out what they were talking about - I was looking in my banking records for big deposits etc.... Finally figured it out. Called my accountant in a panic and his response "oh this happens all the time". Filed the amended return, coughed up a couple grand in tax, and that was that. And as I told my husband last night, his stupidity will preclude my ever running for political office. I don't like tax dodgers and I am not defending any of these people but sh-- happens.
  9. "Beshear [Gov of KY] asked Obama for a disaster declaration to free up federal assistance Thursday, two days after the storm hit, and Obama issued it hours later. Trucks loaded with supplies began arriving at a staging area at Fort Campbell, Ky., on Friday morning, said Mary Hudak, a spokeswoman for the Federal Emergency Management Agency." linky You can't even get a service tech to call you back within a few hours. And Friday is the day after Thursday. So the FEMA response was pretty good. The National Guard was on the ground almost immediately. Whether the Gov waited too long to assess the problem and reach out for aid, only he can say.
  10. Given the suicide rates we're seeing the military these days I suspect war is not a good thing, at least not for them. (KBR would argue.) Of course the wingnuts will counter that the soldiers who commit suicide are somehow "defective"...because REAL MEN (and women) can HACK IT and only pansies would commit suicide. Not having ever committed suicide I can't say for sure, but the people I know who have done so took that extreme action because the pain of living - with whatever their unique burden - was simply too much to bear. That type of pain is something I hope I never experience and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Anyway - when you join the military you know you may have to kill people. In the abstract it may sound ok. But no-one ever knows exactly what it means until they're actually called upon to do it. That's why war should really be a last resort instead of a policy.
  11. Cost us the damned 1988 AFC Championship when he got called for a personal foul against the Bungles when the defense had otherwise stopped them on 3rd down. We could have had our first Superbowl loss 2 years early!
  12. Puhlease. I can't help it if he picked her for a running mate. Fact is, she is more extreme than he is. That's why she was perfect for a guy who is no longer handsome and needed to appeal to the wingnuts. I bet you've got a automatic paycheck deduction going to SarahPac right now.
  13. Also you can go to one of those companies that hires barracuda ex-IRS agents to get you off. THEN you can do a TV commercial bragging to the populace at large who pays all their taxes how you settled with the IRS for pennies on the dollar. Win-win!
  14. He's saying "we're @#$@#$ed and here's what we need to do to fix it, and we CAN fix it." Funny how people are selectively hearing only that we're in trouble. Of course, we KNOW that. But the politicians in DC are doing just fine thank you. They're using to dicking around while the people suffer. As a leader he's trying to instill a sense of urgency into the moribund DC bureaucracy to MOVE. Come on - for the price tag of this thing, in "normal" times, it would either take months to go through or it would be killed out-of-hand. He's nurturing it along as best he can.
  15. A hallmark of the Bush administration was denial. Perhaps it was outright ignorance, but I just think it was denial. They just didn't understand the reality that most Americans had to deal with. Obama knows it's bad and also knows to deny it would make him look like an idiot and further undermine confidence. American people are tough - yeah we'd like to hear "everything's fine, don't worry be happy" but we know that's not the case. So tell us the truth and we'll roll up our sleeves and work to deal with it as best we can. Obama knows that people who are worried about losing their jobs and their homes are NOT about to tap into whatever savings they might have to "spend our way" out of a recession. If the financial markets were secure, doing so might help, but we're still on a very shaky foundation. The TARP handout was supposed to shore up that foundation, and clearly it has not. Yet another piece of shoddy legislation shoved through in a knee-jerk reaction. (Patriot Act anyone?) I think that there are a LOT of good ideas in Washington that can be tapped to build a creative solution. What Obama is trying to do is to get people to talk, and listen. A big spending bill was written - it was a stake in the ground. He didn't expect it to sail through. But you have to start somewhere.
  16. Many of his views are extremely conservative, but his running mate was the true extremist.
  17. I think that Louisiana, Alabama, and Mississippi take turns. No matter - Texas is grateful.
  18. Long BLEACHED hair. I thought she was awesome when she wore her brunette hair short. It was so chic, and she didn't look like all the rest of them. Oh well. It's her hair and if she likes it good for her. Too bad her husband's team lost (not). Just think how desperate Jerry Jones will be in 2009 ...and how much more satisfying therefore when Tony Romo chokes again in Boss Hawg Stadium in front of the 3 people who can afford the price of admission....
  19. It's actually Texas that claims to be a "whole other country"...which is true. Another saying in Texas is "Thank God for Mississippi", which means "if it weren't for Mississippi, WE would lead the nation in teen pregnancy, child poverty, high school dropouts...etc." I think MS might be pretty in some areas, but I don't see myself doing more than passin on thru. :-)
  20. And what happens when Iraq elects a guy who hates us, and who we hate? Will you be crowing about that too?
  21. I think Obama should do just like Bush and bring in inexperienced cronies with no knowledge whatsoever of the job they're about to undertake. That was one of Bush's most successful strategies after all - lowering the bar.
  22. Sarah Palin didn't get the female vote. This guy IS familiar, he's on Bill Maher a lot. That said - I think the GOP will be judged more on how they act toward Obama particularly in the beginning. While I am not sure I think the "economic stimulation" legislation is all that, the fact that they are trumpeting their unity in standing against it, is not going to do them any good. I was pleased to see the two moderates step up to go through it - that's how the process SHOULD work. Don't shoot the whole thing down, work together to make it good. Of course "good" is purely subjective....as in an International Airport in Mississippi....ugh... and other totally wasteful expenditures.
  23. How many of these CEOs who've run the company into the ground are the same people that actually started them? I don't have a problem with risk and reward. I am typically willing to take a risk and it's always paid off. I hit the executive level ten years ago, worked really hard and got rewarded very well. When my son died I found I really didn't care that much and so I opted to let someone who did take over. I don't begrudge anyone the fruits of their labors, but I'm saying that a CEO who !@#$ed up so badly that his company needed a billion-dollar bailout from the government does NOT deserve a bonus. Pay for performance. They gambled, they lost. If the problem wasn't so deep and if the implication for our economy wasn't so dire - I'd say flush them all right down the proverbial toilet. They're lucky they have jobs with income and benefits. Plenty of innocent people who were not greedy and fiscally irresponsible are now wondering how they'll pay their bills due to these scumbags and they do not deserve one dime.
  24. Why would I want to do that? I have no desire to run a company.
  25. The GOP is better at the art of "window dressing" than the Democrats but...I don't know that this guy is an empty suit. He may have been selected to counter the black President, but he's also reputedly moderate and willing to be reasonable. If that's the case, and if that means that the GOP will start fielding more viable candidates than the extremist nitwits they've liked for so long, great. It remains to be seen whether this guy will take the reins firmly in his hands or whether he'll turn out to be a "front" with the same pinheaded wingnuts pulling the strings. I certainly hope the latter isn't the case. I, and most Americans, are tired of political parties whose ONLY goal is to win at any cost, and the people be damned.
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