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Everything posted by blzrul

  1. It is kinda funny - as usual they're window dressing, spending their time and energy talking about what they're gonna do, instead of just doing it. Obama's team won because they just did it. Well, when I lose my job and home, I'm gonna park my car in the 'hood and await their arrival. And we thought that Karl Rove's rapping video was a fluke.
  2. And didn't he tell non-believers to "shove it" if they didn't like it? Well, that's one GOP plank that we're all used to.
  3. I think the choice of words was unfortunate because OBVIOUSLY people homed in on "coward" and not the context. Maybe that was intentional. But I tend to agree...it's a very emotional and often divisive topic, yet it should be addressed because honest, constructive discussion usually helps walls come down. However people shy away from it, either because they don't want to give offense or they don't know how to have the conversation.
  4. Yeah, but no-one cares what you think anyway. Responding to a purely rhetorical question proves that you are too dull to engage in a real, rational conversation.
  5. I guess it depends on whose statistics you believe. The first group says 1200 a year. I think that's more likely.
  6. I am not sure anyone knows what it's supposed to be - my first thought was that it was that chimp who attacked the woman and tore her face off...but what that had to do with the stimulus bill I couldn't say. So then I figured ok well he's saying that a trained chimpanzee could have written the bill... It's really sort of a bad cartoon. Good thing for the cartoonist that there are reactionary idiots like Sharpton who suffer withdrawal if they aren't making public fools of themselves on a regular basis. I imagine Obama, if he saw it, probably laughed, And yes, Bush looked much more like a Chimp. A Smirking Chimp, to be exact.
  7. Excerpt from American Institute on Domestic Violence (link) The Human Factor 85-95% of all domestic violence victims are female. Over 500,00 women are stalked by an intimate partner each year. 5.3 million women are abused each year. 1,232 women are killed each year by an intimate partner. Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women. Women are more likely to be attacked by someone they know rather than by a strange And perhaps more recent statistics: Some quick facts on domestic violence in America show disturbing trends: * Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women between the ages of 15 and 44 in the United States; more than car accidents, muggings, and rapes - combined, according to a 1992 staff report for the Senate Judiciary Committee. * One woman is beaten by her husband or partner every 15 seconds in the United States, the FBI reports. * Every 21 days, a woman is killed by domestic violence in America. * More than a third of U.S. adults have witnessed a man beating his wife or girlfriend, and that 14 percent of women report that they have experienced violence from a husband or boyfriend, the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found in a national survey. ...this sort of wicked domestic violence is not limited to any religious or ethnic group. Last Christmas Eve, Bruce Pardo of Montrose, California shocked our collective consciousness when he dressed up as Santa Claus and killed 9 people at his in-laws’ house, shooting an 8-year-old girl in the face before taking his own life. Police said Pardo had no criminal record or history of violence, and neighbors knew him as “a friendly man” who regularly attended his local Catholic church and always volunteered as an usher at the 5.30pm Sunday service - the Children’s Mass. ----------- And didn't I just see a husband was arrested in Buffalo today for stabbing his wife to death? What the freak is the MATTER with you people in Buffalo? Perhaps we ought to just build a big wall around Erie County and let you kill each other off. Now, doesn't that sound STUPID?
  8. Well the only answer then is leave now, while you still can. Or we'll have you singing KumBayAh before you know it.
  9. I would never make the mistake of thinking I could convince him or any one of them. But nevertheless it is a lot of fun to watch them spin up until their little pinheads explode. Because, you see, their approach is to try to intimidate and insult people who don't think like them. The next step would be, of course, for them to behead me or fly an airplane into my office building, because I am so alien to them I certainly must be a threat to their little pinheaded way of life. Right? Christian men are after all without sin, eh? No religious extremests there!
  10. Since you've apparently stopped the Lithium I do hope you are still taking your blood pressure meds. Take a chill pill. It's ALL bad. But talking ONE incident and claiming that millions of other Muslims are just plotting to chop off their wives' heads is ludicrous, even for you. If I were to claim that all religiously-oriented wingnuts were sexual perverts and hypocrites based on the actions of that mega-preacher guy in Colorado, not only would the Chief Hypocrite ban me from the board, but you'd all fall down foaming at the mouth. Of course if I made the same statement about [h]Elliott Spitzer, you'd high five each other. Of course you will never admit you're not so pissed off by the ACT itself, you're pissed off that a Muslim did it.
  11. I expect any time now Dick Cheney will claim that THOSE are Saddam's WMDs
  12. You mean as in the Bush Administration's refusing to grant asylum to these women? Although I will say, they finally (maybe) saw the error of their ways (link). The big picture is that, as John Lennon so aptly stated, "Woman is the '!@#$' of the world". I am sure there are some cultures where women are revered (although I don't know of any that are still in existence) but in most - including ours - women are second-class citizens. And the men who commit these atrocities have all sorts of "reasons", excuses, and half-assed justification. The Q'ran. The Bible. Whatever. Women just aren't quite people, so whatever a man does to them is just a-ok. You are looking at relatively isolated instances and attributing it to the entire population of Muslims. That's as stupid as the Protestants who promoted the fallacy that Roman Catholicism preached and advocated human sacrifice. (If you want to hate Muslims and lump them all together as vicious murderers, go right ahead. Somewhere in the Muslim community, your counterpart is doing the same thing. And hopefully some day you two will run into each other. Have fun with that.)
  13. Kelly, most people on this board wouldn't know the big picture if it bit them on their arse.
  14. Thank you. That is EXACTLY the point. To blame this on a religious affiliation is just plain stupid, bigoted and narrow-minded. This is a problem that transcends religion, race, economic status, nationality, ethnicity. It can even, in fact, transcend gender ... but I am sure the statistics will bear out that more women are the majority of the victims in domestic violence situations.
  15. I don't think you are qualified to represent my mindset, any more than I know what's on yours. I am not an economist either, so whether these are good decisions that won't make things worse - I can't say. But I do know that the economy is built on confidence. Too much confidence, and things go haywire...people come to their senses and things adjust. Too little confidence, and things tank. As we have seen. Obviously that's an oversimplified statement but at the root of everything are very human emotions, which need to be addressed. I didn't like spending a bazillion dollars last year to bail out banks, and I'm not that thrilled about spending a bazillion more now. However - I do believe that it's time to invest in this country. To the extent that our roads and bridges are improved and we have new industry, the bill's a good thing. The alternative - tax cuts - was a joke. Didn't work before, won't work now - not alone. You need something that puts people to work, and a little something to give them hope. Doing nothing? While tens of thousands of jobs are lost weekly? Not really an option. Funny how many people think it is...until THEIR job goes away. The real rate of unemployment, when you add those looking to those working only part-time because it's all they can find, plus the discouraged workers who have quit looking, is around 10%. And it's not going to improve any time soon. Doing nothing is really not an option. If your liberal friends are embarrassed, that's their problem. I'd be more embarrassed to be of the party that drove us into this mess. Barack Obama and his team are extremely intelligent and have the best interests of people in mind...yeh, they'll make mistakes. Seems to me George Bush got a pass for 9/11, almost 9 months after being in office. Obama has been in office less than a month. He's going to make some mistakes...but unlike his predecessor he will ADMIT them, which is the only way you can ever FIX them.
  16. President Obama is the legacy of George W. Bush and the incompetent GOP. He has a mandate, and so does Congress, thanks to the mishanding this country suffered at the hands of the wingnuts and their misguided ideas. Obama said he was going to pass a stimulus package, and he did. He watered it down more than he should have, trying to build bridges with the GOP. Now he knows that the GOP isn't going to play ball no matter WHAT, look out. He doesn't need them and every time he reaches out and they rebuff him, THEY look bad and he looks better. The American people are totally disgusted with the GOP and it's pretty obvious that there are only a handful of them mature enough to put their country first and have a dialog with the President. For the last 8 years "The Decider" and his party strong-armed their wingnut agenda any way they could. Along comes a guy who asks them to work with him, and they have a hissy fit and insist their way is the only way that will work (when it has already failed). The bill is what it is. Anyone who thinks that Obama's "vacation" doesn't include a good portion of time spending reading the bill in its entirety, although he's pretty familiar with it already, is a simpleton.
  17. Considering you're the "person" who doesn't know it's the Secret Service that's responsible to protect the President, not the CIA, I highly doubt it.
  18. OBL made it quite clear after 9/11 that he knew he wasn't going to beat the US militarily. Only a fool would think that was possible. He stated that his goal was to bankrupt us. Mission [almost] accomplished.
  19. Get real. You make it sound like it was written from scratch in a couple of hours and voted on without any review. Kinda like the Patriot Act you all love so much. It was written over a period of time and gone over, particularly by the GOP, with a fine-toothed comb. And now you're bitching because it's not signed within seconds? Maybe the President wants to read it one more time. If he signed it right away you'd B word that he probably didn't bother to read (understandable given the precedent set by the previous Administration). And are you THAT naive that you think as soon as the ink's dry the recession will end? No-one believes that and no-one ever claimed it would. Silly boys. Now you're just clutching at straws.
  20. You might be surprised.
  21. KD is also a moderator and he is a reasonable person. It may be possible to get away with posting stuff like this in terms of the moderator but since all this stuff is public it could well come to the attention of agencies who may be concerned with the imagery. Wouldn't that be a hoot.
  22. Thoughts and prayers go out to family and friends of the victims and the community at large. This is devastating all around. As a firefighter I attended a seminar on responding to plane crashes, and dealing with the aftermath. It was very difficult, not physically but emotionally. You don't expect to have to deal with that as a small-town fire department. So in addition to the immediate victims I pray for the first responders who will also carry this with them forever. Please be sure, someone, to post and pin any memorial fund/etc.
  23. When the day comes that I rely on filthy statements like the one above, I'll agree with you. I may go after people but I can do so very well without filth. There are lines, and then there are lines. You may indeed be as ignorant and uncouth as you present yourself, but even a "retard" knows better than to cross certain lines. What that makes you and your little toadie from Anchorage - I couldn't say. What I will say again, is that I've blocked you for years with good reason and my only mistake now was actually reading a few of your stupid, narrow-minded and ill-informed posts. By the way, I love Alaska. It's a beautiful place. I have friends there. And even they admit that the big problem with their state is the influx of losers who can't make it anywhere else.
  24. I'll have to do some more digging but I believe that this arises out of a case that happened where a young girl was kidnapped, raped and murdered by some guy (naturalized citizen) who managed to fly under the radar ...he did have some run-in with the law and officials were very frustrated that had his identity and background been detected during this routine detention, she might have been spared. If memory serves he was from southeast Asia and had either been a suspect or convicted of similar heinous crimes and somehow managed to conceal his identify when he entered the US decades ago. But maybe not...I don't like this law much myself. In principle it sounds good to ID the evildoers, but once the govt has a big DNA database then we're all at the mercy of some low-level clerk to code and read the results properly or the wrong person could end up on death row...
  25. She is a piece of work isn't she. Ugh.
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