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Everything posted by blzrul

  1. Maybe you should remove your head from the depths of your bowels and take the time to read the article rather than immediately figure out how you are going to flame the poster. If you bothered to read the article you would know that STATE governments contracted with financial institutions rather than CREATE ADDITIONAL bureaucracy by adding headcount etc to their unemployment divisions. This is something Republicans love...shrink the gov't by letting the "experts" do it. So the banks do what they do, and stupid morons don't read the fine print and then whine about banking fees. Which by the way most debit cards carry. There's no such thing as a free lunch, ever.
  2. So with the news being all recession, all the time...wouldn't you think that people might have learned? Just a little? Obviously not. Of course, I am not blaming the bloodsucking banking industry 100%. I think the 30 states that awarded them this business and let them do this bear partial blame and should immediately yank the contracts, particularly if the bank was part of TARP. But HELLO, the people who DON'T READ THE FREAKING TERMS AND CONDITIONS are going to CONTINUE to be "victimized". Yeah, I understand not wanting to delay 9-10 days when the bills are due. But read the bleeping fine print and then be sure you use the card in such a way as to minimize the charges.
  3. Has anyone ever looked at the "percent" tax rate that people paid under Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, Carter etc?
  4. March 13, 2009 White House approves of Cramer smackdown Posted: 05:44 PM ET From CNN Ticker Producer Alexander Mooney Many declared Jon Stewart, right, the victor in his face-to-face with Jim Cramer. (CNN) — Jim Cramer's now-infamous appearance on The Daily Show Thursday night even won the attention of President Obama, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said. At the White House Daily Briefing Friday, Gibbs said he and Obama had discussed the CNBC host's grilling from comedian Jon Stewart, though he wasn't sure if the president had actually seen it. But for his part, Gibbs said he "enjoyed it thoroughly." "I thought [stewart] asked a lot of tough questions, and I am not surprised that the video of Mr. Cramer's appearance doesn't appear on CNBC's web site today," Gibbs joked. It's not the first time the White House Press Secretary has mixed it up with a CNBC host. Late last month he called out reporter Rick Santelli over his tirade against the president's mortgage plan. Related: Stewart seen as winner in showdown with Cramer "I…think that it's tremendously important that for people who rant on cable television to be responsible and understand what it is they're talking about," Gibbs said then. "I feel assured that Mr. Santelli doesn't know what he's talking about."
  5. A journalist should just report the news without adding an opinion. That's what the news is supposed to be. Although in PRACTICE it is a joke, the "we report, you decide" slogan is what news should be. People should get the facts and make their own decisions. Someone who is making a recommendation or rendering an opinion is fallible ... and people should consider that. Even the ads for investment firms and financial advisors clearly state that there is risk involved and it's up to the individual to assess that risk and make an informed decision. I deplore snake oil salesmen, and I will agree that the media outlets who position some of these people as "experts" are somewhat irresponsible. But I still think that individuals need to do their homework and if they don't it's their own fault. I am not really disagreeing with you...these guys are just one piece of a whole lotta people and process that screwed up and hurt a lot of people.
  6. Well, if they are experts in their field and they are sincere but make mistakes...c'est la vie. It's still up to the individual to do their due diligence before they decide to believe anything that anyone tells them.
  7. People who rely on TV to tell them how to invest shouldn't be investing.
  8. Moronski, I started selling Ethernet and was using Arpanet a LONG time ago. Fact is, I was just calling out an irony. I guess you are a strong supporter of the media and believe everything they say. No? Then the only reason for you to wiggle out from under your rock and throw little stones is because of a personal issue you have with me. That's YOUR problem.
  9. Struck a nerve eh? Well actually you have one Dem representing you and the rest would be .... GOP. And there's an interesting list of your governor's requests. Shall I post those too? Did anyone, in fairness, mention that this is the budget that was prepared in 2008? Yeah, I wish they'd done it over. I wish a LOT of things could be done over. The modified it somewhat....not enough. The CW says if Obama countenances (look it up) another one like this, he's toast. Seal DNA? WTF?
  10. And speaking of earmarks, which state got the highest $$$ per capital? The average per capita is around $22. The highest state is a tad over $209. Anyone guessed it yet? You got it! That bastion of government-hating freedom fighters: ALASKA. You can download the spreadsheet yourself from Taxpayers for Common Sense. If you don't like the numbers, let them know
  11. So are you saying you WANT the military there? Or not?
  12. I don't count you as one of "the guys". Sorry.
  13. About the same time you got smart. oh. never mind.
  14. Obama: No U.S. troops to Mexico border for now “We’ve got a very big border with Mexico,” the president said. “I’m not interested in militarizing the border.”
  15. I agree. The decision NOT to marry was probably in the best interest of the child. With the whole world watching what's going on with a couple of kids, it was probably not the easiest decision.
  16. He's an actor. It's fake. I used to work about a mile from the studios where they did a lot of the Walker, Texass Ranger filming and in fact they shot a number of scenes right outside my office window...I watched the stunt double do a lot of kicking, punching and getting tossed in the Mandalay canal....
  17. Man you guys are really slowing up. I thought the personal attacks would have started immediately.
  18. So they're already NOT in the US and they are going to STILL not be in the US. Big news.
  19. OK so it was made formal today, the current chief of Seattle PD is nominated for drug czar. Since I live outside the city I don't pay that much attention...never heard him speak until after the Veep introduced him. Then...I .... recognized....the....accent. Sure 'nuff when they summarized his experience he'd been with to PD's in FL and ... "Buffalo, NY". Hence, the accent. The danged Polish freaking name should have clued me in - If I could spell it, I'd have used it. Kerliowske or something like that. Dang. With a moniker like that he should be gov of IL. Anyway, he's gotta be a Bills fan. Just gotta! Does anyone there remember him?
  20. Oh Warren is just grumpy that he lost $25b in the market and is now BACK behind Bill Gates, #2 richest man in the world.
  21. And for a third take, Katie Couric just mentioned the 3,000 new jobs. Yippee. I get FierceWireless feeds and ABI Research feeds in addition to Telephony. Sorry, don't have the emails on this PC and may have deleted them. I guarantee a quick Google for news of March 11 / AT&T will bring up a list.
  22. Well, in the long run as long as they remain civil to each other, he's a good dad (MEANING HE PAYS HIS CHILD SUPPORT) it's probably just as well. Nothing is worse for a kid than to have parents who hate each other living under the same roof. But is America ready for a Chief Executive who's eldest child is a baby momma? Hmmm...
  23. THERE IS A GOD. LET 'EM GO, AND HOPE MEXICO INVADES. Chuck Norris for president … of Texas Posted: 06:58 PM ET From CNN's Lauren Kornreich If the State of Texas ever left the Union, Chuck Norris is interested in being president of the newly independent country. (CNN) – Actor Chuck Norris has his eyes on the presidency, but not the White House. Norris wrote that he would be interested in becoming the president of Texas, if the state were ever to secede from the Union. “I may run for president of Texas,” Norris wrote Monday in a column posted at WorldNetDaily. “That need may be a reality sooner than we think. If not me, someone someday may again be running for president of the Lone Star state, if the state of the union continues to turn into the enemy of the state.” The actor claimed “thousands of cell groups will be united around the country in solidarity over the concerns for our nation” and said that if states decide to secede from the union, that Texas would lead the way. “Anyone who has been around Texas for any length of time knows exactly what we'd do if the going got rough in America,” Norris wrote. “Let there be no doubt about that.” Norris was a strong supporter of Mike Huckabee’s presidential bid, and he helped to draw attention to the former Arkansas governor’s campaign.
  24. Why on earth would you come to THIS forum for OBJECTIVE INSIGHT?!
  25. i have that luxury since I don't work there. By the way, AT&T Mobility is in Redmond, WA... in half the buildings they used to be last I heard. I don't work there either.
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