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Everything posted by blzrul

  1. My point is they'll all put their little toys away and we won't hear from them again. Good cause - stupid implementation.
  2. Amtrak runs between this corridor and it's disgustingly slow. One could in theory with high speed rail commute from Bellingham to Seattle / Seattle to Portland, etc.
  3. What part about the three public sources did you miss? You could even read the IDC report if you wished, it has NUMBERS in it. The pushback was "oh well that was driven by XYZ", while of course being irrelvant (because the numbers are real) was just plain dumb. My response was that it's a different group, which is public.. In addition had the nitwit bothered to read the articles: the gain was posted by surprisingly strong sales to U.S. consumers. Last I checked, EDS doesn't sell to consumers. "Insider" doesn't always mean what people think it does. I know the industry, I know a number of the companies and most importantly I KNOW HOW TO READ.
  4. no, i didn't. I worked in consulting outsourcing/managed services for a number of years ... I work with a number of OEMs...nothing proprietary in any of that.
  5. You might be surprised... Too bad for you I cannot share insider info. Suffice it to say that I am in the business and I what I am talking about, and if you don't believe it, I won't cry.
  6. I think if the proper corridors are chosen it's a no-brainer. Building high-speed rail for the sake of high-speed rail would be dumb. I would like to see more investment in light rail. But I am pleased that there is high-speed rail slated for the Pacific Northwest, although in the fall and winter we have issues with snow and mud/landslides wiping out our tracks locally.... But if you look at the travel patterns for air travel I am sure that some would emerge that could be addressed by high-speed rail efficiently. The other part of this initiative is the MUCH needed upgrade of the current infrastructure (grades, crossings etc). I worked with the Big 6 railways a few years ago on projects to use wireless technology to improve many aspects of their operations and learned just how much room there is for improvement....those upgrades alone will improve travel and save lives.
  7. Did anyone perchance note the Obamas' taxes? Let's see, he made 139k from the Senate and she made about 65k from her job. The essentially donated those salaries (about $176k) to charity and paid something over $800k in taxes. The rest of the income he EARNED from the sale of his books. I guarantee his taxes didn't go down. It is really funny that those idiots out there screaming about taxes yesterday were focused on Federal, which will decrease for most of them. They should be more focused on state and local because THOSE are increasing and WILL impact them more. However, their little movement got hijacked by politically motivated morons that have now discredited them. They really don't have a platform now. But I hope they got it all out of their system and enjoyed themselves as much as we enjoyed watching them.
  8. oo oo! Now GREAT-GRANDPA has joined the fray, wishing that Levi would buy diapers! Well, Palins, you shouldn't have dragged him into the limelight during the campaign. You can't unring the bell. Just proof that Bill Clinton doesn't have the market on "tawdry" and "tacky".
  9. This is 100% related to PC equipment, not consulting. That is a separate division. Competition for the HP consulting organization which includes EDS comes primarily from IBM Global Services in the US at least. Sad fact is that Dell has really gone downhill in its products and customer support.
  10. Well by most accounts (scratch the extreme left and right accounts) there were tens of thousand across the country. Probaby not enough folks to fill the average Obama rally. But I hope they all feel good that they exercised their right to scream. Apparently I should not have believed the "spokesman" who claimed this as an apolitical statement ... because either it never was or they let themselves be hijacked and used by the wingnuts. In any event that will cost them their credibility. I saw a video this morning of a women dressed in full clown regalia stating that they're doing this to fight "taxation w/o representation". So that are just a bunch of stupid freaking morons. Too bad - it really had possibilities.
  11. -Tracking and freezing assets. -Pressuring the companies/countries who sell them the boats and armaments (I haven't bought grenades lately, do they get 'em at Wal Mart?) -Calling in naval/shipping experts to craft possible solutions? Sounds like a good start ... should have happened years ago. I also heard discussion with a member of the coast guard, and a shipping guy, about barbed wire, which I mentioned yesterday and they believe it is one very good option. And it's probably pretty damned cheap - it's been used before with success.
  12. Ya gotta crawl before you can walk. This didn't happen overnight, it took years to get here and it's gonna be a little slow on the uptick. But if it will make you happy, life sucks and then you die.
  13. Consumer shipments of PCs have beat expectations - per IDC (press release issues, pubilshed on WSJ.com) link. HP led the charge in the US, with a 12.2% 1Q09 increase over 1Q08. It's bad...but it's got to be at or near bottom. a link another one if you don't like that one
  14. Oh you mean like these right wingers who got their little ... uh, pea-brains...all excited over Sarah Palin's accusing Obama of hanging with "terrorists"?
  15. Actually, you moron, I didn't mock them. One of your own even agreed wtih me. I support their right to protest. I support anyone's right to counterprotest. In other words, I don't give a damn. Only nutjobs at the extreme end of each political spectrum seem to have their shorts in a bunch over this.
  16. I was not referring to ACORN and party affiliation, but to the Tea-Bag people. And what I said was, the Tea-Bag people stated THEY are not political. If they really are - they lied. If they are not, then ACORN is stupid for thinking they are. Maybe I used too many long words? Or are you just a dumbass?
  17. oooooohhhh maybe like picked up the phone, talked to the affected governors about their plans, had FEMA standing by, you know the usual stuff. For Christ's sake, many of us have more disaster preparedness in our basements and garages than the feds had for Katrina. And as King of the Feds, the buck (much as he always dodged it) DID end with him.
  18. I own the movie but enjoyed the live performance more...David Hyde Pierce was the BEST Robin! Of course I could have done without that Lady in the Lake thing....
  19. He doesn't know what he meant. I think he's just high from seeing Alaska Week on TDC all week this week, pretty heady stuff. Or perhaps he's trying to figure out how to spend all that earmark money, what with Alaska's cut of the take topping the other 49 states and all... It has to be overwhelming. Good Dirty Jobs Sunday night - the dog part was fine but they really seem to like shoveling frozen excrement up there in Alaska. There seems to be quite a bit of it too.
  20. So what if ACORN wants to come out and counter-protest? It happens all the time. Maybe what this means is that ACORN is dumb too and thinks this is a Republican wing-nut movement. In which case, then, it's as bad as you believe ACORN to be, because they have categorically that they're not political and are not affiliated with, or interested in being affiliated with, a political party. I don't really see what is the big deal. Let people protest. This is America.
  21. That would have been a dead giveaway...of course they start predicting those things DAYS in advance and what with ADHD and all I could see where it would easily become old news, particularly IF it happened to also be Brush-Cuttin Season....
  22. So you are saying he was a victim, eh? Arguably he might have had little control over prevention of catastrophes, but he certainly should have had some control over response, and that what he's been held accountable for. There were warning signs - some subtle, some not - for ALL of those major catastrophes. Their damage could have been mitigated by paying more attention and taking appropriate steps. THAT is what the President is accountable for, and at THAT he failed.
  23. :-) Have you seen the musical? I saw it on Broadway twice...better than the movie.
  24. Yes, they didn't mind being taxed but they objected to being taxed and not having representation in Parliament. And yes, it does seem kinda silly. These guys are just bitching about who's spending the taxes, and how. I guess they're just not a creative bunch. That being the case I can see why the thread originator jumped to the conclusion that they are Republicans. But they're not. It's harmless. I don't know what the problem is. People have a right to complain, and I don't see anyone in THIS administration calling them in cahoots with the evildoers for expressing their disagreement. How refreshing is THAT.
  25. No thinking allowed.
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