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Everything posted by blzrul

  1. What part of the word "guess" don't you understand? That's the word I used. I stated nothing as fact - not knowing, all I could do is guess. That is opposed to stating something as a fact without any real proof of its veracity. Even a DFI would know the difference if he wasn't a bona fide pinhead who is bound and determined to stomp on someone just because he doesn't like his or her politics.
  2. Well all one has to do is read above to know that we agree on LABills being a !@#$stick.
  3. Uh no, I didn't. I actually headed a delegation to my congressional office presenting 3-inch thick stack of signatures on a petition NOT to invade. So I am pretty clearly on record as not in favor of it. Since at the time I lived in Armey Dickhead's district (26th TX), his replacement Burgess being only a slightly more refined version of the Texass Republican, naturally voted for war. But I did not support it, and would be better pleased if the current President could have seen his way to end that war sooner.
  4. Speaking of elections...this may be another thread but I am surprised not to see much (or any) discussion regarding those states that are quietly enacting legislation that would compel their Electoral votes to go to the winner of the popular vote... interesting. I presume by "winner of the popular vote" it means in their particular state, clearly casting votes for the winner of the overall national popular vote would be subverting the will of the people if the particular state went for the erstwhile loser...? I have not seen this legislation, I believe it has already passed in 4 states (Hawaii...IL....NJ....? somewhere else) and is under consideration in WA. I am not sure whether this is good, bad, or indifferent, but would certainly like to know more about it. Is it a yawner or is it really flying that low under the radar?
  5. No, I concluded that you are DFI because I never SAID I knew what things cost and instead of discussing it, you attacked me personally, as always. I could say the sky was blue and you'd puke all over it. So I see no point in trying to be civil with you. Now do me a favor and block me.
  6. In the sense that all this murder and mayhem is happening because these people fighting for a share of the huge market for these drugs in America, you are correct. The "simplest" answer is to decrease the demand sufficiently so they go away. Far easier said than done. The world is waiting for your brilliant solution, keeping in mind that these people will go over, under, or around any big wall with barbed wire, vicious dogs and watchtowers you care to erect - because the market is here, and rewards perceived to be well worth the risk.
  7. Actually, no. Afganistan - yup. Iraq - nope.
  8. Coming from a dumb !@#$ing idiot like you, maybe Jesus will take pity and answer. I do not know what it costs but I presume there are: transportation costs, guard costs, and more. Janitors being so highly-paid and all [sarcasm here, since you are such a DFI] I cannot fathom the delta being so HUGE in terms of savings, except that the costs may roll to a different budget hence keeping this cost center looking "better". Certainly the housing, medical and other operating cost attributable to the prison system are not going to be charged against this project. Those are costs that are already being incurred. The real question is "what does Sheriff Joe think?". He's the expert. Personally - if the state has no money to pay their workers, and if the union won't negotiate, then this is not a bad solution assuming the work to be done is essential and the public can be protected. Certainly it's returning some benefit to the tax-paying public for feeding and housing these people.
  9. Oh I dunno, we overthrew and entire government, pissed of half the world and killed and maimed a whole bunch of people, at the cost of $10b per month in order to "protect America". You guys seemed to like that ok.
  10. That is one of my all-time favorites! My boss and I laughed until we cried....literally. ( and - is anyone REALLY going to pay $900 for a Sony netbook with chicklet keys? How stupid is that?)
  11. Naw, he's ok. I don't take him personally. We even agree sometimes.
  12. BINGO! One more funny thing - apparently some FauxNews on-scene reporter got caught red-handed inflating the numbers. Off camera but on-mike pre-rally, he asked for a crowd estimate and was told about 5k. On camera he decided to START at 5k and then go up to 15k. Quite a delta. Must have been a slow news day.
  13. Yea. Ya gotta spend on off-the-book wars and bailing out your buddies' savings and loans (that your son !@#$ed up) and of course reducing income by cutting your buddies' taxes, letting their largesse trickle down to the little people...that is the way to economic prosperity.
  14. Looks pretty Republican to me. Had I known !@#$ Dick Armey was behind this, there would never have been a doubt. Next, we'll see what Tom DeLay has up his sleeve.
  15. It doesn't say what it will cost to have the inmates do the job...I guess it's just tranferring the cost from one place to another. Nothing is free, ever.
  16. That is priceless. I hope Burris enjoys his short term in the Senate...ugh.
  17. Actually more than once I stated I thought it was good to protest the way government spends our money. I still think so. But somewhere along the line, from when this "movement" started in February, it's gone from being a protest against government spending to a right-wing sponsored anti-Obama movement. The Republican Party has claimed this as its own and was even using it as a fundraiser. They broke it, they bought it. Seeing Joe the Plumber as a spokesperson leaves no doubt - next time you probably won't see very many Libertarians or Democrats. At least not the smart ones.
  18. Did someone post this in this thread somewhere? Stupid Republicans.
  19. There is so little that's "inside" these days. But in any event I did not offer to share any info...nor was I advising anyone to act. I was merely pointing out the surprising fact that HP's PC group actually increased sales, which is surprising, and got sucked into a swirling vortex of bull sh-- because some nitwit didn't read the articles and decided that because I posted the links it had to be wrong. :-) Fancy that.
  20. And if she actually LIVED in that state and would benefit from it, she wouldn't be bitching.
  21. Oh don't be so modest. You are BOTH right.
  22. Doesn't make me an insider. I'm not.
  23. Fox must be very concerned about possibly losing its position as THE Anti-Obama network....
  24. My issue with this that a GOOD IDEA - voicing objections of the bailouts and they way they are spent - turned into an anti-Obama cause BY A POLITICAL PARTY. This isn't about Obama - Bush started the first round of payouts. Where were the wingnuts then? I lost money in the crash - not my original investments but certainly a good portion of my earnings. I have no debt other than a mortgage and usually pay cash/debit. I resent like HELL bailing out giant bumbling corporations and greedy, irresponsible and ignorant nitwits who bought sh-- they couldn't afford. (Probably a lot of them were out protesting Taxation Without Representation yesterday). HOWEVER I also recognize that if the entire financial system collapses we ALL go down with it. I also recognize that 6.1 million people collecting unemployment is unacceptable. Family values - you know? Answer me this, wingnuts: when Bush I bailed out the savings & loans, where were you?
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