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Everything posted by blzrul
There's a point
I was catching up last night with an old wingnut buddy I'l call "Air Force Boy". He was whining about not being able to get ammo. When I explained to him that he and his other wingnut buddies were the cause of the shortage not "Obama taking it away" he admitted that it was available, but the prices had shot up and he didn't want to pay them. Then he laughed and said well that's capitalism. My husband's first comment was "why doesn't he just get a reloader" and then "that's why I joined the Marines and not the Air Force." :-)
Really? No live witnesses? Except the Navy SEALS and all the video footage. Not to mention Captain Phillips, who probably got some blood spatter on him. It must get dark and lonely with your head stuck so far where the sun don't shine. Oh then again, perhaps you're right. I bet those pirates were in reality third cousins to Obama would could attest that not only was he not born a US Citizen but is indeed a Muslim and intends to deliver us all over to Allah...thus, he ordered them silenced forever, using our brave soldiers as his unwitting instruments of death. Yea, maybe that's it. You could be onto something there.
Anyone remember the Hartman sketch he did of Bill Clinton "jogging" (then stopping in at McDonald's and about every other fast food restaurant on his route)? Funny stuff. Warlords.
Wait until they dissect it on Fox News.
Michael Savage banned from entering Britain
blzrul replied to Fingon's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
I know that. Surprised to see it is all. I get free tickets - will be there in row 2 on Sunday morning. Well afternoon really game starts at noon. Surprised to see an Ohio fan unless you like either Sigi or Drew that much. -
Mundane noodle!
Michael Savage banned from entering Britain
blzrul replied to Fingon's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
What's with the avatar? -
Sure do. I believe it's easy to get you all torqued up, over nothing. KaBOOM.
Here's one from a friend I consulted on the topic of those who take exception to the President authorizing the US military to use deadly force to save an American life in this situation: "As a Army Reservist (ret), the breed of people who think this way are the cowards that would never THINK about sacrificing their lives....." Not my words. Someone who was willing to kill or die for strangers and believes that "they had it coming." I am sure Obama does lots of other stuff you can pick on, but I don't think many people would disagree with the decision except for blindly partisan idiots who would rather have seen Capt Phillips shot or beheaded, live and in person, all in the name of partisan politics.
I don't have any problems with the principle but if after 6 years it's not working, as someone WHO WAS THERE seems to imply, they why keep doing it? Isn't that the definition of insanity? Remember the same people who predicted dancing in the streets and greeting our troops as liberators came up with this program. Had they been right about the former, the latter would probably have been a good idea. But they weren't. Either way things are going to get rough. But after 6 years the Iraquis should be able to take care of themselves.
Ask your Congressional representative to investigate then. It's your right. But if the investigation then spills over to the military personnel who carried out the orders and impugns their integrity...you can live with that. You are the only **** who seems to have a problem with this, but you have every right to ask for an investigation. Which you would if you had any cojones. Instead you'll just continue to harangue a handfull of people who largely think the bastards had it coming.
Interesting isn't the word I'd use...I just would like to get our people the hell out of there and back to their families. They may be heroes but they are human too and have certainly done a fine job in tough circumstances. Enough is enough. And in light of what you say - we might as well save our money.
And the **** state of Alaska, where no-one lives, got the MOST per capita of any state. But, you gave "yours" back, right? Uh huh.
Yes, the gov't has nothing to do with it. In fact, the gov't will try to do what it can to entice Boeing to stay. However the unions will probably be the ones to do themselves in. Obviously you can't trust a corporation to "do the right thing" by workers but many unions today go way too far. The recent machinist strike was ridiculous IMHO - you just don't do that during a down economy when the company is already losing orders ...
Seattle is the Buffalo of the future if people don't wake up and smell the coffee. There is a very real chance that Boeing could leave. HQ is already in Chicago...that makes it easier to go. I could see them moving to Alabamally where they can get non-union labor and tax concessions galore. And then in 20-30 years dumping Alabamally and going elsewhere for the same kind of deal.
1) Well, why would you want to shoot at UNARMED people? That doesn't make sense at all. It wouldn't be self-defense. Unless they had bombs I suppose but I don't see too many people running around with bombs, grenades or other stuff. So yes, get your guns and shoot if you must, but shoot at other people with guns. 2) 60-70 millions people out of 300m+ is definitely a minority. So be happy the majority lets you keep your guns to shoot at each other. For the record I would prefer that noone shot a gun at anyone. But since I doubt there are 60-70 million hunters in this county, I can't see a reason for all those freaking guns. Living in a wilderness area I can definitely see the need for a gun, but not that many people do so. I don't care if you all have to have your guns, just be responsible and make sure they don't get into the wrong hands and if you have to shoot someone, shoot someone with a gun.
Oh so it's only bad when a President designates specific people to be killed is that it?
The hugest joke of all is that a guy who can do nothing but call names and spout filth when it suits him is also a "Moderator" who is supposed to exercise some control over the degradation of communication.
I never understood how anyone could be sure that these guys getting paid kept their word. And what are they doing with the money? "Putting food on their family"? Maybe there are alternative ways to spend the money that will have the beneficial results they want. Of course maybe they're using it to buy and stockpile arms for a time when America has exited... Paying people not to kill us seems as bad as paying a ransom if you think about it - tantamount to an admission that things were WAY out of control there. As there are fewer Americans in Iraq there are fewer targets. I agree with you, either way it's not going to be a happy ending.
Like a few hundred thousand Iraqis maybe? Sure. Bring it.
The United States Congress and the BCS
blzrul replied to Keukasmallies's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Please note that it's REPUBLICAN Joe Barton from TX who has promised to introduce legislation to force college playoffs. Not Reid and not Pelosi. -
It was actually THREE. Glad to see you know what's going on in the world. Had those inept hapless pirates beheaded the American captain I would LOVE to have heard your take on THAT. How this relates to replacing Justice Souter...who can tell. Buy all the damned guns you want. Obama doesn't want your guns. And hopefully all you nuts with guns will shoot each other. Just don't take out any innocent people in the crossfire.
I'm trying to get over it....I am mortally wounded...the agony is unbearable...what a low blow.... HEY! My "North to Alaska" newsletter just arrived!