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Everything posted by blzrul
Here's a novel freakin idea: don't use credit cards. Use debit cards, like I do.
Should The Government Have The Power To Force Parents
blzrul replied to Steely Dan's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
They are rejecting medical practices which have a high degree of success, for practices which do not. If they decided that amputating his limbs would save him, would that be their choice too? A little extreme but...the child is at their mercy. I reject the idea that the child can make the decision, because his head is filled with the crap his parents feed him. He believes them. They're not lying to him necessarily but he can only make a "rational" decision if he has all the facts. His parents reject "typical medical practices" as facts. Downsouth in some places in the old days, they'd put a knife under the bed of a woman in labor to "cut the pain". That sounds silly today but no sillier than eating nuts and twigs to cure cancer. -
Should The Government Have The Power To Force Parents
blzrul replied to Steely Dan's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
In this case the prognosis was good. Here in WA we have "death with dignity" for the reasons you state, and I voted for it. But I think in THIS case the kid has been brainwashed to think the prayer, nuts and twigs will cure him. -
Send them to LA. Who'd notice?
Should The Government Have The Power To Force Parents
blzrul replied to Steely Dan's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
IF these parents refused to feed the child, let it play in traffic on I90, send it out in subzero temperatures and snow without clothing..they'd be in jail. This is not a case representative of anything but a lunatic fringe. To use this to make a general point is stupid - it's an isolated case. Yeah, they're out there but only enough collectively to prove out Tom's point that extremists are goofballs. -
Serious question on the gay marriage issue
blzrul replied to JimBob2232's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
My very good friend had her first baby totally unexpectedly (and out of wedlock) at age 42 ... so you never know. I predict that if you have truly accepted that you won't have kids... You just may. -
QUOTE (God) You're an idiot. Proverbs 6:16-17. I didn't know you were a Biblical scholar. Well done.
Christ annointed Peter, his rock, to start the church and then He died, leaving MEN to carry on. Like so many things it started out great but over time...not so good. Surely Christ didn't, for example, envision pedophile priests and torture as part of His plan for the Church? No, I didn't think so. Christ was not "God". He's one of the Holy Trinity. You worship God, and pray to Jesus as the Son and also to the Holy Spirit to intercede but there is only one God.
Bush's Pentagon mixed Bible, intelligence memos
blzrul replied to Bad Lieutenant's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
So "blessed is the peacemaker" probably headed up the "let's invade Iraq" briefing eh? -
And we all know what happened in 1968 in Chicago too.
As usually, you don't get it, in fact you totally missed the point. Or perhaps you weren't aware that when Bush was president there were "protest zones" set far, far away from where The Great Man would be. Hence no danger, and no media coverage. Today that's no longer true - people can protest right outside, like they did. And when they heckled the President of the United States of America, and the crowd reacted negatively, he graciously calmed them down saying "that's all right" until the disruption subsided. Now kindly scuttle back under your rock.
Divine my left foot. God never bestowed divinity on an institution created by man.
I watched the speech and I thought it was well done. Instead of dodging the issue, he took it on. This is one of those "agree to disagree" situations of which there are so many in life. The fact is NO-ONE knows who's right or who's wrong. That will only be known, perhaps, when we're called onward to...whatever IS onward, if anything.
Things are looking up for the GOP!
blzrul replied to Bad Lieutenant's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
I hate cats. -
I think the fact that people CAN and DO feel free to protest again proves that things are returning to normal in America. Those people are entitled to their opinions, and to express them. It would be too bad for the graduates if the protesters disrupt their day, so I do hope they will be well-behaved. Obama is not on campus to promote abortion. He's a great speaker and even if students don't agree with him it's a memory that will last a lifetime. There are always protests. This is getting a lot of press because that's what the media does. You can only stretch swine flu so far after all.
Serious question on the gay marriage issue
blzrul replied to JimBob2232's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
A marriage is a union. In that respect a union of two homosexuals is a "marriage". What's happened is that some folks feel that these sorts of unions somehow threaten the common perception of marriage. Some people just don't like change. Had the movement to legalize these unions NOT been called "marriage" but something else, and presented as more of a civil rights issue it might have been less offensive. What's a little funny is that the religious groups who freak out over these unions often don't recognize marriages that aren't performed by a religious ceremony as valid anyway. My husband and I are both "Catholic" but were married by a Methodist minister. We are legally married but with no standing in the church. The same is true of gays who are united civilly - they have the civil rights of a legal union, but probably without standing in most churches. So why the religious wingnuts can't live with that, I don't know. They have to stick their silly noses into other people's business where it doesn't belong. If homosexuality is a sin then homosexuals will go to hell after living a life ostracized by petty-minded people. Either way it's God's thing, not ours. -
Ah another "mind-reader", prophet and Dr. Phil wannabe. I'm just fine, thanks very much. I have a good life, a nice place to live and many people who love me. I don't need to feel superior to a bunch of strangers on a board to enjoy myself. Although sometimes it IS the icing on the cake. But not too often.
So then why not use "DemNocrats" as a new slur, and you'll feel better. I recall the Democrats demurred during the Repig power days, their patriotism was questioned. So I guess the answer is that Americans do want their politicians to say yes to everything the ruling power demands.
What this? obama makes another u turn??
blzrul replied to erynthered's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
"Obama suspended the military commissions by signing an executive order on his third day in office, the same day he signed an order closing the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo, and said his administration would conduct a 120-day review of the process. That review comes due next week." IF it comes back, it will not look the same as Bush's. -
Have any of you read any articles about GM dealers today?
blzrul replied to SDS's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
And it could also have been when Ford decided that selling exploding Pintos and paying out wrongful death lawsuits would be cheaper than fixing the problem. Of course Ford has come a long way since then. I think that automakers should establish regional "test drive" centers where people can drive, kick tires, whatever, and then order their vehicle direct from the factory either via an on-site kiosk, or at home via the web. Pricing would be fixed. There would need to be after-market service centers, of course...which is probably where (aside from financing) the most profitable revenue comes from anyway. -
The party of "no". I didn't coin it, but it seems apt. Those dummies got good at telling people to shove it when they were in power ... but now that they're not they're still using the same old tactics. Dumb, really, as it makes them look silly and further alienates rational, reasonable people who might otherwise identify with the party.
CNSNews: CIA confirms waterboarding thwarted another 9/11
blzrul replied to Fingon's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
I don't like Pelosi and think her reaction to this is mealy-mouthed bull sh--. I cannot really say what good she has done for her party or her country. I guess her constituents might know. On the other hand - if in 2003 she'd spilled the beans on torture, she might then have been "recalled" or "impeached" or whatever. Which wouldn't have been a great tragedy; however I also suspect that she might have been eligible to be charged with treason....at least according to the ruling party's rules. I am not sure therefore what good her revelation would have done. Anyway I would not cry if this gets rid of her. -
I am addressing your stupid personal attack, to wit: "(Though blzrul will no doubt continue to paint all future lose-lose situations as having been caused by Bush.)" I was not talking about any future lose lose situations. I wad discussing the one at hand. You have know way of knowing what I will and won't do. My observation in this forum was not necesarily complimentary to Obama, as a matter of fact. So your continued insistence in predicting my, or anyone else's behaviour, is dead wrong. What might be is not for anyone to know. Because only God knows the future, assuming there is a God. I will go out on a limb here, but I sincerely doubt YOU are God.
Bush, Obama, Race and Baseball
blzrul replied to ieatcrayonz's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Well A-Rod is a special case becuase he's crossed a couple of administrations and I am not sure really what color he is. -
Uh no, it wasn't. It was to refute your stupid statement that saying this problem of the photos and the ensuing associated bull sh-- were not results of Bush Administration actions.