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Everything posted by blzrul

  1. And you sound just like the idiot you are. As a former volunteer firefighter, I heard that all the time. Don't presume to tell me how it works, because I know firsthand. I am not talking about GOLD CREEK COMMUNITY CHURCH. My post was SPECIFICALLY about a church up in my neck of the woods. I realize that you have trouble with this but one size does NOT fit all. I don't know about GCCC. Never been. I HAVE been to the one up street a bit and it's a different situation.
  2. Jesus preached outside ... in the fields, the streets, etc. I have been to this church and it seats thousands, has a great sound-system for its BAND, a stage a nightclub would envy, day-care facilities, coffee bar etc etc etc. Jesus would probably drive them all out. Only a horse's ass like you would believe those sorts of accoutrements are needed to worship...and a bigger horse's ass than you would think those are insufficient. We're not talking "minister" here...they're not adding beds for the homeless, or a soup kitchen, or anything like that. They want bigger facilities. So if their facility is very nice and the problem is that they think it's too crowded, work an extra hour a week and add a service.
  3. Hmm then maybe he IS conservative after all.
  4. I was being sarcastic on the free speech thing. (you can't yell fire! but can you yell AIDS? Swine flu?) hee hee
  5. I'm trying to figure out what IS that nasty thing the dog dug up last night.
  6. A church up the road from us just did the same thing - gave everyone $100. They're trying to raise FOUR MILLION DOLLARS for a new sanctuary - you should see the CURRENT one! It's one of those freakin mega-churches and from what I can see they don't need a thing. Add an additional service if the current one is crowded. Ridiculous. Will they get the money back? Probably - but unless the parishoners use it to buy Lotto tickets and actually win, I don't see $4m coming back.
  7. If this guy is "conservative" then it's pretty obvious that following OM logic: a) conservatives have lots of time to goof off during the day on taxpayer-supported work time b) conservatives do not have a sense of humor c) conservatives ARE, as suspected, racist, sexist bigot knuckle-draggers Of course this guy could be a totally a-political nitwit with no social skills and little idea of how to fit into polite society. Who'd have thought that OM could actually be President of a School Board?
  8. So what's the problem? The guy has a right to free speech and guns and, after all, that's why we have a VICE PRESIDENT.
  9. I wish you would. THAT would be a public service indeed.
  10. The statement made by an aide was that the President said he would discuss it. Period. People discuss things like committing the perfect crime too - doesn't mean any action's taken. Yawn.
  11. 1) Hummer sales already suck. And what makes you think they'll have easy access to our markets? And of course why would a PATRIOTIC AMERICAN buy from a Commie? 2) Japanese assembly lines are FAR more efficient than American lines. It's no secret how our assembly lines run. Japan, Korea and other countries have taken the concept and improved it immeasurably. 3) Design ideas? ahahhahahahhahahahahahha Oh yea, GM designs some KILLER cars in those Hummers. Cripes - they brought the Camaro design back and managed to !@#$ that up - it looks great until you see the grill which is stolen from the butt-ugly Dodge Magnum. Stupid. GM exists to feed Harvard Business School case studies (of what NOT to do). GM unloaded a DOG on China. They will have to do a lot of work to make it viable. Of course they have money, and cheap labor. But that doesn't mean they're gonna come out ahead.
  12. You seem to think that suddenly China has military secrets thanks to Hummer. They don't. So maybe it's YOU who've missed the point, dummy.
  13. Yea American cars are made SO WELL that 2/3 of the American automakers are going down the toilet. I'm shaking in my shoes.
  14. The death penalty is legal in many states. There are people whose job it is to kill prisoners who were condemned to death. Supposing I decided it was ok to kill one of those "executioners" for lack of a better word? I predict the anti-abortion wingnuts would say that execution of a criminal is not really killing because they're criminals? Only God can judge whether one life is worth "more" than another. Net-net, our society countenances killing when it suits us. That's stating the obvious. If you believe in life after death then we will all answer for it one way or another, either for participating or ignoring it. No-one ever said living was easy.
  15. Yes let them get hooked on big gas guzzlers over there.
  16. Zygotes aren't babies.
  17. Well a lot of us thought Bush and Cheney were murderous bastards too. Ok to shoot them as well? Come on.
  18. I suspect what will be argued - successfully - is that this guy's military training kicked in and he was not in control... Clearly the first shot could be seen as justified but by all accounts I've seen the kid was unconscious. Even a police officer who unloaded his/her gun into a suspect in such circumstances (or probably a soldier for that matter) would be charged with murder. I guess if this dissuaded stupid kids from robbing pharmacies some good would come out of it. But it won't.
  19. Be nice Tom. People from Alasska are still using dial-up and don't want to admit they couldn't download 30 cases in 5 hours or less, let alone READ them. And you should be more sympathetic to their opinion. They probably loved Harriet Meier after all. I think this nomination is ok - she's not that far left, just far enough to balance off the far right wingnuts Fat Tony and his sidekick Clarence, plus the other two more recent appointees (one of whom gets a semi-pass because he's a Bills fan...if he were a Bill he'd probably drop the pass).
  20. I think it's a great solution. They've got a brand-new jail, and in a small town like that it would be virtually impossible for any evildoers to infiltrate and try to break them out - pretty much a sure thing they'd stand out like a sore thumb.
  21. This query belongs on the knuckle-dragger thread, can't you read?
  22. Well so do Stevens and Allito so she'll be in good company.
  23. Sounds like someone likes his entitlements, eh? I ended up donating those miles and cashback points anyway. I am not the kind of person a credit card company wants because I do pay on time. Debit works for me just fine. I don't need handouts from credit card companies. As was pointed out earlier, they're not free anyway. Someone pays for them - probably the poor slob who's charging groceries for his kids and paying a 25% interest rate.
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