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Everything posted by blzrul
Joe, don't rain on their parade. You forgot the crowning glory which is of course Ralph's enshrinement today. And tomorrow? We'll see what TO's made of for real - of course tomorrow is the start of NEXT week.
DNC now calling angry average Americans a mob
blzrul replied to 1billsfan's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Well on the other had at least he (it?) got off his duff and did something. The fact is that Armey dickhead is one of the key movers behind this. And the other is a real scumbag who ripped off lord knows how many people while at HCA/Columbia. Of course Dick Armey was the same guy that brought the world the "Brooks Brothers" revolt during the 2000 election fiasco. So he knows how to do it. The fact that THESE people in particular are so vehemently against changing the healthcare systems tells you something: that we need to do it. They're worried the feeding trough will go away. Now I see Palin's telling everyone that Trig will be "hurt" if it passes. The more dingbat wingnuts that jump on the anti-bandwagon, the better. Even my uncle the gun-totin redneck with the ray-unch has come around. He forwarded one of those moronic chain emails...I sent him a Snopes link that flatly contradicted it...he was embarrassed...he did some research...and said well geez, they're lying to me! And THAT is what the Repigs are so afraid of. -
Official Roll Call: Who will be in attendance...?
blzrul replied to Chilly's topic in TBD Annual Tailgate (TBDAHOT)'s Topics
Dang wish I'd known I coulda got you one early before they went on sale to public. Sorry. I am hoping to at least swing by the Lot to meet people. JayRosen is the only one I actually know because many moons ago we worked at the same company. -
DNC now calling angry average Americans a mob
blzrul replied to 1billsfan's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
The irony is that these people are being USED by the corporate fat cats that stand to lose money over healthcare reform. The funding is coming from "CPR" which was founded by the guy from HCA/Columbia who perpetuated the worst health insurance industry fraud EVER. Of course they would prefer people not know that...this is nothing more than the special interests against the American people, and once again they're taking advantage of ignorant, ill-informed people. And they're just busing them around from site to site. These aren't local concerned citizens. They're stupid, petty, morons. The purpose of these town halls is to discuss the reform. It could WELL be that middle-of-the-road Americans could learn enough at them to be against it. It's fine to go to a town hall and confront the politicians, but it's not fine to disrupt the meeting so that the people who came to hear and be heard cannot do so. -
DNC now calling angry average Americans a mob
blzrul replied to 1billsfan's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
OMG we are DOOMED. The sky is falling! Quick, grab your guns, head to the nearest (choose one) Gold's Gym/Luby's Cafeteria/McDonald's/Post Office and OPEN FIRE NOW. Sorry, don't take it personally. These people are COWARDS and if anyone were to stand up to them they'd run like scared rabbits. They bank on shock value and the fact that most people are civilized and will just wait them out rather than confront them. If I thought for a minute they were dangerous I would exercise my Second Amendment rights to shoot the shirt out of then all. -
DNC now calling angry average Americans a mob
blzrul replied to 1billsfan's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
I should probably apply for the rights to that name, since I coined it. However, because I can first demonstrate usage, it's mine anyway. -
DNC now calling angry average Americans a mob
blzrul replied to 1billsfan's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
The GOP depends upon the ignorant and ill-informed ... otherwise their tactics don't work! And if you question that, the fact that there's a thread on here discussing Obama's supposedly NOT being a native American citizen should be enough to end all doubts. Fact is, ignorant morons are the GOP base these days. -
The fact that a country that is more deserving of say...Earl Hickey...gets Bill Clinton is a coup for them. To them, I should say. They got validated. Bill got the girls. The normal balance of life is returned. By the way, having been in Bill Clinton's presence (1998 reception at the White House) I can attest to the man's charisma and presence. I didn't really like him and was prepared to be disgusted, but I found him fascinating. Hillary not so much. And, that's the way it was. Now, let's wait for the Tundra Twins to weigh in.
DNC now calling angry average Americans a mob
blzrul replied to 1billsfan's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
I think decanting is a good thing, for the right wine at least. -
Bill Clinton has amazing stature and is revered around the world - except in the USA. To send him did more honor to Il Nutjob than, perhaps, even Obama himself going. The deal was done before Clinton ever left the ground. The agreement was "we send Clinton, you let them go".
DNC now calling angry average Americans a mob
blzrul replied to 1billsfan's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
It is sorta funny except the callers are even madder when they find out what happened. You should not assume that these are left-wingers making the calls. There used to be plenty of reasonable, moderate Republicans who are probably disgusted with the GOP too. And they may be the ones making the calls. That the RNC is doing this just underscores that they are indeed the party of the lunatic fringe, which is EXACTLY why they are being marginalized. Face it when people like you and the tundra twins defend the GOP...well it's pretty obvious just how far-gone is the Republican party. -
DNC now calling angry average Americans a mob
blzrul replied to 1billsfan's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Bingo. Show up and engage in a heated discussion. Perhaps a logical, well-thought out argument would win people over. But ... sending Brown Shirts to disrupt the meeting. That's anti-American. When are the REASONABLE REPUBLICANS - if there are any left - going to realize they've been hijacked and get RID of these losers?! I would really like my country back. I'm tired of all this bullshirt. -
Official Roll Call: Who will be in attendance...?
blzrul replied to Chilly's topic in TBD Annual Tailgate (TBDAHOT)'s Topics
I'm going to the game, staying at Hampton Inn Buffalo-Airport Galleria. Not sure if I'll make the tailgate. I always intend to but either forget to sign up or end up not having enough time. -
on Millersport Highway? I was wondering if there's anyplace within a reasonable driving distance?
Cash for Clunkers goes...thud
blzrul replied to ThereIsNoDog's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
OMG PT Cruiser is a Neon with a box on top. Even the Turbo can barely get you up a hill. It looks cool and that's about it. -
Oh I don't know, I think it would have been fun to have had fun doing it and my father certainly had the money so that I could have gone thru undergrad and graduate school on his dime, not my own. I think it's human nature to be proud of things you accomplish, and the harder you work for it, the better it tends to feel. Of course I've met plenty of slackers who disagree. They're in every company, everywhere, at every socio-economic level. That said, I got scholarship money for being smart - that was an accident of birth. And I also didn't have to fight against poverty. Particularly in those days, a pretty white girl from a good school in the suburbs (including a private elementary school) definitely didn't have as much to overcome as a poor black or hispanic kid from city in a second-class school. I met plenty of those kinds of kids in technical school - some of them took advantage of TAP, PELL, SSI, welfare, whatever they could get, to graduate and land good jobs, and others took the money and drank it or shot it into their arms. The latter pissed me off, but that's life. The good usually far outweighs the bad. I got better things to do than stew over slackers, since they usually get what's coming to them eventually.
Long Island Teabagger takes on the FEMA Camps
blzrul replied to Bad Lieutenant's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
What the !@#$ does that have to do with the price of tea in China? -
Long Island Teabagger takes on the FEMA Camps
blzrul replied to Bad Lieutenant's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
What the fewk does the Patriot Act have to do with this? I take it you're pissed because you associate yourself with the class of "wingnuts" and feel like you were insulted? I'm just wondering why people aren't up in arms that an over-armed zealot has been caught casing "sensitive" areas. I bet a whole lot of money it would be front and center on CNN, Fox, etc and of course on the hatemongers' shows if it were a Muslim. -
Would you be so kind as to review this thread and point out exactly where I brought Republicans into this? I didn't think so. But it is telling that when some stupid, small-minded and intrusive policy is proposed YOU automatically make the link to the GOP.
Sorry - National Merit Scholar. But my best friend dropped out of school and she wasn't the only one I knew who did so. I dropped out of college and went to work, then went back and earned three degrees on my own dime. So sorry to disappoint you.
Long Island Teabagger takes on the FEMA Camps
blzrul replied to Bad Lieutenant's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Does this mean that TSA, Homeland Security etc is going to profile Catholics and Italians? Because if her name was Rema Hassoud and she was Muslim there would exploded wingnut heads all over the place and we'd be hearing about how it's them or us. -
I do know that. That's why I don't miss a chance to throw it out there. And yes, I do believe that if it could be proven that someone who was otherwise qualified was denied a job simply because they'd dropped out...it could be a cause of legal action. But, hard to prove. I agree that kids should stay in school, but there are worse things than dropping out. My own grandfather dropped out of school at age 13 because the family needed him to work. He never went back, yet he read voraciously and worked hard and retired a SVP on the American Stock Exchange ... truly the American dream. Good thing he lived in NY in the 1920's instead of East Bumfucck, TX in the 2000's....
The genuises in Texas now think that asking employers to refuse to hire HS dropouts will make the kids stay in school. I'm not 16 any more, but I knew plenty of dropouts at the time, and the LAST thing on their minds when they made their [regrettable] decision to quit was not whether they could get a job. So it wouldn't have weighed much in their decision. Of course some of them were GIFTED and absolutely could get a job...and did...the great state of TX would like employers to deny them that opportunity. What they don't mention is the alternative, which is of course a life of crime. Duh Don't these people have anything else to do? How about catching these kids EARLIER, for example...double-duh,
Cash for Clunkers goes...thud
blzrul replied to ThereIsNoDog's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Idiot. The program was intended to cost $1b and run thru November, or until the money ran out. Automakers have been "pre-selling" and collecting applications since July 1 for a program that didn't fully kick in until 7/27. More than 250,000 cars have been sold. Gee, that's terrible for the economy. Terrible for employment in the auto industry - even though many may be foreign cars, there are sales and service jobs and others riding on them. Yep, what a dud. The program succeeded beyond expectations. That really sucks. Dumbass.