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Everything posted by blzrul

  1. Who the heck could have picked that out from those monstrous season tickets? Those are the FREAKING UGLIEST tickets I ahve ever seen, and it's hard to read the damn things too. UGH.
  2. I think everything that could be said about DJ has been said (until the real season starts) but check out THIS gem from today's Dallas Morning News: Cowboys win NFC East 12:06 PM Sat, Sep 05, 2009 | Permalink | Yahoo! Buzz You may have overlooked this as you focused on how the Cowboys would replace Terrell Owens and who would start at right corner. Wade Phillips did not. "We won our division in the pre-season,'' Phillips declared after his team's 35-31 win over Minnesota. "We were 2-2 and everybody else was 1-3. "That was an accomplishment.'' Maybe the Cowboys should hang a banner in the new stadium _ as long as it is 90 feet above the field and doesn't interfere with the punter.
  3. His being where he is today is pretty improbable in the first place. I wouldn't underestimate him. I think he let Congress go "do its job" thinking a piece of legislation that arose from a consensus would be a good thing...clearly the children cannot play nice and he's going to have to speak up. I think he did wait a too long, but not too late. Overall what happens when people stop listening to wingnut hysteria and understand exactly what "reform" entails, they don't have a problem with it.
  4. Well it didn't take long for you wingnuts to immediately defend this guy. You will note that my original posted pilloried BOTH parties and I wasn't politicizing it. So much for your whining about how everything is an "us versus them" situation - you make it so. At least you're consistent. And I read about Charlie Rangel this morning and thing he's either arrogant or thinks his constituents are stupid. Nowhere will you find me defending him any more than I defended the idiot IL Gov or the doofus who replaced Obama.
  5. I keep hearing the Bears were 13-3 under DJ as if it's gonna happen here. I agree the team needs leadership - this team seems to lack that and "chemistry". That said I would love to be proven wrong. The way I see it: when you have a QB you think has talent, you build the offense around him. Looking at what the Bills have "built", either the Bills staff doesn't think Trent has any talent OR they're satisfied that his talent is dink-and-dunk passes and the Bills can win that way. Not much to choose from either way. They're obviously wrong on the latter - regarding the former, we won't know until he goes somewhere else I suppose. Seems like they were right about JP since no-one picked him up.
  6. I guess I waited too late to unload my season tickets
  7. and have the misfortune to have a pre-existing condition. my brother's wife was denied healthcare benefits for the birth of their first child because she admitted she was pregnant when they married...my husband has type i diabetes through not fault of his own, which costs us thousands in OOP annually even WITH healthcare.... ah those pre-existing conditions, great reasons to deny coverage to people who pay into their healthcare plans. Obama's error in all this is letting the rumors and misinformation go too far. There are NO plans for the feds to own all the hospitals, hire all the doctors, and manage the whole freakin thing. There is plenty of room for improvement in the current system that will benefit people who would otherwise fall thru the cracks. There is a great article in this morning's Seattle Times that discusses how local fire departments are more and more being used as "mobile emergency rooms" by people who have no healthcare options. The particular FD discussed spends 80% of its time on these sorts of calls. Multiply that out, even at lower percentages, and there's a cost that could be at least partially recovered. Show me a system - any system - that couldn't benefit from overhaul every so often. Things change and failing to adapt is, well, failure. The refusal to discuss options and focus instead on spreading misinformation and fear is politically motivated and just damned stupid. Sitting down together to have rational discussions would be beneficial to everyone i the long run.
  8. Idiot. What I don't understand is where these politicians get the idea they can get away with this stuff? I don't know if they're really THAT arrogant or just plan fewkin stupid. Then again...Marion Berry got back into office and that POS DeLay is dancing with the stars so...I guess they realize that if they hang in there long enough we'll just get tired of being outraged.
  9. What a noble cause. Have fun with it.
  10. Even if that is true, it's counterproductive for me to sit around stewing about it. I have enough left over for me. Do I have a yacht? Nope. Floatplane? Naw. Do I sometimes worry about paying bills? Yep. But I can't do a damned thing about the slugs and if I am giving them my money I am also not about to give them my time and sanity. The thing is for every pig out there who leeches off the rest of us there are legions more who quietly persevere. We hear about the leeches. The others, not so much. But I guarantee you that the leeches are far outnumbered by good, hardworking people who have no desire to do anything but be productive members of society.
  11. When people make so little that paying tax would put them below the poverty line, why tax them? Once they go below that line then they're eligible for services that cost a whole lot more than the measly 5k in taxes they might owe. The idea is to keep people working and paying as much of their own way as possible. Once they get ahead then tax the bejeesus out of them like the rest of us. I am officially on record as not caring a thing about paying taxes. I suppose if tomorrow I was told I could keep all my money, I'd be pleased. But since that won't happen, I don't worry about it. Most people don't mind paying taxes. What they mind is how that money is used.
  12. Wiley DJ is trying to lull the competition into a false sense of security, thinking that the Bills suck as bad as they ever have... tee hee. Seriously didn't the Bills sleepwalk thru last pre-season and then completely STUN the Seahawks? And that was when the Hawks were healthy and coming off another winning season. And then the Bills sleepwalked thru much of the rest of the regular season. Sigh.
  13. We need to consider what "rationing" means. What about a guy who's 88 years old, has had a number of health problems, and "needs" a speenectomy to remove a cancer, which may (or may not) have spread. The surgery could kill him. Or it could give him another 6-8 months. Or less. And it's going to be expensive. What do you do? If it's your dad or grandad, you want him to have the surgery. But is it a good use of taxpayers' dollars? This is what happens today. And it will happen no matter what health care reforms are implemented. What will, hopefully, change with reform? The decision will be made by the patient, the patient's family, and the medical team. NOT THE INSURANCE COMPANY.
  14. Seems to me FAUX News refused to broadcast an Obama national address and it was considered to be within the networks' rights.
  15. Anybody here on Twitter? I'll be flying most of the day Sat and am not gonna bring my netbook so it would be nice if someone tweeted when you're meeting and where...we'll be up for some wings. And beer.
  16. Oooooo really? Come to think of it, if the Repigs really want to kill healthcare reform, forget about pulling the plug on granny. Just start the rumor that low-cost Viagra, Cialis and all that other crap is excluded from the legislation. Think you've seen screaming before? Hoo boy.
  17. Would also cut down on the irritation of dealing with morons who can't spell any better than they can reason.
  18. I believe most of those are also excepted from the "regular" DNC list. Those I tell to take me off their list when they call, and they do. Robocalls? Hang up. Easy.
  19. So what you're saying is that Canadians don't like to jerk off as much as you do?!
  20. Better bump this up, I forgot to be afraid today.
  21. Well given that the forum topic is clearly PHOTOS OF TED KENNEDY then I can only surmise someone was exercising their Second Amendment rights to hold a gun to your silly head and FORCING you to read a thread whose topic is obviously not of interest to you. Because if you did it your ownself, you'd be a freaking idiot to complain. Oh. Never mind.
  22. George Wallace was president? I musta missed that. He'd make a great President of Alaska. Or he would have, but he's dead. In any event, if Alaska wants to secede maybe George will rise up and do you proud.
  23. And his brothers who were assassinated for their service to their country are buried there. He wanted to be with them.
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