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Everything posted by blzrul

  1. The point is whether it's an institutionalized behaviour or whether there are some bad people working there and insufficient management to weed them out. The organization itself was not created, and doesn't exist, to falsify elections, lie, cheat, steal etc. Condemning the entire organization because some people did bad things, and management didn't deal with it properly, would be like saying our Armed Forces are criminal groups because a teeny handful of military personnel break the law. Anyway, I don't particularly care about ACORN and am not trying to defend them. Whatever you say about them, though, they didn't pose as telephone repairmen and attempt to tap a Senator's phone. THAT is breaking the law. And it's hysterical that the a-holes who tried so hard to bring ACORN down for illegal activity would so blatantly engage in it themselves. Hysterical...and just what you'd expect of these hypocrites.
  2. Oh crap. Stupid Nation's back.
  3. Tebow is entitled to his beliefs. The US today is SO divided on SO many topics, this is just one of them - and knowing that, given his status (skepticism about how well he'll fit into the NFL) I admire his gumption putting it on the line. Hopefully it's not a publicity play appealing to an anti-abortion owner, but whatever. I'll never doubt his leadership, but I remain unconvinced about his arm. Better get used to this sort of thing, now that the rules on funding for special interests have been loosened by the SCOTUS. We'll be seeing a lot more of them and will have to learn to tune them out or we'll all go nuts.
  4. Eastern WA needs all the help it can get. The turf hypnotizes the fans so they don't mind on-field debacle so much. I'm still laughing that Eastern's coach got hired at WSU and I think the Cougs won MAYBE one game in 2009...if any at all.
  5. I want TO to come back and this year be his real self, running off at the mouth. It may be the only fun we have all year!
  6. Here is the report prepared by Proskuaer, a fairly reputable law firm. on this ACORN scandal. You can read it on your own. Basically it found that there was nothing illegal done ... but that ACORN people definitely need to clean up their act. Let ye who never advised a buddy on a way to "beat the system" throw the first stone eh? Anyway, these wingnuts broke the law. Even if they'd caught Mary Landrieu plotting an elopement with Osama bin Laden (expect to see that on the Glenn Beck show) their hands were dirty - and in the eyes of the law if you come to court with dirty hands, what you bring is likewise "dirty" and not fit for the court's consideration. Well, maybe unless you can whip up a little hysteria or something. What's so funny is, again, the arrogance of these SOBs. There's hypocrisy, and then there is wingnut hypocrisy.
  7. I'm not blaming the show, merely pointing out that while it may appear that these people are given palatial mansions free and clear that isn't always the case. I looked into the criteria a couple of years ago, thinking I knew someone who might qualify. However after watching a couple of episodes I realized that in order to get their attention I'd have to push this guy off an overpass during rush hour, run over his dog, poison his cat and burn down his workplace. So figured WTF ... call an exterminator and replace the toilet seat and we'll call it even.
  8. Ah got a robocall from Buddy hisself not long after he got the job. And a couple weeks ago I got a letter about my club seats clearly written for a newbie, not someone who's had season tickets for over 20 years and was among the first to sign a club seat license. Duh. I don't want to complain because the VP/Mktg and I both have degrees from the same institution. In different disciplines I hope.
  9. The Saints said they'd bring it, and they did. Favre didn't get hit any more than any other QB. And if those hits were on Tom Brady, the only difference as far as I'm concerned? I'd have cheered even LOUDER. Geaux Saints!
  10. Most people don't realize that in many of these cases the people still end up with a mortgage. I don't watch this show very often because I can't stand Ty Pennington's screaming, but I recall that a family in TX lost their house because they didn't make the mortgage and I have seen an episode or two where the construction company took up a collection to pay the mortgage.
  11. Compassionate Conservatism at work. Or since it's a Southern State probably more like "KKKompassionate KKKonservatism".
  12. I had read that Brown commented taht with 98% of people in MA having healthcare there was no need to pass a federal bill so other Americans could have healthcare. Screw the rest of the country. I also heard him state that his mother availed herself of the welfare system when times were tough. I would love to see his voting record on THAT too since "he got his". Nothing to see here, just another hypocritical politician.
  13. Vince Ferragamo. Joe Dufek. Matt Robinson. Tinker "the Stinker".
  14. LT Chambers QB Orten :-)
  15. Would LOVE to hear the reaction of this group of brainiacs if a female candidate had been a Playboy centerfold. Well maybe not, it's soo predictable, half the avatars say it all. I wouldn't know Coakley if I passed her on the street. She didn't seem an inspiring choice. I kinda figured I'd let MA decide that and they did. This guy seems to be another empty suit like Palin - all flash and charisma. I hope he's not. But it is interesting to hear him talk about his rough early life (on public assistance), brush with the law and all that. I would expect with that experience he would be vitally interested in making sure others who have that same bad luck have the same advantages his family did. But I don't see it. The truck thing? That was done in TX years ago and probably many other places. Look up 'MARKETING'. It's the one area in which Rove and the GOP excel. They can take a turd and make it seem like Godiva.
  16. I don't watch that stuff. I hate pundits.
  17. Nice of you to associate the two. There's a match made in heaven!
  18. Gailey coached Dallas for chrissakes. "Character" is a relative term.
  19. A working person is someone who kills themselves to earn roughly what I pay in Federal income alone annually. And for some reason, the Federal, State and Local genuises like to tax THOSE people a greater portion of their income than someone like me. Paradoxically, most of the people who vote for these kinda wingnuts are the same people who are most hurt by them. They really have no-one but themselves to blame.
  20. President Obama himself said today that Brown was swept into office by the same desire for change that HE rode into office. He further stated that the healthcare legislation currently in the Senate will WAIT for Brown to take his seat, as opposed to being ramrodded through as people thought would happen. I don't think anyone's panicked. I'm not. If this guy delivers for his constituents, he'll get elected to serve out his own term. If not, you can be sure the Dems in MA are already plotting and planning his ouster in 3 years.
  21. I think Ralph's a big fan of the movie "Major League". You know, the one where the owner wants to move the team out of Cleveland to a good city, so she makes sure she has bad players and a crummy manager, so the city of Cleveland will get sick of them and the league allow the move? Because it certainly seems like that's the path he's following.
  22. And it didn't hurt, I'm sure, that Brown was Cosmopolitan Magazine's "Sexiest Man" in 1982. Hopefully there's a brain in there somewhere ... based on the photo spread, there wasn't much else for him to hang a hat on. Not much hanging at all really.
  23. Thurman's tweet was a little different - something about "oh well, make the best of it"
  24. Net-net, I think it means he's gone? That's the only message I got...and a welcome message at that!
  25. I don't think this is as great as the GOP thinks, or as bad as the Democrats think. I didn't particularly follow the race, but I'm all for checks and balances. I see that the far right hates Obama...the far left is disgusted with him...so he's pretty much right where he needs to be, in the middle with most of the rest of America. I would imagine that the MA Democrats probably assumed that given it was Teddy's seat they were a shoo-in. Big mistake. But after all, the 60/40 split came as a result of the Franken takeover in MN. Unless the Republicans in the House and Senate plan to absolutely roadblock everything for three years (which would be a big mistake for them), this will just make things a little more interesting.
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