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Everything posted by blzrul

  1. Teabaggers don't even realize that their "movement" was started and bankrolled by rich special interests who don't give a rat's ass about the little guy. They're being used in other words. We could surely use a viable third party in this country, but THEY ain't it. They're just a bunch of loosely-organized nutjobs who each has his or her individual issue they want to rail over. I agree this healthcare plan is indeed disastrous. Why should children get healthcare? If their parents can't provide healthcare for their children then they should abort them, right? Stupid kids. Don't get sick, kids! And if you do, your parents will have to pay everything they can, lose their house etc. Then go on the dole. That's family values. And why shouldn't a health insurance company be allowed to terminate the policy of a sick person? Never mind that sick person paid his or her premiums! Dang, do you want those corporate executives to do without their Christmas bonuses?! Come on man, have a heart! And how dare the government mandate that people who can afford it have health insurance? Why should they when they can go to an emergency room and stick the taxpayers with the bill? Makes sense to me. For the same reason I think car insurance is unconstitutional. (note to my troglodyte friends: sarcasm. lift your knuckles off the ground and look it up.) Seriously - this country was supposedly founded on "Christian principles". Today, I almost believe it.
  2. So an expensive govt program shuts down with the intent to transition to private sector, and suddenly it's a problem?
  3. I guess it's a matter of principle. If they're against it, one would ASSUME it's on behalf of their constituents. They are THERE to represent the will of the people that voted for them, right? Hence, their constituents would not WANT to take the money, right? So, the elected official should stand by the principle for which he stood (at his constituents' wishes) and not take it. But if the constituents actually WANTED the money...then in voting no these folks are NOT representing their constituents but are guilty of partisan politics. Which is it?
  4. and do we ever want to cure chronic diseases like diabetes that require a lifetime of medical supplies and treatment? etc etc etc. Oh and if "industry-friendly" means "look the other way while consumers are saddled with potentially dangerous products", I'll take a pass and go with "unfriendly".
  5. Funny - my Christmas present in 1998 was a trip to New Orleans for that game (and Flutie didn't even play, boo).
  6. Yeah, but I thought he might actually pull through. I betcha the other guys (most of whom have the same lifestyle) are a little nervous, hopefully enough that they'll reconsider and take better care of themselves. The new season starts April 13. I don't think I can watch it this year. Last year when Jake Anderson's sister died, it was sad. THIS year Jake's dad is missing (left home in early January, they found his truck on a logging road, but the search is called off) and then Phil dies...I think that's way more than people want to see. Too much tragedy.
  7. Oh puh-lease. On any given day the wingnuts were calling him a "POS", or worse.
  8. My new favorite Palin quote is the one about how Texas and Alaska have a lot in common because they both "love their guns and religion". LOL
  9. Have fun with it. No link yet, just announced.
  10. Is this becoming a contender for the longest thread? I can think of no worthier topic. A tribute to The Round One, who by all accounts will continue to roll uphill, defying gravity with the same aplomb that his football prognostications have been known to defy logic... Just kiddin! Glad you're on the mend!
  11. It was a really good game. Officials let them play. The only downside was that the Bills weren't in it.
  12. He would be an excellent acquisition.
  13. Stupid old Europe messing up our stock market.
  14. He's perfect! We can call him "Pigpen!". Doesn't have the same cachet as "Captain Checkdown" of course but...Pigpen is still cool.
  15. Apparently sarcasm is wasted on you. Oh! What's that I hear? The bell?! Recess is over, get your dodgeball and go back inside.
  16. But wait! It gets better! So...let's see, Palin rips Obama's guy and DEMANDS he be canned. Yet - she's on her way to campaign for a guy whose top aide DID THE SAME THING. So let's see... will she stick to her guns and insist Gov Goodhair fire the guy? Will she refuse to campaign for him? Fun, fun fun.
  17. I would also like to point out that while Down syndrome people often have lower-than-average cognitive ability - not all do. So labeling all Down's babies/people "retarded" is an error. Speaking of Palin, Jay Feely (Feeley?) went fishing today, said he ":caught a Palin" and threw it back in to churn up the waters. Very cute, especially for a kicker.
  18. Only a freakin retard would write a post like that.
  19. First I'd heard of it. Consider me outraged. Particularly consider me outraged that the PARENTS are saying that someone should do something about it. DUH. Well, I begin to see the problem there. But I'm wondering from title to your thread if you think we should conclude that black people suck? I would be more likely to say that ignorant, vicious losers with bad parents, crumbling schools, no hope for the future and bad moral compasses suck. I would also say that mob mentality sucks. I would also say that if I was in a bad neighborhood and someone threw rocks at me I'd hightail it on outta there while on the phone with 911 (whether the cops respond or not). I wouldn't go back to confront a gang of kids. But that's just me.
  20. Hmm well let's see - I have complained in the past about people on this board calling other people, or other people's ideas "retarded". Or worse calling others "retards". Even "f-in retards". And every time I have been mocked by the wingnuts who think it's ok. I don't think it's ok, but I certainly don't see where THIS crowd should take exception to it.
  21. He's still alive?
  22. hahahaha you're funny, troll boy.
  23. Seems to me Marv gave a second chance to a guy who'd served time for killing a few people when he ran a stop sign, I think under the influence....Rogers, right? After a year he left and if memory serves...got into more trouble with the law. Vick is ok now because he's got McNabb and Dungy watching him. He comes to Buffalo that's done. I'd rather have McNabb, Tarvares Jackson, or even David Garrard if he's available. Maybe Kurt Warner will unretire LOL.
  24. Yeah - you're the only one who noticed. That helped make my point LOL. Or to be more accurate the point of whoever wrote the piece in the paper..
  25. Funny comment in this morning's paper about a "controversial advertisement featuring Tim Crouch is going to air during the Superbowl". That kinda says it all. What's Tim Crouch doing these days?
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