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Posts posted by blzrul

  1. "legitimate rape," pregnancy is rare because "the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down."



    Go ahead


    defend it




    These right-wing extremists believe that it's "legitimate" rape when the rapist beats, chockesm, cuts, shoots and stomps the victim to the point where there's no doubt he/she was forced. Just saying "no" isn't enough. If you don't bite, claw, scratch, kick and scream loudly enough - it wasn't rape,. And you get pregnant. Unless you're a guy who gets raped.


    And he's not isolated. Their beliefs are reflected in their "pro-life" legislative proposales.


    Teabaggin Republicans - with them, it's 1952 or bust!

  2. Years ago I sent a letter of complaint about a bad experience and Bill Polian himself called me, with the head of security, the day after my letter was received. I have since used the "text" system and it results in immediate attention from security. I pay $200 a ticket for my seats and I am not going to listen to some drunken 20-somethings who cadged tickets from their parents belching and dropping f-bombs. You shouldn't have had to do so either, no matter WHAT the seat cost or WHAT kind of game it was. The NFL is smart enough to realize today's kids are tomorrow's fans - or not.

  3. I watched most of the Chargers/Packers game last night and their replacement refs seemed to do fine. Gruden was bitching about it but honestly if I didn't know they were replacements, I wouldn't have been able to tell. The calls that were reviewable, they had called correctly....and I didn't think there were any more zebra conferences than usual.


    Maybe all hell broke loose after I turned it off though.


    Of note was the first female NFL official ever. The first flag she threw was replayed and yup, sure enough, it WAS a penalty. Geez. You do NOT need to be a rocket scientist to be an NFL official...or a player...or an owner...or, sorry to say, a FAN.

  4. We had long guns in our house growing up, so I am used to them.


    I personally don't care if people want to own guns. All I ask is that the owner exercise proper care and control. That means not leaving loaded guns around where kids can get them, and if you insist on having an arsenal, invest in big heavy gun safe, preferably bolted to the floor, as we did, to keep them out of the hands of evildoers if your house is burgled.


    Regarding assault weapons - that's different. Those guns exist only for one reason: to kill people. Period. I really don't see why any private individual would need to own one. Given that people DO want to own them, then I would prefer that there be a little bit better screening process to try to reduce the number of whack jobs that end up with these things.


    It is ironic that it's harder to own a car (and keep it licensed and registered) than it is to own an assault weapon.


    Of course the BEST solution would be a trigger lock coded to the thumbprint of the licensed owner. I can't imagine any responsible gun owner having an issue with that, since it could be a theft deterrent in addition to a protection. However, people get too freaked out on both sides of the discussions. Gun people want to own as many guns as they can afford, with no strings, and anti-gun people want to take them all away. And in the meantime, nuts get guns and innocent people get killed.


    Freedom's not free, but it's always the innocents who pay the price isn't it?

  5. Oh, please. This is precisely why you hear countless people puking when they think of Obama and Bin Laden. He made a decision probably any other person in his position would have made. And it's not that "one day in time" that people will remember but rather all the other embarrassing days surrounding that one amazing day in time.


    Give him a political credit? Sure, whatever that is. But stop with the hyperbole, please. In case you haven't noticed, this country is messed up pretty badly right now, and we have Obama imitating Michael Keaton in "Gung Ho" standing around a bunch of cars that don't work saying "Did I ever tell you about the time I threw a touchdown in that big game when I was in high school?"


    Obama could have slit Bin Laden's throat with his own steak knife on a live feed and it won't matter one bit if we wake up tomorrow and find out we've only added another 150,000 jobs heading Summer of Recovery V 3.2.

    Yeah were all so much better under Bush. Stupid Obama screwed all that up. :blink:

  6. Got great seats to this game tonight, crappy weather but they'll close the roof. This one will either be a game for the ages or...a yawner. But still these are two of the best in the game.


    The horrifying thought of extra innings, on a weeknight, has just occurred to me. I hate baseball.

  7. If ESPN hadn't pulled him, he'd have stood his ground. His "apology" is anything but. It's just a bunch of excuses. I thought his contract was up anyway - they probably want him gone because face it Faith Hill looks and sings 100x better than that old burned out doper.

  8. A president shaking down a private company outside proper legal channels is your standard of conducting effective foreign policy?


    How's this for a Q - what would Obama's backbone look like if he didn't have Hillary's legs to lean on?

    It boggles the mind that little people who mean NOTHING to these big, greedy companies still defend them. If the entire Gulf of Mexico had been covered with goo and every redneck between the tip of Florida to well past Corpus Christi was out of work as a result, who the freak should pay? We the taxpayers? I think not. They are STILL trying to recover in Valdez, Alaska. I thought it was great for our POTUS to show some brass ones and take on Big Oil. It was an amazing coup - and how about that, putting people over profits. And you thought that only worked for Costco (which is extremely profitable in spite of providing full healthcare to all employees along with decent wages).


    And it's funny about all those awful agencies. EPA sucks, until you find toxic toner chemicals in your well water. FDA sucks until your baby's born with 6 legs fron the vitamins your wife took. Unemployment is a personal problem until it happens to YOU (or your party's not in power) and then suddenly it's a something the government should do sonmething about. Yeah, these agencies could all be more streamlined, efficient and economically run. But never forget that the reason they exist in all likelihood started from some great tragedy, where the people of America asked the government to protect them. If these agencies are a waste, then let's look long and hard at the military. Given how often we've been attacked by a foreign country, we can probably do with much less. Right? Right!


    Tis kind of funny that apparently few watched the debate...maybe because there was football on. Priorities, after all. Ron Paul came across as insane (too bad, I like some things about him). Bachmann is an empty suit who, it will be proved, has benefited most of her life from taxpayer funded projects you all hate. Cain is nuts, and Santorum is a certifiable. Romney is smart and bland, and a major hypocrite. Pawlenty ... uninspiring. Huntsman? Agree he's the dark horse, but his Big Oil connections (and Jeb Bush endorsement) may hurt him. Newt - smooth and slick and full of shirt. Palin - see Bachmann. And the real dark horse, Governer Goodhair, Rick Perry. Oh won't HE be fun, since he's on tape talking about succession, leading prayer vigils to save our country and talking trash about our system and the federal government. He will be forced to run on change, of course, because he's painted himself into a corner. When the next terror attack takes place, what's he gonna do, pray 'em away? Yeh.


    The American people seem to realize (a) Obama inherited a mess and he's doing his best to right a bad system to clean it up and (b) Republican party has offered no solutions.


    Who'da thought they were that in tune with reality?


    Did you all miss me?

  9. And the LAST (I hope) update to the latest saga is that phone call #4 resulted in the rep saying "WHY didn't they set up a service call for you? I can see in the file the code you gave them (two days ago) and that indicates a problem with the cable (which I asked about and was assured was not the case) which requires a service call."


    This is why I gripe about DTV. Why should it take me an elapsed time of 7+ days and 4 phone calls when the first call should have resulted in a service call? When I called the first time I'd run diagnostics multiple times during varying weather conditions, and gave them the code. Sheesh. The good news is that they're coming tomorrow...and also, that I was right about the problem. <_<

  10. See thats exactly what would happen to me and what I was thinking as I read through this thread.

    Sprint seems to do a lot of business reselling thru third parties, so you do have to do your homework. AT&T coverage is broad but it's not all 3G...which is ok for voice but sucks for data. I have also found tha AT&T sucks when you're in a big city or sports arena where lots of folks are using the network, whereas Verizon can typically handle the volume.


    I used to work at a wireless company by the way. But, I'm not telling which one :flirt:

  11. It's probably too late for you since the thread's old but for others I'll add my two cents.


    If you are using cellular as a landline replacement be SURE your coverage is good for the carrier you want. Most of us look for the carrier with the most coverage...my carrier covers LOTS of area but guess what, the signal at my house is often hit or miss.


    Since you're only using voice, unlimited is best. You may or may not want to add a text plan. Check for plans that let you roll over unused minutes. OR when you activate your service, find out the penalty if you switch to a "lower" plan (eg maybe you don't need 900 a month and want to move to 450). You can usually go UP without penalty...the "gotcha" is going over.


    Get yourself a solar charger ... so if you lose power for prolonged periods you can charge your phone (unless you have a generator).


    Believe it or not Virgin has some excellent plans.


    Are you paying for internet? Why not explore using that (Vonage or Magic Jack, no contract and cheap).

  12. I haven't read the fine print, but I'm sure they don't make guarantees because it's not always in their control. Not all games were available in HD up until the last couple of years, for example.


    I'm a huge DirecTV advocate because they've ALWAYS gone above and beyond for me, unlike most other companies (Amazon is another company that I love, similar to DirecTV in my dealings with them). As an example, we had a huge snowfall in Minnesota last weekend. Snow drifts were 4-5' high on my roof, and buried the dish so that I lost my signal late Saturday. I called up DirecTV and they gave me access to Sunday Ticket To Go so I could watch the games online, they gave me 2 months of free service, and they sent an installer out to remove the snow for me. I was without service for a couple of days, but I think the compensation was MORE than fair, especially considering it was an "act of nature" and had nothing to do with anything they did. The fine print of the contract doesn't require them to do any of those things, but they have always helped me out when I've called so I stay loyal.



    Nope, I don't work for DirecTV -- I just don't understand from a technical point of view how your satellite will work in one city and not the other unless there are other environmental factors like your dish not being aligned. I also doubt that DirecTV charged an early termination fee for a customer who couldn't actually get a signal. We've had people on this very board sign up and not be able to get service, and they were never charged. Don't believe everything the news tells you - it's usually pretty biased. (as an example -- the latest news on the Brilliance of the Seas in the Med that had issues - "Water was everywhere!" Turns out the water was from the ice buckets in the rooms.... <_< )


    They're simply the best company I've ever dealt with, and it's not even close compared to the cable companies I've had issues with.

    I'm glad you have a great experience. Others haven't enjoyed the same level of support. The case of the charges cited was verified by the Attorney General.


    I called DirecTV and spoke with a technician about the problems I've been having for a couple of days. I had noted that a software update had been installed. I gave him a fail code I'd obtained and all of my 88+ test data readings from my transponders...his response was to remotely access my receiver, confirm that my satellite was fine and aimed properly. He said that there had been issues with that software. I am supposed to monitor the system and if the problem continues let them know.


    So - I'm not crazy. In this case the technician didn't try to blame me for the problem and I didn't have to convince him there WAS a problem. So I will give credit where credit is due, because that has not been the case in the past.

  13. The piece on the news started out with a customer who had called to sign up for service. He did everything on the phone. When the installer showed up, the customer was told that because of the tree line, there was not a clear view of the southern sky, so he could not GET service, and the installer didn't install it. The customer was charged $180+ for "early termination". Give me a break.


    I have been with DTV for over 10 years. My dish is aligned just fine. I had it tested. I know how to test it. I've learned all the tricks...going back to the day when DTV had me disconnecting and swapping connections only to find out that the installer they contracted to install my HD had used the WRONG cable, which had shorted out. If I pay for a service and I don't get it, I am allowed to mention it and express my annoyance.


    Fezmid, I guess you work for DirecTV? If that's the case your willingness to be so dismissive and negative to a customer just makes it appear as if the entire corporate culture is "screw you, customer". It would be better to admit that there might be a problem in WA and express strong support for the efforts that DTV is making to improve service when there is a complaint.

  14. DirecTV is the most complained-about business in the State of Washington, according to the Attorney General's office. Yesterday a settlement was announced.


    I am hoping this improves service. Washington has some challenges in terms of the trees and the wind and rain storms we experience, but I had bad weather in Dallas too and never experienced the problems there as I have here. Sunday, in fact, all my HD channels came through fine during heavy rain - except of course my NFL Sunday Ticket channels. How frustrating - it's not like the Bills win so often that I can afford to miss a game. :wallbash:


    What's really funny is that, as I was watching this news article on TV last night, just as it started, my satellite went out! I am going to give DTV the benefit of the doubt on that one. :flirt:


    Anyway the expectation is that there will be a positive impact on the [relatively] small number of customers throughout the US who are having issues, so it's all good!

  15. My spouse and I were in the club suite at Qwest Field, preferring to defer watching the Seahawks get annihilated for a bit...there were two Steeler fans with us, one from Pittsburgh and the other from some Asian country or other. We ALL screamed - the Asian guy just about collapsed in relief when he saw the drop, the Pittsburgh guy put his head in his hands and said "we suck" (he couldn't believe the score wasn't Pittsburgh 52, Buffalo 0)...and the rest I have blocked from my consciousness. We watched a little bit more and decided to go to our seats. The Pittsburgh guy said "it's not over, you could still win" and we both kind of looked at him blankly and said:


    These are the Bills. And we are Bills fans. We KNOW what's going to happen. :cry:

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