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Everything posted by blzrul

  1. We had long guns in our house growing up, so I am used to them. I personally don't care if people want to own guns. All I ask is that the owner exercise proper care and control. That means not leaving loaded guns around where kids can get them, and if you insist on having an arsenal, invest in big heavy gun safe, preferably bolted to the floor, as we did, to keep them out of the hands of evildoers if your house is burgled. Regarding assault weapons - that's different. Those guns exist only for one reason: to kill people. Period. I really don't see why any private individual would need to own one. Given that people DO want to own them, then I would prefer that there be a little bit better screening process to try to reduce the number of whack jobs that end up with these things. It is ironic that it's harder to own a car (and keep it licensed and registered) than it is to own an assault weapon. Of course the BEST solution would be a trigger lock coded to the thumbprint of the licensed owner. I can't imagine any responsible gun owner having an issue with that, since it could be a theft deterrent in addition to a protection. However, people get too freaked out on both sides of the discussions. Gun people want to own as many guns as they can afford, with no strings, and anti-gun people want to take them all away. And in the meantime, nuts get guns and innocent people get killed. Freedom's not free, but it's always the innocents who pay the price isn't it?
  2. I wanna see his long form birth certificate to make sure he's not really Mexican.
  3. You give creepy guys like Cheney a pass and call Hillary a hag? I am not a Hillary fan myself but I bet half you guys aren't much to look at either.
  4. Cuba Gooding, Jr. in "Jerry McGuire" probably woulda been ejected AND had the TD erased for his performance...had it been a real game. what about writing on the soles of his shoes? something like "catch me if you can"?
  5. Yeah were all so much better under Bush. Stupid Obama screwed all that up.
  6. Got great seats to this game tonight, crappy weather but they'll close the roof. This one will either be a game for the ages or...a yawner. But still these are two of the best in the game. The horrifying thought of extra innings, on a weeknight, has just occurred to me. I hate baseball.
  7. Seattle, WA. Still a season ticket holder.
  8. A fine tribute but in the back of my mind I have to wonder if he wouldn't just smack you for it. Just cause he was that kind of guy. RIP Paul...never forgotten.
  9. If ESPN hadn't pulled him, he'd have stood his ground. His "apology" is anything but. It's just a bunch of excuses. I thought his contract was up anyway - they probably want him gone because face it Faith Hill looks and sings 100x better than that old burned out doper.
  10. It boggles the mind that little people who mean NOTHING to these big, greedy companies still defend them. If the entire Gulf of Mexico had been covered with goo and every redneck between the tip of Florida to well past Corpus Christi was out of work as a result, who the freak should pay? We the taxpayers? I think not. They are STILL trying to recover in Valdez, Alaska. I thought it was great for our POTUS to show some brass ones and take on Big Oil. It was an amazing coup - and how about that, putting people over profits. And you thought that only worked for Costco (which is extremely profitable in spite of providing full healthcare to all employees along with decent wages). And it's funny about all those awful agencies. EPA sucks, until you find toxic toner chemicals in your well water. FDA sucks until your baby's born with 6 legs fron the vitamins your wife took. Unemployment is a personal problem until it happens to YOU (or your party's not in power) and then suddenly it's a something the government should do sonmething about. Yeah, these agencies could all be more streamlined, efficient and economically run. But never forget that the reason they exist in all likelihood started from some great tragedy, where the people of America asked the government to protect them. If these agencies are a waste, then let's look long and hard at the military. Given how often we've been attacked by a foreign country, we can probably do with much less. Right? Right! Tis kind of funny that apparently few watched the debate...maybe because there was football on. Priorities, after all. Ron Paul came across as insane (too bad, I like some things about him). Bachmann is an empty suit who, it will be proved, has benefited most of her life from taxpayer funded projects you all hate. Cain is nuts, and Santorum is a certifiable. Romney is smart and bland, and a major hypocrite. Pawlenty ... uninspiring. Huntsman? Agree he's the dark horse, but his Big Oil connections (and Jeb Bush endorsement) may hurt him. Newt - smooth and slick and full of shirt. Palin - see Bachmann. And the real dark horse, Governer Goodhair, Rick Perry. Oh won't HE be fun, since he's on tape talking about succession, leading prayer vigils to save our country and talking trash about our system and the federal government. He will be forced to run on change, of course, because he's painted himself into a corner. When the next terror attack takes place, what's he gonna do, pray 'em away? Yeh. The American people seem to realize (a) Obama inherited a mess and he's doing his best to right a bad system to clean it up and (b) Republican party has offered no solutions. Who'da thought they were that in tune with reality? Did you all miss me?
  11. My spouse and I were in the club suite at Qwest Field, preferring to defer watching the Seahawks get annihilated for a bit...there were two Steeler fans with us, one from Pittsburgh and the other from some Asian country or other. We ALL screamed - the Asian guy just about collapsed in relief when he saw the drop, the Pittsburgh guy put his head in his hands and said "we suck" (he couldn't believe the score wasn't Pittsburgh 52, Buffalo 0)...and the rest I have blocked from my consciousness. We watched a little bit more and decided to go to our seats. The Pittsburgh guy said "it's not over, you could still win" and we both kind of looked at him blankly and said: These are the Bills. And we are Bills fans. We KNOW what's going to happen.
  12. 1) Ah the party whose main purpose is to take us back to the 50's has dusted off the good old Contract With America concept. Yippee. 2) Religion is stupid. If it comforts YOU, great. Keep it to yourself. I prefer to deal with God directly.
  13. I think I've posted this before: The plan is either to stink so badly that no-one cares when they leave Buffalo (a la Major League) OR to drive down the value of the team so much that the inheritance tax isn't an issue.
  14. Jake Locker will be a good NFL quarterback IF, and ONLY IF, he goes to a team with an established QB who can help in his development. That leave Buffalo OUT. In fact, that is WHY Buffalo's QBs have sucked these past few years - the last vet they had was Bledsoe and they treated him like yesterday's garbage. So JP and Trent were on their own and dependent on the Bills' all-star coaching staff. 'Nuff said. Huskies special teams SUCK. Huskers are good but it doesn't hurt that they had the short field just about every possession.
  15. This was broadcast beyond LA - I got into my car (in Seattle) and to my surprise I heard that unmistakable voice. For a moment I wondered where I was. I do not see the Bills going to Toronto although they could go to another US city. Given Ralph's latest moves (Buddy Nix, Chan Gailey) and the offensive offense I can see why people might think he's pulling a "Major League" move. My opinion is that he's trying to drive the value of the team as low as possible to make it easier for his heir(s) regarding taxes. I know his daughter pre-deceased him (RIP Linda), not sure who his heirs are any more, but still.... I HAVE to think that because even after Hank Bullough and Kay Stevenson and Dick Jauron I still hold out hope that Ralph isn't getting a little hazy in his old age...
  16. The Seahawks are stupid. JP did ok and with more time is at least as good as Whitehurst. And cutting Housh? Stupid. Their receiving corps is weak at best now. The joke here is that the Seahawks are just a perennial middle-of-the-pack team. They, like the Mariners, might occasionally have a good yeat that gives the fans a taste of what could be...but then they sink back into mediocrity. ugh
  17. You must be new here then, because everyone gets shot, all the time, no matter whether they're the messenger or even the Creator. There is no other reason to be here.
  18. I called fully intending to cancel simply because I attend Seahawks home games and most Bills games (the reason I have DTV) are simply not worth watching. I figured if the Bills ever had a good game it would be on the NFL Replay or I could find it on the web. However the rep offered me the whole shebang for $179 so I took it.
  19. Forget snakes and spiders, check this out. Directed by a guy from good old WNY. The next best worst film!
  20. Let's start the cuts here!
  21. I'm not renewing this year. I loved having all the games but rarely was home to watch them, I'd Tivo the Bills game and then see the score, why bother watching? I figure if the Bills play a good game it'll be re-televised on NFL Channel. Perhaps when I no longer carry season tickets to two NFL teams I will get Sunday Ticket again - the $350 or whatever it is will seem like a bargain compared to thousands for two teams who duke it out for last place annually....
  22. zzzzzzzzzzz Two years ago he said he'd entertain the option. You're just pissy because you agree with it and it kills you. I'm not crazy about the idea, particularly if it benefits big oil and wingnut states. I'm willing to bet the litigation that will no doubt ensue will end up in less drilling for petroleum and more for natural gas.
  24. Crap I got tickets for that. If Glenn Beck comes prancing out in spandex I just know I'll puke.
  25. Who's angry? Disgusted maybe. But that's what conservative do. Disgust people.
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