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Everything posted by blzrul

  1. Anyone reading the "who whines more" thread will appreciate this one.
  2. And for the record, I voted AGAINST my own best interests. I'm as close to a 1%-er as anyone on this board. Heck, I might BE one. But I sure didn't start that way, and I believe everyone should have the chance to improve their lot in life. I do not mind paying more taxes if it will help reduce the debt and somehow benefit people. Just don't throw it away on bombs and stuff. We have enough. "You people". Says it all. Glad to you that with you, time still stands still.
  3. I think it was Krauthammer who also mentioned that Republicans went nuts with the Jesus thang and the social conservatism and got away from the fiscal conservatism. That's when I stopped voting for them. He also mentioned the need to collaborate. That's what the people want. The GOP hallmark is now crazy wacko nutjobs like Akin, Palin, etc. People don't want that. They also don't want to spend money invading foreign countries. The GOP has a definite issue with its brand. Right now it's very negative. They need to re-examine what they stand for.
  4. But for a couple of bad passes, the Bills STILL beat the Titans after getting pushed all over the field like a bunch of preschoolers on defense. That tells you Fitz and the offense/special teams were exceptional.
  5. ..and thanks to Adobe Photoshop, anyone who can still access the Web can be scared straight by some of the stuff people are posting. Much of it's pretty obviously fake, but it's amazing what people believe these days...for example, I actually thought the Bils make be a playoff contender, simply because someone said so during the off-season. Silly.
  6. So then Donald Trump supports Mitt Romney because they're both white, then, right? (or maybe because they're both idiots, more likely) The "logic" is the same - and it sounds just as stupid and ignorant Maybe Donald Trump supports Romney because Obama is black.
  7. I kept asking why Choice wasn't run blocking...I gave up and cleaned out my closet in the 4th quarter so I don't know if they ever put him in the game or not....
  8. I didn't do anything but my spouse was prematurely gloating over the upcoming Bills victory.
  9. Yep. Faith Hill is ugly. Demi Moore is ugly. Ditto Dixie Chicks, Jennifer Aniston, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jenifer Biel, Natalie Portman, Reese Witherspoon, Cameron Diaz, Jennifer Garner, Lady Gaga, Meryl Streep, Jennifer Lopez, All of them ugly and unfeminine. GOP has ... um...Linda Tripp! ...and I am sure all you guys are rock-star handsome. Yep.
  10. Did you draw those on your Etch-A-Sketch, LOL?
  11. I have a friend whose family has been lifetime friends with Freddy. Although my friend's from New England, he grew up a Bills fan. He still is. He says Freddy is constantly trying to convert him to a Pats fan....
  12. I distinctly recall the Bills losing a game to New England on a phantom "interference" call on a hail Mary...gave the Pats the ball on the 1 with another play. At the time the discussion entailed "well unless they mug each other, on a Hail Mary they don't call interference". Tate was wholesale mugging Jenkins, and Jenkins STILL came down with the INT and was down when Tate wrestled it away while the refs no doubt were wondering what to do. Initially I thought that the replacements were doing ok, they were letting the guys play, but it seems like someone got to them about it and they've swung to the other extreme, going flag-crazy. Last night was pretty much IT though - the replacements' authority, whatever they had, is now completely undermined and every call suspect from now on.
  13. All those damned disabled veterans leeching off my tax dollars really tick me off. And their kids too - if you're military, you marry the military, don't have damned kids so they won't leech off my tax dollars too. And while we're at it let's take the first responders. Yeah, cops, firefighters, etc. Screw them - get cancer from exposure to bad stuff? Get eyes gouged out fighting a felon? Tough. Stop leeching off my tax dollars. Survival of the fittest. Best they all die now and decrease the surplus population.
  14. Hitler liked God a lot. What's the point? Why do you have to talk about God? My mama taught me that usually those who talk about something the MOST usually have the LEAST to say. Translation = those who feel the need to blather on about God usually are just all talk, and little adherence to what God actually wants us to do. Which is exactly what the GOP is all about.
  15. Bills fans everywhere Think maybe this is our year We've thought that before
  16. 1% bounce for Romney. Yawn.
  17. An anti-Obama judge in Texas has just predicted civil war if he's re-elected. A GOP candidate in Missouri says if it's REALLY rape, the woman won't get pregnant. And that's just this week. THESE are the views of the right that you all think is so much better? No wonder everyone laughs at Buffalo.
  18. These right-wing extremists believe that it's "legitimate" rape when the rapist beats, chockesm, cuts, shoots and stomps the victim to the point where there's no doubt he/she was forced. Just saying "no" isn't enough. If you don't bite, claw, scratch, kick and scream loudly enough - it wasn't rape,. And you get pregnant. Unless you're a guy who gets raped. And he's not isolated. Their beliefs are reflected in their "pro-life" legislative proposales. Teabaggin Republicans - with them, it's 1952 or bust!
  19. I was at many of the games in the 80's and 90's that have been mentioned (including away games). Games I'd love to relive which I don't think were mentioned (of course Bills won both) -MNF against the [then] undefeated Rams, with Frank at QB. -Evening game against the Raiders, where Nate Odomes stripped the ball and returned for a TD, Beebe fractured his femur
  20. Years ago I sent a letter of complaint about a bad experience and Bill Polian himself called me, with the head of security, the day after my letter was received. I have since used the "text" system and it results in immediate attention from security. I pay $200 a ticket for my seats and I am not going to listen to some drunken 20-somethings who cadged tickets from their parents belching and dropping f-bombs. You shouldn't have had to do so either, no matter WHAT the seat cost or WHAT kind of game it was. The NFL is smart enough to realize today's kids are tomorrow's fans - or not.
  21. It sucked for me, although I wanted to decrease the price the system would NOT let me go below $100 a seat based on the seat location (club seats). I gave away my Steelers tix to a guy who bought a regular game and the Skins went to waste. They should have continued to have a PS game in Toronto ....
  22. I watched most of the Chargers/Packers game last night and their replacement refs seemed to do fine. Gruden was bitching about it but honestly if I didn't know they were replacements, I wouldn't have been able to tell. The calls that were reviewable, they had called correctly....and I didn't think there were any more zebra conferences than usual. Maybe all hell broke loose after I turned it off though. Of note was the first female NFL official ever. The first flag she threw was replayed and yup, sure enough, it WAS a penalty. Geez. You do NOT need to be a rocket scientist to be an NFL official...or a player...or an owner...or, sorry to say, a FAN.
  23. Don't forget in 2008 when he ran, the five strapping military-age sons who, he said, were serving America best by helping Mittens run for POTUS.
  24. The only voter fraud of which I have first-hand knowledge is a friend who's not a citizen (he's a Brit) who gets ballots at his house intended for the previous owner...he proudly admits to voting Republican. LOL
  25. 2 Club Seats under the overhang on the aisle, section 235. Cost me almost $400 a pair but would take $50 for both just to have the seats filled. PM me if interested, I can email them.
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