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Everything posted by blzrul

  1. "S'il vous plait". Yawn. Who cares what Chirac says?
  2. I'd heard yesterday they were projecting 144,000. So officially this makes a net loss of 1,000,000 jobs, the largest since Hoobert Heever.
  3. Like the freakin Iraqis had a choice. They got shocked and awed and invaded. They have 50% unemployment, intermittent electricity, and as long as they don't go out in public they're safe. There was no way they'd ask us to leave their country. After 12 years of sanctions they don't have the capital, tools, materials or infrastructure to begin to rebuild their power plants, hospitals, schools, factories. We had them over a barrell. In terms of numbers though the dead Iraqis - women and children - FAR outnumber Americans, it's true. But guess who they blame for that? And guess who's going to pay the price? Allawi is a puppet like the Shah of Iran was a puppet and like all the puppets we put into place he'll turn on us some day, if he lasts in power. Those who fail to learn from history....etc.
  4. We should have a Liberation Lottery to see who's next going to enjoy "freedoms" courtesy of the good old US of A.
  5. Well here's a little proof that, like GHWB, Cheney's an out-of-touch fossil. Check Your Facts If that rankles, then maybe he just made a mistake? But we don't allow for mistakes on this board. So, in that case, perhaps he's stupid or ill-informed? Or just an old fossil.
  6. So you've only just figured that out? AD sits in the midst of his little spiderweb, in the dark literally and figuratively, and throws venom and stones. He offers no solutions. He has nothing postive to say about anything. And he has nothing nice to say, unless someone with an equally negative view of everything comes along.
  7. As Cheney was halfway through his answer to the first question our daughter turned to us and asked "is he answering the question? he's saying a lot of stuff but I don't think it's got anything to do with the question does it?". I thought Edwards did ok; we all knew that the gloves would come off during this debate, which was better than the Cheney-Lieberman agree-a-thon of 2000. Each scored points; most people don't vote based on the VP candidate anyway. IF Cheney had presidential aspirations (which he may but I believe him when he says not) his performance wouldn't have helped him but since most people think there's zero chance he'll ever be president his performance probably didn't hurt. How much CAN it hurt a guy who's disapproval rating is already over 50%?
  8. Who attributed it to Bush? Ahh there you go, jumping to conclusions and stepping on your own crank. Again.
  9. Watch the TiVo - you'll see what I mean.
  10. Well here's an idea, how about if BOTH GWB and Uncle Dick have heart failures to get the sympathy vote?! Maybe that's their evil plan!
  11. Wars are stupid and men are stupid for starting them. And this injury thing is just another version of "mine's bigger than yours" which is another stupid thing about men. As Joan Rivers says "grow up!". Those Swiftboat Liars for Bush exist ONLY for two reasons: Kerry made an ass of O'Neill or whatever his name is back in the 1970's and there's a rich Texan who benefits from Bush's business-friendly policies and has nothing better to do with his money than fund someone with a personal vendetta.
  12. What a terrible thing it is lose lose one's mind. Or to not have a mind at all. Which famous Republican genius said that I wonder? By the way Richiepoo Uncle Dick said that if you vote for Kerry we'll get attacked. Losing one's mind pales against another 911 methinks. I don't know, you tell me, what's it like?
  13. He wasn't wired but he had someone signalling him in the audience. You could clearly see him looking at that person inquisitively more than once, and trying to understand what was being signalled. Maybe it was Stevie Wonder waving at him.
  14. I hear that Bush just made Mt. St. Helen's blow up again. He'll just to ANYTHING to distract us from the fact that he's coloring his hair. Oh jeez I sound like a conservative, focusing in on those really important issues.
  15. Here you go Richie-poo. It's not 32 pages of demands, but a 32-page contract. You can take the difference up with Tenny. I am surprised this was news to you, you are always so well-informed. one link, of many. I hear the one that the Bushies really fought is the town-hall type meeting where the people can ask questions. Apparently stacking the Bush rallies with only Bush supporters doesn't have our boy primed for potential questions such as "where's Osama? where are our jobs? where are the WMD's"? But since Kerry may actually have pulled out a black pen, perhaps Bush can break a rule too, pull out his 6-shooter and blast away at anyone who asks a question that may tend to put him in an unflattering light. Pre-emptive answering, as it were.
  16. "...don't talk to me about not wanting to vote for a bill that irresponsibly funded body armor and other military support. You were the dumbass who started the damned war and send our military over there WITHOUT IT in the first place." That woulda been great. What a missed opportunity.
  17. Finally something we agree on.
  18. How dare you make sense.
  19. It couldn't be that the color on your TV needs adjusting could it. Someone needs a life methinks.
  20. First off, no-one said these people waited to register. Their CARDS are arriving. And why have deadlines? So in your books anyone who registers on the deadline is too late? What about all those people who mail their income taxes at 11:59 PM on April 15? That's what a deadline is for. Second, I never mentioned Jim Crow. "Lower income city residents" are not necessarily of any one race, creed or color. You may be surprised. I lived in a city center amidst many lower-income city residents and they were a great diversity of ethnicities with one thing in common besides geography: low income, period. Lastly, regarding the article, it could be either or both parties doing bogus registrations. It's a shame that zealots have to get so caught up that they break the law. In TX there were some really bad practices, for isntance the GOP-dominated election board (2 GOP, 1 Dem) would tell the Dem representative they'd meet at 10 am to review and certify the absentee ballots. The Dem would show up at 10 only to find that the GOP reps had been there "working" on them since 7 a.m. This is in Collin County, TX for anyone who's interested. And, unfortunately, it probably goes on in Democratic districts too. But, it's hopefully a small percentage and the drive for voters is good news ONLY if they turn out to vote,.
  21. Saw an article today that said that voter registration is at record highs. In fact in Ohio registrations of Democrats is up 250% over 2000. Naturally the GOP in Ohio has stepped in, decreeing that voter registration cards can ONLY be printed on 80 lb card stock. Anyone who receives a card NOT on 80 lb card stock will not be able to vote. So with 6 days left to register, people who wouldn't know paper stock from second base are supposed to re-register. This centers on the city centers where, naturally, many of the voters are lower-income registered Democrats. I know paper stocks and 80 lb ain't cheap so I am sure that the bulk of them these days aren't printed on 80 lb. My TX card wasn't and neither was my WA card. I have to admire their creativity. If you can't beat the vote, just stop it.
  22. They also required that the podiums be further apart than normal so it wouldn't be apparent that Bush is 5 inches shorter than Kerry. I guess they realize just how superficial people are in their judgements. Of course that would be obvious if they'd visit this place once a week.
  23. Kerry's "act" as you call it, perhaps sadly for him, may not be an act. If you look at the old films of him testifying, being interviewed and debating, the style is the same. So perhaps he's just being himself, and perhaps Bush is just being himself.
  24. One of the things they pound into you in campaign training is to get the message, stay on the message, and keep on message. So it's not surprising. I saw Howard Dean in person once and his speech was a rerun as well. I'm sure it's the same on the other side. With 24x7 news and the internet, speeches that might normally seem new or fresh aren't any more. However to many people they probably are. It would be nice if the campaigns could focus on something other than who got shot worse in Vietnam and the like ... I think things will heat up in the home stretch and there will be some fireworks, and variety.
  25. That's right, call names when you get caught with your butt swinging in the breeze. I take back nothing - looking back over history one can see some pretty uninspiring characters, seemingly, accomplishing great things. It was fortunate that they weren't summarily dismissed because they failed to arouse the masses with their speaking style. As if it's their job to be amusing and inspiring. Look inside for that, not to someone else, you pathetic little people. If it has wings, webbed feet and flies it's a duck. I don't give a rat's ass who you voted for in 2000, you can't hide behind that. I've seen numbers of your posts and you're not particularly liberal. And I never mentioned ANY party - YOU are the one who's got the tunnel vision. I merely commented on the error one makes in judgement on superficialities. Here on PPP superficialities rule though. My momma always told me that petty people are obsessed with superficial things and as usual she was right. And in terms of judging Bush by his speaking style - that's really one of the few things he has going for him, or had. His "just plain folks" style played well in the early days but has gotten old. Real old. A little presidential formality is sometimes callered for. But while his tendency to lounge on the podium and say stupid things is annoying, it's his damaging policies and arrogance administrative actions that are far more irritating.
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