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Everything posted by blzrul

  1. Well who cares YOU are in the majority. Unlike you I won't seek to repress your opinion. You are entitled to it. However, you are outnumbered. So foam on.
  2. Hey Ed, you're a young guy and purportedly educated too, why aren't you over there making sure the insurgents aren't winning?
  3. I am SHOCKED that the AFL-CIO isn't jumping to respond to Mr. Racicote...UNPARTISAN MAN THAT HE IS (right). Get a life Richiepoo, this crap is happening everywhere on both sides. For every Bush sign that gets mangled, a Kerry sign bites the dust. It's not organized, it's extremists on both sides. Only ignorant bigots..make that ignorant PARANOID bigots, would think that it's some sort of organized conspiracy.
  4. Story No surprise that our foaming at mouth wingnuts are in the minority, but it's nice to see it documented. As if the millions of people marching against the war weren't enough. Foam on, wingnuts.
  5. Well, this morning's Seattle PI front page story is about the terrorists targeting our ferries. No surprise I guess - those things hold upward of 150 vehicles each. However I'd probably look to the mechanics or dock workers instead of vehicles, since there are bomb-sniffing dogs screening all vehicles now. Easier to sneak something in and plant it in the engine room. We're taking the 10:15 or 10:45 Kingston Ferry this morning on our way to Dungeness. Eat that terrorists.
  6. I know. I keep forgetting conservatives take everything literally and don't understand sarcasm. Come to think of it "understanding" isn't a quality many of them seem to have these days. It's too threatening and frighting to them. Poor things. I wouldn't be surprised to hear or read some dumbass neocon crowing about the victory validating Bush's unilateral, illegal invasion of a foreign nation. I wouldn't even be surprised to hear Bush bring it up at the next debate.
  7. Good to have you back Lonsberry. Glad to see you're still a pinhead.
  8. Hey Checkmate, ignore Richiepoo. He's an acknowledged thief - he brags about it and in fact continues to steal without apology. His rationale is that if people speed or park in no-parking zones, his stealing is just A-OK. So I suppose some day if some person commits a crime of property against Richiepoo he will thank them and refrain from reporting it to the police ... uh huh. As an acknowledged criminal, anything he says is as meaningless and the principles he purports to have ... which, if they exist at all, you could fit on the head of a pin. A really SMALL pin.
  9. story Well the notoriety may have gone to his head - now they're trying to get F911 on PPV just before the election. I guess he could get rich off it but I really don't see it influencing the vote - unless the "slacker generation" has PPV. Fact is, many people who see it are already against the war and Bush. However, the move does have value in that neocon heads will explode, which is always amusing.
  10. Assuming that the question of what to do about 900 people in Iraq was THE major campaign point. In America, although the debates have focused on Iraq, many polls consistently point to the economy being the top issue, with Iraq second or sometimes third. And we have a MUCH higher stake than the Aussies. Tellya what, why don't we pull out all but 900 people and see how much of a campaign issue it is anymore. Duh.
  11. Abject apologies, I must have taken my eye off the ball. Watching the ball is hard work, yep, hard work.
  12. The Aussie PM is all but assured his fourth term with about 60% of the votes counted, giving as some would say a referendum on his support for the invasion of Iraq. His opponent would have pulled all Aussies out by Christmas. Thank God Howard won. What we would do without those 900 non-combat Aussies makes me shudder to think.
  13. link CNN headlines mentioned that the Taliban has been threatening, or attempting to disrupt the election (I thought they got overthrown?) but this is something else, the candidates are questioning the process. Not one sore loser apparently but almost all of them. I wonder what this will lead to? I thought that there were supervisors there helping ensure that there were free elections? I know Medicins sans Frontiers have pulled out after 25 years because it's not safe for them to be there, did the groups watching and supporting the elections leave too? This is not good news if the Afgans are going to move forward as a nation.
  14. OR the stick up his ....
  15. Also banned are yarmulkes and large crosses. ALL religious stuff that people tend to wear to...well, for whatever reason. Because they're afraid not to, because they're showing off or because they feel it gives them some kind of protection. So he's not discriminating against one religion, they are all subject. Since I worked with Muslims here in the good old US of A who had to remove their head scarves for fear of their lives I wonder what makes people here feel so superior about old Jacques. Perhaps he's just trying to protect people from ignorant, hateful bigots.
  16. In the Seattle area houses are sold in a matter of days, not weeks. Why? Because the supply is low. Up here there are strict ordinances in place to keep this area beautiful and help preserve the ecosystem. So, they don't bulldoze the trees to build more houses, they just let people fight over the existing supply or move into something way out and live through the commute from hell daily. The house I bought is worth $500k; I bought it for less than than in June. When I was in Texas I could have had it for half that price. And, the appreciation rate in this area is 12% YOY. I think Southern California's situation is even more pronounced. As mentioned earlier, go for location. There are stable areas where whatever you buy will hold its value. It may not appreciate as quickly but it won't lose in value over time. My sister had a house at the Jersey shore several years ago. Bought in the 80's during a boom, in the early 90's it was worth less than they owed on the mortgage. They held, and by the end of the 90's they sold it for twice what they paid for it, so it worked out. If you're buying a place so you'll own the property and are planning on staying there, then don't worry about it, you will probably come out ok in the long run if you choose wisely. But if you're looking to turn in around in a few years at a profit that could be risky. Assuming the 5.75 is a 30 year mortgage that's pretty good. Watch out for points and hidden fees and early payoff penalties.
  17. Bush didn't twitch as much, but it was there. Instead he strutted around like a little rooster. He did better this time, the town hall is his milieu. I agree that Kerry's abortion answer was pretty incoherent but several of Bush's were likewise. Bush teed up a few for Kerry last night that he could have hit out of the park had he chosen to, or perhaps he didn't notice. When Bush was cornered on Iraq and started to blame his generals I would have loved to hear Kerry say that getting bad advice may not have been his fault but as President the buck stops with him...shoot, even JFK took the blame for the Bay of Pigs, which he inherited from Nixon and Eisenhower, because it happened on his watch and he was responsible. Bush's inability to admit to ever making a mistake is something to behold. And I thought his jokes were pretty un-Presidential. Not necessarily the words but the delivery. He giggled! He's a joke. But as I said, even though he acted on occasion like the village idiot I will admit he did far better than the first debate.
  18. If such a thing were to happen I don't think Kerry would have to say a thing, especially if it was Al Qaeda. The American people aren't stupid. They'll wonder how it was that he didn't protect us. They gave him a pass before but he's been talking real big about a lot of things and the only thing he's delivered is a bunch of dead soldiers and civilians.
  19. I've read two of his books and seen two of his films. After the first book (seen before the films) I realized that if I took him literally I would become so despondent that suicide would be the only alternative. Therefore I learned to think of his views as just that, his views. Some I agree with, many I don't, or at least I am not as zealous as he is. I thought Bowling from Columbine had some good points in it and it was with that perspective I saw F911. Much of that movie was not news to me, so I paid no attention to the rhetoric and, as some would say, fantasy parts. What impacted me was the interviews with the soldiers and footage of the war. You can't fake that and indeed there was little, if any, Moore voiceover. It wasn't needed. Anyway I see two reasons why people would condemn the film without seeing it. One is purely that they are close-minded and probably judgemental about many things. Another is that it threatens their security; they're afraid in other words. Interestingly enough, neither is a reason anyone would admit to. It's easier to say that the film maker is a fat #$@$ #@$@$ @#$@#$@ who's full of RKFast.
  20. The bill wasn't defeated "with prejudice". It could come back at any time. This vote was just another political grandstand, along with much of the other stuff that's being pushed through now.
  21. Curbing one's desires is un-American. What would have happened if we never had Manifest Destiny?
  22. I don't know, Bill. The ONLY thing that Bush has to stand on these days is his supposed tough stance on terrorism. An attack would probably finish him.
  23. Sorry Bremer, you've just learned something that all trial lawyers preach: you can't unring the bell. It's out there, it's too late, and anything you say is "backpeddling" and "flip-flopping".
  24. No I didn't. I made up my own mind. I was right. It just happens that so was Chirac.
  25. My husband listens to Limbaugh and he told me that in the early days Limbaugh DID pile all over drug addicts but that he ceased doing so a few years ago...perhaps coincidentially with his own addiction. He's a big fat hippo-crite but he's not stupid. As a bit fat RICH hippo-crite he won't go to jail any more than Jeb's prescription-forging daughter. It's not like either of them is a poor junkie living on the streets or anything is it? We're expected to pity the former and condemn only the latter. Neocons note: "sarcasm" was used in the creation of this post. So belay the exploding of heads.
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