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Everything posted by blzrul

  1. I rest my case. Try Nix, I hear it works well. Thanks for taking the bait.
  2. My Libertarian husband, who doesn't care much for either, commented that if you didn't know who was President you'd definitely NOT pick Bush because of his very un-Presidential demeanor, poor communications skills and inability to answer a question.
  3. I understood it to be the words she spoke when he visited her in the hospital and told her he was thinking of running. Nothing he said implied to me that she dropped dead after saying three words. And even if she did, is that any stupider than "God told me to run for President"? I realize that Bush isn't much to hang your hat on and it's hard to defend his poor record and downright ignorance but such nitpicking reinforces the impression that Bush supporters are pinheads.
  4. I'm on Zogby too, I cancel out AD.
  5. Isn't this the same governor who tried to make an appeal to the electorate for a tax break for low income families and a small tax increase to fund schools and programs aimed at children in poverty, based on the tenets of the Bible ("the least of these...") or, for non-Christians, the simple principle that it's the right thing to do for children ... which was soundly defeated (by something like 75% of the voters) last fall? I gave the guy credit for having the courage to stand for the principles that his party mouths but doesn't implement.
  6. Christopher Reeves was mentioned by John Kerry last week during debate #2 which of course you well-informed and open minded gentleman watched and dissected. If everyone followed your logic and Bush's logic we'd be thinking horsedrawn carriages were riske'. Conservatives are such frightened little people. Change is natural and can be good. And if there were no explorers or people willing to push the envelope where would we all be? Probably living in the shadows, afraid. LIke in The Dark Ages. A great Conservative Era come to think of it. Imagine how people like you would have freaked out over the Renaissance.
  7. So there's another thief here? Richio and Ed. Wow. Surprise.
  8. Anyone see today's Washington Post?
  9. Boy aren't you clever picking up on that! Terrarist...'Murkin...and the ever-popular nuke-you-lar. You are a fine ambassador for your cause. Fish in a barrel. Too bad I'm not a gun owner.
  10. Oh puh-lease. If you were half as important or informed as you present yourself to be what the HELL are you doing here?
  11. Actually they were materials at nuclear plants. Not WMDs. Even you morons must know that a car antenna in the wrong hands can be a lethal weapon. Same principle. Naturally you'll seek to cloud and obscure the issue which was that they knew there was stuff at these plants and there was no plan to secure it. Or is it possible that the UN knew about it but somehow the geniuses in DC didn't? Well, the UN is immaterial after all, huh, so why bother to ask them or listen. So, it's possible that somewhere a third-world country is going to finally have the materials it needs for nuclear power. Or somewhere a terrarist has the fixins for a big bomb. Either way, we're responsible. And THAT is the issue. And your personal attacks don't make it anything but what it is, which is stupid, irresponsible and a downright dereliction of duty. And those who defend it are, as stated above, morons.
  12. Hey pootiepants, show me the links to the documented stories NOT coming from the RNC. Then we'll talk. I can understand why, you being a criminal and all, you'd not want to inquire of the police agencies as to the facts but anyone can get up and make these statements. I'll believe the head of the RNC the same day you believe Al Franken. DUH.
  13. Bush can't run any more. He bicycles now. Upside - he's postponed knee surgery. Downside - he falls down. A lot.
  14. Good thing because "open minded" is the last thing anyone would ever call you. There are lots of other things to call you (besides criminal) before open mindedness comes up.
  15. Excellent point.
  16. You'd better be nice to Mickey, he's a lawyer and you may need one when your criminal acts catch up with you.
  17. story Mmm mmm mmm. Just goes to show you what can happen when all you plan for is the INVASION and not the AFTERMATH. So all that nukyoular stuff that we don't want the terrarists to have? Gone. Who knows where. From, you could say, right under our noses. Another big, fat DUH to the Bush Administration.
  18. I would not at all be surprised to see Saddam back in power some day - for the same reason that people in the US rallied around Bush, a guy who 50% of us dislike with varying degrees of intensity. He is a moron but at that point in time he was OUR moron and we were under attack. Saddam was evil, but the people who were alive when we invaded were people he didn't kill. Their suffering they laid at OUR feet (sanctions) not his. Just like the morons on this board blame everyone but the guilty party for our problems ... that's the way people are. It's the fault of the French or the Germans or...but certainly not US...uh huh. So if Saddam is tried in Iraq and not executed ... memories fade over time, and it's human nature to forget the bad and exaggerate the good. They might just want him back for the sake of the "good old days" when they could go to the market without worrying if a car bomb is going to blow them to bits. Stranger things have happened.
  19. So there we have it, Ed's a chickenhawk, plain and simple. I'm shocked. Not.
  20. Victory on the war on terror will take place around the same time we win the war on drugs, the war on poverty and the war on crime.
  21. Went by the Boeing plant last night .... couldn't help but wonder if evildoers were scoping it out but I didn't see any. What I did see was OUTRIGHT TREASON. There is was, in full sight. A brand-new bright and shiny airliner, outside, going through the final phases before delivery to.... Air FRANCE. Oh dear. The FRENCH. We hate them, remember? Those canards. Those weasels. Those cowards. How can a principled country, like the US, accept their filthy French money. Their lousy livres...or euros...pfah. It is a stain on our pure image. My husband's comment was "hmmm I wonder why they didn't buy an Airbus".
  22. HAHAHAHAHAHAHJHAHAHAHAAAAA NOW you're really being funny!!!!! The Bushistas read a report that says "sanctions were working, there were no WMD's" and they say that proves that Saddam was arming! Bushistas read about bombs going off and children waiting for candy being blown to bits and they say "freedom is on the march!". And you accuse KERRY of igoring reality? I always knew you had your head up your ass but I never realized you were such a contortionist that you could get it up THAT far. What he said, and what he meant, paraphrased, was "wouldn't it be nice if the daily threat of terror could be so far reduced that it wasn't constantly looming". Obviously that's NOT what the Bushistas want because, like the Nazis, they've learned how they can use the power of FEAR to control people. Neocons are just little frightened people. Good thing you weren't around in the colonial days or we'd all be drinking tea with our pinkies stuck out.
  23. Maybe if we had joined with those idiots to react to terrorism in the 70's when THEY were getting blown up, like we expect THEM to do today after we've ignored them for decades, then terrorism could have been controlled and 9/11 wouldn't have happened. Duh.
  24. Bush has approved of using stem cells from strains that already existed, where the embryo was already destroyed when he took office. Scientists have stated that these strains are inadequate to perform meaningful research in reasonable timeframes. As Wacka stated there will be no federal funding for embryonic stem cell research but private research is ok. Welcome to the dark side. Nice to see you again.
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