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Everything posted by blzrul

  1. Zimmerman would have us believe that he was fishing in his pocket for his cellphone, and this "hoodlum" jumped him...any self-respecting "hoodlum" would think the guy was fishing for a GUN and he'd RUN LIKE HELL.
  2. The question is really a simple one: can you follow someone, then chase them down until they are fearful for their life and feeling backed into a corner and ready to fight for their life, and then hide behind "stand your ground"? "Standing your ground" does not allow you to CHASE someone. It allows you to defend yourself. Trayvon Martin was just a punky kid on the way home from the store in the dark and the rain, alone and afraid. Zimmerman was a bully with a gun. Of course this being FloriDUH who knows - Zimmerman could get off, dump his wife and run off with Casey Anthony. They can move to Texas, hire hookers off Craiglist and then kill them with impunity if they don't feel they get all the service they pay for.
  3. I think it would be AWESOME if about 50,000 people (assuming that many are gonna show for the opener) ALL show up at the same time will "illegal" bags. Women with big purses and men with a paper bag (containing food). The NFL is focused on #@$@# like making sure people don't bring in food (that would rob the poor NFL and owners and players of their hard-earned money if we didn't pay $12 for a sandwich), meanwhile every time you turn around some thug player is getting busted for serious felonies. Of course they're gonna say it's to deter evildoers from smuggling in bombs but we all know that's bull. It's a pipe dream but if everyone did it what would they do? Turn everyone away?
  4. Hmmm Rand Paul is a big hero when he filibusters...and you men have no say in the abortion issue unless you (a) step up and pay child support (without being hauled to court or (b) you step up and offer to raise the child yourself. It takes two to make a baby but it's often the single mother who's stuck with the child rearing as if somehow it's HER fault. If you don't like the situation, keep that little thang in your damn pants. That is all.
  5. Oh yeah. QB was Matt Robinson. Or Joe Dufek. 23,000 people at home games. People GIVING AWAY tickets outside the stadium....and finding no takers. We're on our way.
  6. You'd have to be drinking Kool-Aid, liberally laced with hallucinogenic drugs, to think the 2013 Bills will be any different from the Bills of the last 10-12 years.
  7. Well let's see, you have a rookie NFL coach who was .500 in college (TWO PINSTRIPE BOWLS, WAHHOOOOO!), a sucky defense with one guy getting all the money, receivers who can't catch, QBs who haven't started in years, and the team is on year 14-15 of "rebuilding". Are the Bills even inviting FA's?
  8. Beauregard for boy or Epiphany for girl. Seriously what about William Henry and Magdalena ...something for girl
  9. Black olives (some green olives are good - the good ones are expensive) Zucchini (except in bread) Lamb (any kind) Cold apples (as in refrigerated) Miracle whip = disgusting. That's a pretty short list...surprisingly. It seems like there are lots of things I don't care for but "detest" is a strong word.
  10. I wonder why this isn't getting more press? If you read this, and read Marv Levy's "fiction" (Between the Lies), it's pretty much the same story. So this says that it's an open secret...Marv would never make a public stink "for love of the game" and the others....? There have to be untainted teams and coaches out there. I guess they lack proof. Goodell - what a loser.
  11. Every criminal defense lawyer in WNY and beyond is salivating at the chance of having Manziel in WNY
  12. The Bills' problem is COACHING.
  13. There's a reason the NFL has been doing the community service ads against domestic violence. This is one of the situations we know about. I expect it's a very pervasive issue, mostly still behind closed doors. As it is in the rest of America. Say what you will about the middle east, at least they're right out front and center in abusing their wives, girlfriends and daughters. And after the initial outrage, about the same amount of action is taken to stop it.
  14. Does anyone think Marv Levy's novel "accidentally" discussed spygate, bounties, and more, some of it BEFORE the news was public?
  15. Yep. Their wives.
  16. I park up at ECC because it's easier to get out. But I get irritated that I pay my $25 or whatever and then have to hike an extra half-mile because pigs who pay the same $25 take up 4-5 parking spaces.
  17. Oh like maybe when they have catastrophic fires? Gov. Goodhair, maybe soon to be Emperor Goodhair, asked for such aid...alas it hadn't been two weeks since his most recent anti-federal rant about TX not needing the federal government, and hints of secession...so POTUS turned him down.
  18. I could not care less about immigration, as long as it's not criminals. They are the LEAST of our problems. Speaking of secession - Key West seceded at one point. I would have been willing to go occupy Key West as long as it took...but it only took 19 hours or so till they saw the error of their ways.
  19. I hope President Obama says yes. We can then replace Texas with Puerto Rico, so we don't have to mess up the flag. It will be so very funny the first time the Emperor of Texas asks the US for foreign aid. We can tell them no, then they'll have to ask Mexico...then they'll regret building that wall where Joe the Plumber advocated they sit on top with guns and plug away at those scary little people trying to sneak into America for a better life....
  20. Don't forget he's also going to take away your guns and turn us all into Socialists!
  21. I thought the officiating was really biased against the Bills in the first half, then they got a little more reasonable and almost anti-Patsy in the second. I agree the hit should have been called. And I'm glad that Fitz called the guy who beheaded him a "punk".
  22. Turdblossom (Bush's diminutive for Rove) is kinda turdy, but still and all what people are calling a "meltdown" on Fox didn't seem that bad to me. But maybe the bar is low. I have a Mercedes SLK350, it's blue of course but came from Texas so there's red there somewhere.
  23. Well with the benefit of hindsight Romney lost the popular vote. And in 2000 the Electoral College sucked. Today it's ok. I am not crazy about it - I wish the College could/would split votes - but when you think about it, it works. It does provide some modicum of leveling the playing ground relative to states with a small population that would otherwise get completely lost in the process. There's more of course... Popular vote would be my preference, but this stupid county can't hold a damned election. We'd have to bring ALL polling / voting places and methods into at least the 20th century.
  24. Leave now while you still can!
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