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Everything posted by blzrul

  1. I'm glad I didn't miss the lovefest, here's a bump. I pay my own way, but thanks anyway.
  2. I wonder that you can up in the morning and venture timidly out into the day, afraid as you are. Did you spend the whole Cold War under the bed? "Liberal" is derived from the word "liberalis" or free. As in land of free and home of the brave. Other derivates from the same root are liberty...liberate...etc. A liberal is one "who favors greater freedom in political or religious matters; an opponent of the established systems; a reformer" (Webster's Unabridged Dictionary). But for liberals who were unafraid of the British bogeyman, there would be no America. So, are you a conservative because you are afraid, or does being a conservative make you afraid?
  3. I'm still wondering when we're going to liberate the rape camps in Sudan. I know that was a big outrage here. I guess that's being postponed until the oil companies complete their exploration and determine if the human rights and civil liberties violations are bad enough to warrant intervention.
  4. I wager that Bruce Springsteen carries more weight than Curt Schilling. And I further wager that neither one carries enough weight to sway the outcome of an election. Take your comfort where you may. Far be it from me to burst the bubble of unreality which seems to be characteristic of George WMD Bush and his fervent supporters.
  5. Well join up and go, then you may know.
  6. IF they're so afraid of Bush then why didn't they take out the WTC before he came along?
  7. The one I know of is a group of families of soldiers serving in Iraq who do not support the war itself.
  8. One is a right, some would say a civic duty (as I was taught) and the other is a privilege. Perhaps it's a matter of degree of relative importance to the nation as opposed to the individual?
  9. And what was my comment on the article? Oops! There was none! There was no conclusion! There was even no opinion! How about that? But again, it's so nice to know that certain piles of RKFast have nothing better to do that to wait to personally skewer me. I'm glad to give them all a raison d'etre.
  10. Submit his name then.
  11. Key word = "priority". You mean they need MORE than the $220+b this "self-funding war" is going to cost us before this is all over? And how many new recruits do you think joined the Iraqi army this week? I guess when your only two choices for employment are to be killed as a cop or be killed as a soldier, it doesn't matter. I wonder what would happen if 50 of OUR soldiers were put on a bus, unarmed, and found executed? Maybe we could bury them all under the pipelines.
  12. He's still your son and your opposition to the war doesn't mean you don't love and support him and his soon-to-be fellow troops. I think your son is probably going in for the wrong reasons but in many cases the military does help people make something of themselves. I know my husband would be a major slacker if he hadn't done a tour with the Marines. His reason for joining wasn't particularly realistic but it worked out well for him, and I'm sure it will for your son too. There are various support groups for families of soldiers in Iraq, including at least one for families against the war. PM me if you want and I'll connect you with some resources. We'll all be praying for him, and you - that the choice was a good one for him and that he comes back to you safe and sound.
  13. Does anyone besides me find it ironic that we apparently put more effort into guarding the fewking oil pipelines than the ammo dumps and the unarmed Iraqi soldiers?
  14. So what precisely is the big deal if a person of one party supports someone from the other party? What does that mean? That they think for themselves? That they think more of the platform than party lines? Is that so bad? Yesterday I read an article written by a pro-life Libertarian who stated that for the first time in over 40 years of voting he was voting Democratic. So what? As a matter of fact I am married to a pro-life Libertarian who for the first time is voting Democratic. What does that mean? Does it mean all pro-life Libertarians are defecting to the Democratic party? Does one person's opinion in The Nation mean that liberals are embracing Bush? I think not. It just means that we have differences. Put away the champagne boys and get back to work.
  15. I believe this came from an (surprise) anti-Bush website called AWOLBush.com However you can look these people up yourself here. This one has some jabs at Bush and Quayle but there are Democrats in the list too. The preponderance of Republicans may just mean that more people submit GOP names than vice-versa, I don't think that you could conclude that most chickenhawks are Republican just by these lists. Here's a list of the 106th Congress and their service link.
  16. He asked for one, he got one. And I have had people key my car and spit on my Kerry sticker. I would assume that most Bush supporters aren't like that, except exposure here to some of his pinheaded supporters makes me wonder.
  17. Flip Flop More Flop than flip
  18. Here's one Here's one Unfortunately there are extremists on both sides.
  19. It would be nice if it were all so simple. The outsourcing I did entailed hiring American workers, here in America, to perform a function at which they excelled and at which the subscribing company did not. It did not involve offshoring jobs. They are two separate things. So when we got a contract with a company, some of those people were either let go OR hired by us. Those who were let go generally fared well because the economy was doing well and there were jobs for them. And we also helped them find new jobs. If in today's world those jobs are BEST done overseas, then that's naturally where they will go. And that's good news for those workers. Taking the approach that moving jobs overseas because it's CHEAP is not the same thing. I don't expect you to try to understand, because you don't want to, and I am not trying to convince you. But having worked in outsourcing for 11 years I have some experience and, I reiterate, it is a complex issue.
  20. I would love to know who, aside from the usual crowd of hypnotized lemmings, EVER thought Jessica Lynch was anything but (1) in the wrong place at the wrong time and (2) darned lucky at the way things ended. And by the way if she'd been Jeff Lynch would anyone have cared? Probably not.
  21. EXPERTS worried about missing explosives... ...thereby bearing out that there are NO experts on this board, despite all the posturing, posing and pretending. Which I guess is what "PPP" stands for after all.
  22. Sorry, I missed it - didn't see a link in GMACs post. Did see it in RCow's but too late. Write this day down, I erred. It so rarely happens after all that you spent the energy to point it out. I'm happy to have made your day!
  23. You need to cut them some slack my friend. Remember this thread was started by a guy who boasts of being a thief and by now he's probably hearing footsteps from the various agencies who will catch up with him some day. The other one, well, imagine what his life must be like. When they forget their meds, they just don't make much sense.
  24. Another myth Since you said you're wondering if it's true, the answer is NO.
  25. Well after yesterday my brother-in-law in Dallas tells me that wearing of a brown paper bag on one's head now constititutes Cowboy regalia and will be banned from all polling places in Arlington. You have to understand them - they care about one thing, winning, at any cost, fair or foul, period. That goes for sports as well as politics. So to have that team there may KILL them financially and otherwise but each time the Cowboys win a game they can all feel like winners. I'm not sure why that is, but there you have it. As a native New Yorker I don't feel a need to thump my chest and brag but they have this "thing" down there whether it's the shape of their state, their sports teams, or what have you.
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