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Everything posted by blzrul

  1. Not necessarily. Bush still thinks denial is a river in Egypt Just a little light-hearted humor.
  2. Here you go Bill Try this
  3. I'm not privy to the inside scoop in Glowing Bunnies nor do I want to be, but that ghostly glow makes me wonder if we now don't know who's been hoarding those elusive nukular WMDs?
  4. Did you ever see that JibJab of Bubba making brownies? It may still be there. It's pretty funny.
  5. Sounds like a plan. We could each select a dish and prepare it... It's starting to sound like a tailgate.... That works.
  6. No, Bill. Did you go too? It looked ugly. I am not going to any home games this year, have sold all my tickets.
  7. Yeah, they're all nasty. I remember in 2000 people were getting calls in during the primaries asking them if they knew that John McCain had a "mixed-race" child, the implication being that he had an affair with - horrors - a black woman. Not that it matters to most of us but in the Carolinas it was a big deal. And it was not true - he and his wife have an adopted child I believe from Vietnam. The easy way to make this stop is to be informed. Barry in KC is obviously informed so he knows to blow off this stuff. And when more people are informed and blow that stuff off, it will stop.
  8. No way. Now a bake-off I could do. That's an excellent way to settle differences.
  9. Blessed are the peacemakers. And the developers who invented the "ignore" function.
  10. Yes I think it could be intimidating and no I'm not happy. I don't like it. And before you get too hyped up over post-election litigation remember there's a reason the case is named BUSH v. Gore. Mickey's a lawyer, he can probably explain it to you if you don't understand, and he may not even charge for the consult.
  11. I think what we're seeing here is stuff that has ALWAYS gone on but until 2000 was unremarked and unreported. Suddenly it mattered. That is NOT to say it's ok, it is not. But I think exposing the problem may be helpful in reducing it. I heard a report on the radio this morning that one party has stated flat out that they intend to discourage as many of the oppostion party from voting as possible. That doesn't mean they intend to cheat of course, but there are other ways to discourage people from going to the polls, from implied intimidation through just making it a hassle. That bothers me on many levels.
  12. Vote in remembrance of Dewey winning that landslide.
  13. Welcome to PPP, where nothing is sacred and anyone who posts is immediately attacked because opposing points of view are not tolerated. When you make a joke you need to be sure to use at least 257 smilies and hope they get it. Even then you'll get flamed by 50% for too many smilies and 50% for too few. As a female I can't comment on the cute v not-cute but she is by any standards better looking than the guy she is running against. And the above statement will now bring on a rash of "yea that's right, you superficial #@$@, judging a candidate by how they look." Whatever - again, welcome to PPP.
  14. You're kidding right? All that wind and rain in Buffalo got to you did it?
  15. Just remember you all have a connection in the business with access to these lists and demographics.
  16. Now that's weak my friend. Black folk often refer to themselves and each other as "n's". You wouldn't use THAT term would you, knowing that outsiders use it as racial slur? Even though I am sure you have black friends or co-workers? "Fag" is not a whole lot different. However I don't believe you are a homophobe-I choose to accuse you instead of an error in judgement. Conversation with friends is one thing but written words to a group of mostly strangers is different and does not always translate in the way it was meant.
  17. I asked BJH for clarification and didn't get it. The article originally posted is from a source I wouldn't promote as credible and I didn't recognize it as the same one. Typical that there are at least three threads here on the OBL tape without comment or manipulation from management. But thanks for the clarification. And I don't worry about their attacks - there are only a handful of people here for whose good opinion I care. The rest bear out by their attacks that their arguments hold no water. If they did, they wouldn't feel they needed to attack.
  18. You're making a bigger deal over this than the media. I haven't heard one word about it. But I do congratulate you on finally figuring out that it's the media who takes petty crap and turns it into "issues". That you FALL for it proves that it works, which is why they won't stop.
  19. Neither do I, hence the word NEOCON
  20. So now that it's "crap" the thread is restored? When I started the thread I stated I didn't believe it and was asking if anyone else had seen the "report". I go by the official body count on the web which, I believe, is somewhere between 10k-15k. Which still isn't good. This was cited in my Seattle paper Friday or Saturday - so I will look for a retraction or clarification today if it is indeed "crap" Nice, stupid censorship, Moderator. If it IS true, deleting the thread wouldn't have made it go away.
  21. I heard more than one "expert" over the past few days saying that OBL made the tape to be conciliatory not toward the US but toward those he hopes to attract to his cause. They further stated that although OBL doesn't state a preference for a candidate he would in all likelihood prefer Bush, because Bush is a poster-boy for recruitment. The psychology of OBL's personal attack on the Bush family would seem to bear that out ... perhaps Since the GOP are so fond of giving OBL free press, that makes sense. I don't have a count this year but even in WA the GOP likes to use OBL in their attack ads....if you elect Pauline Schwartz dogcatcher in East Poodunk, don't you know it's a win for OBL? Anyway I think that people are so used to seeing OBL that another tape is just a yawner. I can't imagine it's going to scare anyone into changing their vote one way or another. Unless they stop to wonder WHY the guy is still out there alive, apparently healthy and making videos.
  22. I wonder if Arafat's impending demise has anything to do with it.
  23. Yes how could one impugn poor Drudge. I remember well how all the neocons were salivating months ago over Drudge's report on Kerry's "affair". Walter Cronkite is definitely no lover of Bush and I can imagine him making a sarcastic comment as was stated earlier, but if it's true it'll appear in multiple mainstream news sources, including no doubt FAUX where O'Reilly and the boys will be tearing their hair out and calling Walter a commie pinko pansy.
  24. The worst of the whole OBL tape thing is that our dedicated National Security Advisor had to cease her campaigning for the Chimp in Chief and actually pay some attention to national security. Boy I feel safer already.
  25. Amen. Catching OBL should have been our first and only priority. My mom missed it all by one day ... and still can't figure out why we're in Iraq when OBL is somewhere else, safe and sound and no doubt plotting against us.
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