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Everything posted by blzrul

  1. No, that's why God invented the USPS!!!!!!!
  2. I have no idea. Because you are delusional? I just posted what I heard in response to someone who wondered how the unemployment index would RISE as a result of adding jobs. I could speculate further about why you'd feel that way but I am really not interested.
  3. It's part and parcel of a society that demands nothing less than instant gratification. For example WHY is it so important to have election results the same day? Certainly in 1800 it took more than a day to obtain, tally and report the results. I wonder why we don't just hold our elections over a two-day period, like a Friday-Saturday or Sunday-Monday, to keep the lines down and allow more time to count the provisional / absentee ballots as well. As near I can recall in 2000 people freaked out until 12/13 because of fear of the unknown. Well it's not unknown any more, we survived then and we could do it again. It seems like if it took a couple of days to get it right it would be worth it.
  4. According to the analyst from JP Morgan who I heard on the radio, the results arise, as is correctly pointed out, from construction jobs in Florida after the hurricanes, as well as "normal" (whatever that is) growth. He didn't break down the numbers. The INCREASE in unemployment is attributed to those "discouraged" workers who are invisible because they aren't looking for work. Apparently they become "encouraged" and are now actively looking. Their numbers drove up the unemployment rate. It was also stated that October job cuts in excess of 100,000 have been announced (highest monthly figure in over a year) so if those cuts are actually implemented it will offset this increase. I guess we just have to wait and see.
  5. Well if the post-election analyses are correct you are the clueless one. When asked, people voted for Bush NOT on terror, the war, the economy or healthcare. It was on "values", whatever that is. Unless Bush is going to lob gold bullion and bricks of bills on the terrorists, throwing money at the problem won't solve it any more than it's solved the drug problem, the crime problem, or the poverty level. It DOES however play right into OBL's stated objective of driving the country toward bankruptcy. So if Bush does not implement more conservative and responsible fiscal policies, OBL will win without lifting a finger. I'm sure it's frustrating to you but there are ways to put up a fight other than by force. What's really interesting is how the people who are purportedly in the MOST danger of terror attacks - on the coasts - voted overwhelmingly for Kerry. So that either proves that terror wasn't their biggest concern OR that they didn't think Bush was capable of handling it. Choose your poison and drink deep.
  6. I said he was a remnant from the old racist (southern) Democratic party, the party of Wallace. Those people mostly bolted to the GOP when LBJ forced integration in 1964. That's a historical fact by the way, they did exist and he's one of the few still in office. Or was. !@#$. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  7. duplicate thread
  8. What happened? All the old southern racists went over the GOP. Zell Miller is a remnant of an era that is best forgotten. He's always put me in mind of George Wallace.
  9. Hmmm well considering the only action taken by the government at the time was to bomb Tripoli I could see where that might be the case.
  10. And what would you expect from a group of pinheads? Ah well. All that poison will get them in the end.
  11. The ironic thing is that the people who suffer are often the same people who give the "mandate". Most of the people I know aren't happy but are well-educated and have good, high-paying jobs as knowledge workers. Their philosophy is "well it doesn't really affect me personally" and for a large part that's true. So they can shrug their shoulders and sigh, then go on to thinking of something else. Hard times affect those on the bottom harder. And more and more of the middle class are ending up on the bottom. Good times reach them last. I learned that when I wasn't working. We actually paid more in taxes as a percentage income than we do now. Whatever - we'll just have to see what happens.
  12. I wouldn't care if he talks to Him but he obviously doesn't listen. Jesus isn't big on wars, hatred and discrimination and He HATES hypocrites. Jesus is probably the only person Bush can talk to who doesn't inwardly or outwardly laugh. That's the beauty of Jesus. This too shall pass.
  13. Someone sent me this attachment which I thought was funny. The "majority" has ruled. And since it's those people in those red states who will pay the most: in taxes, in the blood of their children and more, I guess it's only fair. Being in the top 1% I was willing to give up my tax breaks in the hope that their burden might be eased, but apparently they don't want that. So be it.
  14. Your screen name is too long. "Jackass" would be more appropriate. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  15. This is just one of many UNSUBSTANTIATED instances on both sides. The Dems have complained of the same tactics by the GOP, again unsubstantiated. I heard an entire piece on helping Alzheimer's patients to vote as well. Believe it or not, if they can, they vote. And deciding "if they can" is an interesting issue. And I echo the sentiments about the title of the thread. Seems like, whether or not this is true, BF1 deserves some ice cream, big time.
  16. Maybe they thought that was where to go to collect their oil royalty checks.
  17. Oh those nasty election workers! How terrible! Where do they think they are, the Department of Motor Vehicles?!
  18. I always wondered if it was a job requirement that one be in one's dotage. Most of those lovely old women are old enough to remember the days BEFORE they had the right to vote. So maybe that's why they are there...bless their hearts.
  19. Gosh you people are hateful today - moreso than usual. Why don't you just chill out and wait to see what unfolds? After all this time it's about to start to be resolved one way or another.
  20. Oh, is she a Republican?
  21. Judging from your avatar they'd put you higher on the priority list than me!
  22. I say that I'm having trouble figuring out your point, and am not going to bother. Last I read this thread was about election dirty tricks, not the dawn of partisan politics. And who brought up assault weapons? Were you attacking me? I didn't think so, merely that you were trying to get a rise out of me. So sorry to disappoint you. It's pretty silly that by AGREEING with you, you become irritated. Bush v Gore means Bush is the plaintiff, meaning Bush filed the suit. So what I meant when addressing the comment that I took to be exasperation at the thought of prolonged litigation, was that perhaps had the precedent not been set in 2000 we wouldn't be looking at it again. And that precedent was set because Bush initiated the litigation. So if that irritates people they have the 2000 Bush campaign to blame.
  23. story Not funny if you or a loved one have been disfigured by some ravaging disease or tragic accident, but when I saw this I couldn't help but laugh at the idea of transplating a face. Can you imagine walking down the street and encountering someone who's the beneficiary of a face donated by someone you know. How long before there are faces on eBay? I bet Leno and the gang will have a ball with this one.
  24. As long as I get a paint horse that would be ok!
  25. I'm not trying to be condescending at all. You're just disappointed that I didn't take your bait. I don't support what Michael Moore is doing, period. In other words I agree with you. And no, I'm not "happy" that he's doing it. Again, sorry to disappoint you. I'm sure you're not happy about some of the GOP dirty tricks, as in those armed police officers posted in Florida in predominantly poor, black precincts where people fear, not trust, police? But I can't do anything about either one, just hope that in the end justice will prevail. And when one heaves a big sigh over potential election litigation, one has to remember who opened the election litigation Pandora's box in 2000. It may not be pleasant, but it's a fact - it's amazing how many people either don't understand that or have conveniently forgotten.
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