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Everything posted by blzrul

  1. Well since those cowardly turncoat old Europeans, Germany and France, were in on it, it MUST be a very bad thing. And could Britain be about to betray us? Perish the thought!!!!!!! That's sarcasm folks. I don't know what "may" have happened and what may still have happened but the fact that these three European countries spearheaded thing this does seem to signal that they viewed the THREAT as real, if not imminent. As opposed to...oh, never mind, that would be a different thread.
  2. For the record I have a copy of the Qu'ran and I would NOT take it kindly if some dumbass nuked my neighborhood because Osama let one fly. And is Osama was a threat we'd have pursued and caught him, don't you think? No, we are safe now that Saddam is in custody and we have brought the world to our side through our invasion of his country. Every family we kill, every child we maim, brings us more and more security. And as Mickey says, Asscroft himself fixed it so we are safe, so what, me worry?
  3. In all fairness to Tom, he wasn't the only one. There are quite a few wingnuts around here citing unimpeachable sources (like Drudge and Rush) about those WMDs all lying around pointed directly at Middle America. The really FUN part is that most of them, along with at least 53 million Americans STILL believe it. If you DON'T believe it they start talking about koolaid and hot pockets and stuff. So there really is a direct correlation between ignorance and hunger.
  4. I decided the BSA could go to hell when the refused to accept my son into Cub Scouts. His speech made him difficult to understand and the den mother said he could only join if a parent would be at all the meetings (meaning we'd have to take off afternoons to do so), And to add insult to injury the B word never gave us our dues check back although the kid never went to one meeting. The BSA cashed it. Of course I could have sued for discrimination but why bother. I didn't want my kid hanging around those hypocrites anyway. Frickin brats obviously get it from their a-hole parents.
  5. Oh that's priceless, suddenly it's the government's job to cure all the ills that face us? What a joke.
  6. The kid was prepared to cut himself to ribbons and could have possibly hurt the officer. He had to be stopped and I support the offier's actions. I just hope that child gets some help - he OBVIOUSLY has a big problem needs help. Without it he'll be cutting up adults for sure some day.
  7. No-one's doing that. My post was in the hope that we would AVOID that - a reminder that we even though we may not "like" the person, after hashing through that painful Edwards thread we should all remember that it's not nice to wish death and suffering on someone. Unless that's not what was ultimately conceded on that thread - it got off track and I lost interest. I didn't change screen names.
  8. If true, he is deserving of the same compassion and well-wishes as were shown by this board to Elizabeth Edwards when we learned she had cancer.
  9. Get used to ALWAYS being wrong. ALWAYS. My husband has, so I am sure you can.
  10. Naw, it's "Pissants, pretenders and poseurs". I suppose I should say "puissant" but I spent just enough time in Texass to appreciate pissant.
  11. ????? You must be older that we realized. Maybe older than YOU realized.
  12. I always assumed Maher was gay. I never met Maher but I could tell stories about several stars including BonJovi and Billy Joel ... but I won't.
  13. I think what it is, is that people feel guilty when they don't have change or whatever. Here they are, going shopping, so they probably have money, and there is the reminder that there are others who don't have money to bop into Kohls or Target and drop a few bucks...who wants to be reminded? And when people feel guilty they immediately look for someone else to blame instead of just sucking it up and dropping a 5, 10 or 20 if that's all they've got. OR just walking by and dropping in nothing. The SA isn't judgmental. That 5, 10 or 20 can make a big difference to someone who doesn't have much, especially a child at Christmas.
  14. My momma always told me that if someone was irritating, I should ignore him and he would go away. It works. So if Michael Moore drives you so crazy then WHY are there at least two threads here keeping him in the limelight? Ignore him. He'll go away eventually.
  15. I believe it may be national. Believe it or not - customers complain.
  16. No problems. Just release about 1500 calico cats and watch Asscroft melt down. I thought it was black cats that were bad but somewhere in HIS Bible, it's calico. Go figure.
  17. Well all the folks who didn't see the first movie (but criticized it anyway) must be happy that they have 2-3 years to criticize the second (and not see it either).
  18. Maybe they'll ask a former President to go. That way the Administration's not involved but it couldn't be construed negatively if a guy like Carter or Clinton, both of whom worked hard on brokering peace in that hellhole, were to attend. Of course both are private citizens and could go if they wanted anyway I suppose.
  19. Oh we lost that freedom several years ago. As Bush said in May, 1999: "There ought to be limits to freedom." So, there's at least one campaign promise he kept.
  20. "Deceivableness"? Now I know where Bush gets his vocabulary.
  21. Just goes to show you what an extremist can accomplish in confronting other extremists.
  22. 1) I said large, not fat. I guess it is fat, though, eh, since you mention it? You would know. 2) Weeks ago I began to make use of the wonderful IGNORE feature and VAB was one of the first on my list. His posts are not worth reading and certainly not worth responding to.
  23. Assuming you're physically capable? Either a coward or a hypocrite. Considering that they're calling back guys who have been out for 8+ years, and sending reserves in huge numbers, it would seem like they are in need of people. Don't let the door hit you in your large ass on the way! I'll even send you cookies and lots of cigarettes. It's too bad the gov't can't send you a gilt-edged invitation. Be proactive.
  24. Hey, if it's the right thing to do all Americans who can should be doing their part. There are plenty of guys who rushed out and enlisted after 9/11. Aussie's son is about to join because he believes so strongly, even though she does not. Being young, strong, healthy, supporting the war and NOT enlisting because "I'm too big" is the lamest !@#$ing thing I ever heard in my life.
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