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Everything posted by blzrul

  1. I knew there would be a link. Anchor Bar = ya gotta go once before you die, but there's always a line so don't wait until you're starving.
  2. "fake" or not, 100+ yards in penalties is unacceptable.
  3. Duff's (there are several) for wings, we like the Olympic Restaurant by the airport for "diner" food (and their pie is good), but it's been awhile, I imagine it's still there. I'm not local but lots of these guys are and I'm sure you'll find some great little places.
  4. Not sold on Tuel Time. Saw him play college ball for years. When he wasn't choking, he was stinking. He performed surprisingly well against 2nd/3rd string teams, and it's awesome he can get onto the field without hurting himself. But unless EJIII is the next coming of Russell Wilson, I'm not looking to Tuel Time for any big wins this year. I hope I'm wrong.
  5. Darryl Talley is doing an awesome tweet-by-tweet job on Twitter. Thurman pitches in every so often.
  6. Gunz & Rozelles.
  7. Newark. And NJ is on there twice it's so sucky. LOL - I actually like NJ. Best-kept secret ever.
  8. What makes Pay-Rod worse that Sosa or McGuire? The fact that he's not a lovable clown or a good old boy? He's got an attitude, no way about it, but MLB has made him the poster boy as if he's any worse than a bunch of them. Manny...Nelson Cruz...etc.
  9. This one's a bummer indeed. I don't watch Maury but...but...I hope we don't see this airing out there. The child has to come first. Not negotiable. The two cheaters come last, simply because they put themselves first, thinking only of themselves and not of consequences or who could get hurt. The other innocent has a decision to make and I don't envy her. I don't know why people do stuff they know they shouldn't...because they ALWAYS get caught. Always. One way or another. So, you take what you want - and you pay for it. Sometimes it's worth it, sometimes the price is steep. In the end, things will work out the way they should. That's what God does, you see. We may not like it, but ain't nothin we can do about it. Good luck - and do the right thing for the child. Nothing else really matters.
  10. Last year I got something like $200 - last game I was buying junk just to spend it all. This year they weren't so generous. My package came today, the tickets are better quality but the pins are kinda small. If that means the Bills win more games I'm down with that.
  11. You people just have too much time on your hands. That's why I bought a yacht. Keeps me busy. That said, I was expecting this verdict. The prosecution was pretty incompetent. Once again egomaniacal attorneys go for the brass ring, and blow it. However, "not guilty" does not mean innocent. There are only two people who know what really happened. Once's not talking and the other can't. In the end I think it's HYSTERICAL that the Zimmermans are now worried about "vigilantes with guns" who might go after Zimmerman. That would certainly be an interesting irony. I think the stand your ground law as it's implemented in Florida needs a little work. My sister used to write legislation for a (thankfully) northern state, it's not that hard but you have to be very painstaking. Florida just passed a law trying to stop online gaming in certain areas that is being interpreted by some to outlaw computers. My final prediction is that the State of Texas will be happy to give Zimmerman that PD job he so craved and couldn't even get in Florida.
  12. You should drop some off at the local firestation too, those asshat union thugs might appreciate it.
  13. Got an MBA via an executive program fully paid for by my employer. Cost them $60k at the time (2001). Was worth it at a very minimum for the business connections I made. Many of the courses were the same as undergrad (stats, accounting, etc). I enjoyed it, but it was hard. And yes, I think it's helped. I may not use a lot of that stuff but employers assuming I could is as you say the "tick" on the box. I work in the technology field and most people do have them. Every now and then you run into someone who never even finished a bachelor's program, but they only go so far.
  14. Where's Wacka when you need him?
  15. Not in recent years, that I can recall anyway. I used to haunt this place until the college freshmen with no lives (and less to say) took over. It's all good. Anything that's said here matters not one whit in the grand scheme of things except to he who posted it and the people who take exception to it. .
  16. Actually the more I peruse this thread the more I have to bow to the expertise on racism here. Because outside of a KKK rally it's hard to imagine seeing so much concentrated racism in one place. Wowza. Well done. I guess.
  17. Oh so Zimmerman is related to Al Sharpton? Because it was the Zimmerman family who made the distinction early on. I just figured they knew he was a racist so they wanted to unwhite him. Cool avatar dog.
  18. I'm still trying to figure out what in the world is a "white Hispanic"?
  19. What really matters is while the boys in the cockpit were playing with their levers and crashing the plane, the women in spike heels and pencil skirts were saving the lives of the passengers. Next time I witness anyone disrespecting a flight attendant, said moron will regret it deeply.
  20. Right we don't need another USELESS HISTORY MAJOR like MARV LEVY hanging around.
  21. At a time when America needs more college-educated people, particularly in the sciences, yet families are having a hard time paying for the education, this is a grand experiment. It may not work, but without trying it what'll change? Not having educated people benefits TBD PPP and Fox News, but overall it hurts America and the world. If we never tried anything new, and shied away from the unknown, we'd still be squished into 13 colonies, or fewer, drinking tea and eating crumpets.
  22. Worst part is seeing photos of people from a class reunion on Facebook and thinking "OMG what a bunch of old farts" and then wondering whether I look just as old...
  23. Look up "Cameron Todd Willingham". In the face of overwhelming evidence that this man may have been innocent, Rick Perry's response was basically "well he probably did something wrong so he deserves it" and wouldn't stay the execution. It's easy to sit there in your dorm rooms and talk about execution like it's no big deal - but innocent people have been executed. That means two things: they were unlawfully deprived of their lives AND the a-hole who did the crime is still out there.
  24. Three words: J. Edgar Hoover. What's going on today (legally, whether we like it or not) pales in comparison. It's not so much having/obtaining the info. It's how it's used. In my job I can look at all kinds of records, and I can see information that people would prefer I not see. I'm a trustworthy person and it wouldn't occur to me to do anything dastardly with it. Snowden on the other hand used his position to access info he had no right to see in the first place. I'm sure he signed a confidentiality agreement as well. If he'd wanted to be a patriot there are ways to tip off the media, who could then have done a little digging AND would have gone to jail to protect Snowden. Snowden is in this for Snowden. I hope he likes Russian airports.
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