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Everything posted by blzrul

  1. http://crooksandliars.com/david-neiwert/enough-whining-teabaggers-actually-i The teabaggers were the ones who unleashed this on their own stupid selves. Or I should say, the ill-informed, ignorant nitwits who hijacked the movement. We need a third party, but it has to be VIABLE. Unfortunately every cranky lout who on one hand "hates" the gubmint (and on the other complains when the gubmint doesn't do enough for him) is drawn to the image of "patriot" but....they're not. They're just lunatic fringe wackos. The real reformers have lost their voices to these nuts.
  2. Especially considering all he does is mess up the game. I'm still po'd at moving the ProBowl.
  3. Not sure he's even starting...he had the surgery in August, only practiced this week. Maybe the Adderol will help.
  4. You won't have to stand and you could get on TV (I sat in Row 1 once, before I bought my season tickets, and found myself with a camera in my face).
  5. If you really bring a baby to a football game, in the lower bowl, at least make sure you get a noise-canceling headset on him.
  6. Deaths attributable to the Crusades estimated at 9 million. Spanish Inquisition, about 125,000. I guess these guys feel they have some catching up to do. Religion Is Stupid.
  7. Big boy is NOW saying his wife threatened him. Poor guy, the perennial victim.
  8. I must have missed the "Roadmap to Mideast Crises" that lays out exactly what's going to happen and exactly how to react to it. It's pretty much been "they kill people in horrible ways whenever they feel like it"...our problem as a nation is that we recognize how much that sucks, and it's hard to look away. Looking away is partially WHY things are a freaking mess in the Middle East. The world looked away while Hitler gassed Jews, and post-war guilt drove the victors to kick a bunch of Arabs off "their" land to create Israel. Oversimplification to be sure...unless you're an Arab.
  9. Meh...surely you're not implying Obama is the only POTUS ever, or the only world leader ever, to rattle a sabre? Last time I checked sabre-rattling doesn't usually generate casualties. And, sometimes it works (see Cuban Missile Crisis) Personally, much as I deplore what's happening, I don't know what anyone could do to stop it.
  10. We didn't care when Saddam gassed his own people, so I find it hard to believe we give a damn about the Syrians. In any event it seems like there was a delay while the samples were collected and analyzed to be sure that the rumors were true, with the empty time filled in of course by sabre-rattling. Then we're waiting for the rest of the "civilized' world to weigh in, so more sabre-rattling is called for. Now we hear there won't be any troops sent in (yet) which is good, but I don't see what can be done. Who the heck do you bomb? I vote for sabre-rattling. It's just as effective as anything we can do, and fewer people will die. No matter what we do, or don't do, those poor slobs are toast.
  11. Partial birth abortion is gross, except the fetus wouldn't live if it was birthed entirely. It's not viable. If it was, I'm pretty sure the people who have them wouldn't be able to pay for all the care the fetus would need to live. Who'd pay - taxpayers? You? <crickets> This lady is a mental case. And unless there was the Second Coming, there was a man in the equation somewhere. It would have been better to dump the baby on HIM. At least, compared to what happened to the baby. Any guy who's ever taken a chance ought not to be casting stones. You're not the ones stuck with the kid. I wish this person had gone to someone for help, but she didn't. Who knows why - she may not even know. Abortion is and always should be a last resort. It is not birth control. And most normal people don't think of abortion as birth control. Ever see Agnes of God? Based on a true story that took place in Rachacha area. I was doing my legal studies and was in court when they brought her in for arraignment. Having seen her I couldn't scream for her to get the death penalty, no matter what she did. Mental illness sometimes trumps retribution.
  12. 4-22 at WSU and then benched in favor of Loebbestal. Who's Loebbestal you ask? Exactly.Tuel Time is a nice kid but you have to learn how to win. I'd rather see Leinart start, he's been a major NFL bust but somewhere in the back of his brain he might remember what winning is like and how to get there.
  13. So the NFL only tests for steroids then, eh? How interesting.
  14. You know if you can't be the best, be the best at being the worst. Bills got that NAILED.
  15. its pretty outrageous. we all know racism cuts both ways
  16. I hope the Bills suck this year then because if they win the SuperBowl they'll have to go to the White House and see Obama. How horrible. PPPer's would, of course, discount the win. In fact they'd storm the Ralph and smash the Lombardi trophy, ANYTHING to keep the Bills from being polluted by a visit to an Obama White House.
  17. This only hit the NATIONAL news yesterday. And no-one wants to confiscate all guns. We just all wish gun owners would be responsible and agree that there is a problem, and join to help address it. I grew up with guns, might own one myself again one day. I will be responsible with it because I realize that when some IDIOT pulls this stuff, or some MORON leaves a gun lying around that kills a 3-year old it makes all gun owners look like irresponsible nuts. Yesterday alone on CNN's landing page you had these 3 asshats, a toddler who found a gun and killed himself, and the crazy guy in Georgia. You don't hear about the responsible gun owners, because the head of the NRA is a foaming-at-the-mouth fool who offers "more guns!" as the answer, and has crazies like Ted Nugent as poster boy. Ridiculous. MOST gun owners are responsible. I don't know why they LET the crazies label them. The NRA represents the gun industry, not the gun owner. They'll defend to the death a crazy person's right to murder schoolchildren rather than admit that crazy people having access to guns is a problem, and the answer is anything but more guns.
  18. Was it not in the early 1900's that we had a similar experience in NYC? The Shirtwaist Factory I believe? Even though it was "only" women who died (maybe children too) it was the start of the realization that the age of industry was hazardous to workers' health and more than a little unfair in terms of labor practices. Yet people would implement policies that would allow us to go back there....
  19. What I mean is that people seem to waste an inordinate amount of energy worrying about the possibility that a leech will get their hard-earned tax dollars. While no-one likes being taken advantage of, when there isn't a whole lot you can do about it and I'm not sure obsessing over it helps any.
  20. Speaking of welfare, I presume that farm subsidies pay the farmer (or agribusiness) more than they'd make growing and selling their products. Right? It's kind of a pervasive concept.
  21. the premise of all this "anti-minimum wage" stuff is that companies will do the right thing and wages will reflect value of work, and worker. of course they will do the right thing - for themselves. if there was no floor on wages, and they could get away with paying $.75 an hour, they would. because they're in business to make money - for themselves, and their shareholder. obviously a wage that low is ridiculous, but the point is that companies do not have the welfare of their workers primarily in mind (except Costco). there are unfortunates who don't have many options, for whatever reason. and there are leeches. i pay taxes without complaint because i receive services that benefit me, and i don't mind sharing. it's irritating that leeches take some of it, but as Jesus said "love them all and let God sort them out in the end". it's rather sad how so many people stew over stuff like this.
  22. http://inplainsight.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/08/21/20052531-people-think-everyone-who-is-poor-gets-welfare-and-its-just-not-true-how-the-myth-of-the-welfare-queen-died?lite Interesting read. I Quote: "Most experts say that even in a low-wage job, a single mother is better off financially than on welfare because welfare payments are so low. In July 2011, the maximum monthly TANF payment for a family of three ranged from $170 to $923 a month, depending on the state, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services."
  23. Wearing the mask is not the issue, it's the purpose for which he wore it. I have had Carter, Reagan, Nixon and other masks - just wore them for Halloween (purchased at the old Village Toy Shop in Fairport). But certainly not to degrade the guy which is what this was all about. It just shows how divided we are that people would laugh - I would have been disgusted. I don't like rodeos anyway.
  24. Sure wish Fitz was still around. And for you folks screaming about Tuel Time, everyone in the PAC 10 (PAC 12) is laughing at you. Tuel stinks.
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