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Everything posted by njsue

  1. You left out the San Francisco 49ers. They will absolutly stink.
  2. I am very much looking forward to meeting you too. See you at danny's around 6 or 6:30.
  3. Perhaps a singles cruise on a celebrity ship cruise ship is insurance.
  4. Dumb ass Redsux cant get it right when it counts. LETS GO YANKEES DEREK JETER
  5. Oh lovely Darin isnt it. Break out the sun block dont want to burn now
  6. There is a canal down a ways from where I live that constantly floods when heavy rains come. Damn Frances go away please.
  7. Fiedler has no A$$ to flat
  8. A halfassed RB. END THE SEASON NOW.
  9. Here is a cute little story about what happened when my little brother started Kindergarten: My mom walked over to see my Brother Paul's little kindergarten skit. When the kids started singing, there was a strange howling in the school hall way. It was our dog Ruffy. He followed my mother to the school. Still think it is the cutiest thing.
  10. Got plenty of CD's for you to rock on with CD CAmpy. Especially LED ZEPPLIN's greatest hits.
  11. Gee no one mentions NJSUE But, I love everyone. Cant wait to see everyone and the new comer ICE.
  12. Do we need some kind of insurance for a kissing booth?
  13. Nah, castration is much better. SICK SOB
  14. I cant help it. I am a hot blooded Sicilian. B)
  15. Thruway east bound to 190 north. Easy stuff. Been there tons of times.
  16. Pray this screws the Fish Heads mentally.
  17. If they are jerky like last years Pansy' fans. NJSUE will let them have it, if they start the DISSING.
  18. I thought this board was supposed to be G RATED
  19. I am sneeking an opportunity to cruise the wall while at work. Sneeky is one of my best attributes.
  20. and hanging out with the best people in my entire lifetime.
  21. Yes you do hear things bout those red bums. LONG HAIRED FREAKY STREET THUGS LOOKING FOR FIST FIGHT.
  22. In honor of the 5th annual. I bought Led Zeppelins' greatest hits 2 cd set. YEAH THIS PARTY WILL BE ROCKING NOW! B)
  23. There defense stinks. Remember how many times Travis Henry had his way last year. J E T S SUCK SUCK SUCK. DONT YOU FORGET IT.
  24. I live in new jersey. I have alot of choices. My choice is to go with the Yankees. Love there history and there spirit to winning.
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