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Everything posted by njsue

  1. I checked out the cobalt. So it will be a toss up. The Saturn might win. It really matches my personality well.
  2. what rumours did you hear VA? R.rich called me a lush.
  3. Send your wife to kick her ass. Yeah that works.
  4. Go to the principle, then go to the board of education and file a complaint. I had a creep for a first grade teacher. What she used to do to the not so rich kids. She shoved my friend Susan Sieleckia in a closet cause she had a problem adding. My mother and other mothers took it to the board. Surely this whale was fired.
  5. Word travels so fast.
  6. I do like reliable cars, cause I have had my nightmares of lemons & limes. Never buy someonelses problems. My future car Check out the Ionquadcoupe. SWEET.
  7. It is a saturn car. Its gorgeous.
  8. Steve Christie was available too, before the not so Gmen snatched him up.
  9. We calls them as we sees them
  10. How do losers manage to crawl through the cracks and get on this classy board.
  11. Thanks for the info. Guess before I attempt to buy a 2005 I should just check out other options. Maybe another Cavalier.
  12. Your such a trip Alaska Darin.
  13. The picture proves MARSHA is a RUMP WRANGLER
  14. You mean the story about me chugging 7 cosmopolitans trickled all the way to Alaska. :
  15. http://www.saturn.com/saturn/showroom/ion/...dex.jsp?nav=200 Not sure if this will work. Sorry if this link is wrong. It is so HOT had to show you all NJSUE's soon to be HOTROD.
  16. I am looking to buy a new car. Just love the Saturn Ion Quad Coupe in Chili Pepper red. Probably get it next march or april. But, I am so in love with this vehicle. How is the performance and reliability of the saturn automobile? Thank you for your reply
  17. youth vs senior citizens
  18. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: loser
  19. OK next year I wont drink Cosmopolitans. Just a couple of Slocomfortablescrews
  20. I will be happy to volunteer for next year.
  21. It feels so good to know that people really care about the jersey girl Thank You
  22. Sorry about that bF. Thought the clock time was right, but it was 20 minutes ahead. But, I survived anyway. Guess I am still to tough of a lady.
  23. Just to name a few: Josh Beckett Brad Penny Barry Zito Mark Mulder Tim Hudson Bartolo Colon These current pitchers may screw up now, but the post season has a different style.
  24. Steve Christie kicked a 53 yard field goal for the NYGiants yesterday. Damn. We are stuck with a crooked foot for the rest of the season. Is Gary Anderson still available?
  25. Maybe it was meant to be for me to get sick like I did. So I did not have to scream my head off as usual.
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