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Everything posted by njsue

  1. Thanks for the link. It gives me some real insightable clues to answering my ?.
  2. Some are more knowledgable about topics than others.
  3. I dont ask day after day. Only when I it is clueless to me. Ever read something 10 thousand times and it still makes your head spin. Well then its time to ask some one who understands it better than you to explain it. I am a smart lady, but not a genuis.
  4. I am for it only in the case of rape. Other than that I say get protection, my answer then will be no.
  5. I have finished all 5 chapters, but this ? in Chapter 6 is not very understanding to me. I want to pass this darn class. Thank you to those who care to see me do good in school. sometimes this stuff just puzzles me. So I know that there are some people here that know this stuff better than me. the case title is Is a tax break and export subsidy. 1. How does the FSC item int he US tax code constitute an export subsidy? 2. Do you think that "internal matters" such as tax codes and food safety laws should be excluded from consideration byt the WTO? 3. why do you think the US congress is apparently so reluctant to scap the FSC? 4. Can you see a solution to this trade dispute? What is it? 5. What do you think might occur if the trade dispute is not resolved?
  6. I am going for a second degree. Several business management classes. Have not had an International business class before. Somethings make my head spin. Last spring I had a Economics 2 class, YIKES MADE MY HEAD SPIN TO MUCH. So I got a tutor, some one I work with. You see. When I dont quite understand something, I will ask someone else to help me.
  7. I say pay back is a B word time to SQUISH THE FISH.
  8. I am and will always be a fan whether they win or lose. Will support Drew all the way.
  9. Arrowhead Stadium is one of the toughest places to play. The Chiefs are expected to be successfull this season. But, they need it to work on both sides of the ball. Feel bad for Dick Vermeil.
  10. Perhaps this is not a good place to ask for help with a subject or topic you just dont quite understand. Cause some of the people here would rather criticize you for not understanding it. Rather than stepping up like a decent human being to help. If I understood the subject you are having difficulty with. I would gladly help you. Good Luck
  11. This board is becoming way to obnoxious. You ask for help and you get criticized for not understanding something. If your intentions are not to help WHY BOTHER POSTING.
  12. I thought I could ask some people on this board, whom I considered friends to help me out. But, guess I was wrong.
  13. How can I get in touch with someone? If there is an extra Ticket. What is the cost? Thanks
  14. Nah, they are all METS FANS in disguise.
  15. There are something that are easy to me. There are some things that I could read 10 million times and still not get it. Oh they book makes my head spin. So I go to askjeeves.com to ask the ? and sometimes there is easier information about the subject.
  16. The course is international business. Some things I understand. Like the Disney in France case. This was easy to understand. Why disney missed understood the culture. Why they failed in France. When you ask me about taxes and trade oh for get it. But, this is an external course. I do know that there are people on this board who either have a job in the field or have had the knowledge more than I. If I did not ask the ? how could I learn from the answers.
  17. You ask someone for help, but you get IGNORANT REMARKS. erynthered are you such a genius or a lazy highschool kid. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: PACO. I know what you got your small education in being a totally IDIOT. Next time someone on this board asking for the help of another TBD'er STAY THE HELL AWAY. Thanks to you BIB for helping me understand it better.
  19. I just might be interested in going, since its close to my house. Hope those jests fans learned something other than how to make airplanes out of the game day program IDIOTS
  20. I got that error message again trying to send a reply to your PM. Check it out.
  21. Thank you all for your help. I understand the material a little better.
  22. Hey does anyone have a clue about this question? You guys are a huge help to break it down for me to be able to comprehend better.
  23. Nothing funnier than a depressed FISH.
  24. When Tom Donahoe first took this team under his wings. THE BILLS TOTALLY STUNK. We all knew that it would take a while for him to build this team back up to its winning capabilities. SO QUIT WITH NUMBERS. GO BACK TO THE BEGINNING WHEN HE CAME TO THIS TEAM.
  25. St. louis is another one hit wonder. The Dodgers are better. Even better are the Atlanta Braves. Not st. louis. Every year the Atlanta Braves win the Nl East. Last couple of years the Dodgers came close to winning the NL West.
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