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Everything posted by njsue

  1. That is because no one pisses me off in person. Just being myself
  2. I only reply to those who shove it my way. Other than that if you have not met me in person. You an anyone else cant judge me. Anyone who has met me will say different.
  3. However, I do have several employees that feel the same way about this lady. So I am not the only one. As for keeping my mouth shut, no guarantees. There a limit to the amount of abuse a human being can take. As for me starting trouble on this board. You are overlooking the real people.
  4. The only right thing that I do an will always do IS STICK UP FOR MY OWN DEFENSE. Whether at work or here on this board.
  5. You mean like "what goes around comes around".
  6. That would be corporate. However the lady that hired me is no longer in that position. So I am stuck with this nut case that keeps hiring these idiots. Besides I feel that my comment to the office manager really opened his eyes to the crap that is happening. You cant see everything that is going on. However, you know the what is when someone brings it to your attention. I am a hard worker that goes above and beyond to do my job. But, lately I feel like I am being severly taken advantage off. Personally I think this lady needs to see a psychiatrist. She has issues.
  7. I took a personal day because of the Noreaster coming today. Dont want to be stuck driving in the bad weather. Yes I dont use the internet while at work.
  8. Good for you. I have worked retail before. It can be very nerve racking. Good luck.
  9. Is there going to be a pop quiz on this ridiculous junk
  10. An example of a Weak manager; Hires slacking employees Overlooks there slacking Dumps the work on the most dependable worker under her belt THAT IS ME To avoid dealing with the problem. Because of this my work is getting backed up. I asked her for some assistance because one of my Reps needed my help. It just burned me up that I had to tell her I couldnt at the moment because I was doing someonelses job. My unit does not work as a team. Some of these workers are in there lower twenties. They are constantly goofing off. The new guy hangs out with these people. Plus he is lazy. For 2 months a few of these people where out on sick leave. Guess who worked there desk plus my own work. Yours truly. What I wont allow as a Human being is to be treated like crap.
  11. For the record: She started yelling at me. Told me to go out into the hallway. And continued to yell at me. Should I take this. No I dont think so.
  12. Anyone know of a company that wants a hard working team player.
  13. No she hates sports.
  14. Its all about the big ego and the big bucks.
  15. The ? is has any one ever had a jerk for a boss. Damn. This is something that you want in a Blog
  16. look at the topic. Here we go with the un related comments.
  17. I am not a brown nosers. Just a hard worker.
  18. I already told her on friday. Besides New Jersey is about to get a Big Noreaster snow storm. I plan to prepare some cover letters tomorrow for jobs.
  19. This place that I work at love weak minded people. I believe the reason we clash is because I am strong willed. She cant control me like a child. I would love to tell her to take this job and shove it up her phat behind
  20. That is why I took tomorrow off. I am looking for a new job any way. But in the meantime she needs to focus on those that choose to slack. Refusing to the job is what got me to argue with her.
  21. in side claims handler.
  22. manager. I have been undergoing alot of harrassement lately. This lady/my boss is a totally annoying beeotch. She protects certain workers that dont live up to there job tasks. An treats me like crap. Yet I do my job plus theirs. Friday her & I had a shouting match in the hall way. There is a new guy that gets away with everything. Lately part of his job has been dumped on me. Because of this my own work is getting backed up. It came to the point were she pulled me in the office managers office. I spoke up after she left. Said that my coworkers and I are not operating as a team. Oh man do I need to quit.
  23. What olineman have the Bills scouts looked at. I watched the olineman sprints. Damn those big boys can run.
  24. Isnt the owner of the cards, bill bidwell a cheap one.
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