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Anon Y. Mous

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Everything posted by Anon Y. Mous

  1. I can't believe all you infidels and non-Billievers in this thread, they are playing better than it looks
  2. Ok Mrs. Peterman who should be blaming?
  3. At least he is refusing to throw an interception
  4. may have to settle for 35-14 now but this is getting more and more difficult
  5. no 35-7, Bills already gave up a touchdown
  6. the Bills are playing better than it looks
  7. no interceptions yet, this is a good sign
  8. The Bills tickets start to drop on Stub Hub?
  9. How are the Bills looking after the pre-season? I have not followed the off season at all and am looking for some honest feedback. Thanks in advance
  10. nope, no way no how. this annoyed me more than the late turnover, turnovers are a part of the game even if they are boneheaded like the interception I know what you are saying but absolutely disagree with the decision
  11. actually trying to follow your logic and not sure when you are referring to, correct me if I am wrong 1) Bills were down 28 -27 a missed two pointer makes them down by 2, in this scenario who cares if you are down by 2 or 1 2) Bills kick the extra point near the end of the game and are up by 6 if they miss the point conversion they are up by 5 again who cares if you are by 5 or 6
  12. so then you kick a field goal to go for the win, this is NOT hindsight
  13. Twice the Bills should have gone for 2, it doesn't really matter in a game like today if you are up by 5 or 6, they should have gone for 2, a successful 2 point conversion late in the game would have given them a 7 point lead. They should have also gone for two to attempt to tie the game at 28. Guys this is simple math and strategy, I am no coaching genius but this is common sense and I am NOT talking hindsight any coach that cannot see this should be severely reprimanded. Again I post maybe a few times a year because I will reiterate I don't care very much any more. I still watch the games via pvr and can get thru it in less than an hour, glad I am not wasting more time than this and spending it on more important things such as family.
  14. I know what you are saying about early on but they could have tied the game at 28 if they successfully went for 2 and taken a 7 point lead if they had a 2 point conversion. If you cannot justify it both of these times you cannot period unless you are down by 2 points with less than 2 minutes to go.
  15. It doesn't really matter to me anymore. I pvr the games and watch them in less than an hour and usually laugh at these results, today I shook my at head at the stupididty of not going for 2 on two separate occasions. THat annoyed me more than the late interception. The interception was preventable especially in hindsight, the lack of going for 2 is just a headscratcher
  16. Twice the Bills should have gone for 2, it doesn't really matter in a game like today if you are up by 5 or 6, they should have gone for 2, a successful 2 point conversion late in the game would have given them a 7 point lead. They should have also gone for two to attempt to tie the game at 28. Guys this is simple math and strategy, I am no coaching genius but this is common sense and I am NOT talking hindsight any coach that cannot see this should be severely reprimanded. Again I post maybe a few times a year because I will reiterate I don't care very much any more. I still watch the games via pvr and can get thru it in less than an hour, glad I am not wasting more time than this and spending it on more important things such as family.
  17. You'd enjoy Sunday's a lot more if you started going to church you heathen
  18. he resigned along time ago, I think you mean re-sign. Stay in school and get some edjumacation
  19. I am really happy I have watched the Bills games in about 45 - 60 minutes on average for the last 4 years by fast forwarding the pvr. The best advice I can give is to honestly not care any more. This team is a joke, I barely care enough to watch them. There is much more to life than wasting too much time with following this team.
  20. How old are you guys... two? Obviously he is being factious
  21. simple answer... we'd still lose
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