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Anon Y. Mous

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Everything posted by Anon Y. Mous

  1. Not really because none of the services appeal to me. I am actually saying that the ads sound horrible and that they appear to be written by high school students
  2. In Oakville (Canada) they are unfortunately the only station you can really listen to for Bills talk. I am not sure of who's who but my favourite is when one of the hosts is making a point (and you know what it is after 10 seconds) but he continues to ramble for 10 minutes saying the same thing over and over again. Which guy is this? Also the ads are extremely lame. Are their really that many people harassed by debt collectors? Or is Mighty Taco the place to eat? And whats with that HUUUGGGGEEEEE car dealership? I could keep going... Christ is this the mid 80s? Who does the marketing for these companies? The ads are plentiful and appear to take up the majority of the airtime.
  3. I am a Canadian so just throwin in my 2 cents... standard here is $200 - $250CDN
  4. Very sad news... I wonder what Theisman has to say about this
  5. Canadian military power is vastly underated :-) how quickly we forget the War of 1812 http://www.historycentral.com/1812/Index.html
  6. http://www.canada.com/national/nationalpos...37-9bf895fd0c64
  7. Didn't you read the article it states it was "Phillip Gibeau of Carthage"
  8. As a Canadian I am not entirely sure of the tax implications. But you guys can write off your carrying charges (we unfortunately cannot) Can this have any effect on your decision? Can you still write off your upgrades/renovations? Not sure how that works
  9. I have not seen this show... but I hear it is good. I was disappointed that Oliver Platt did not win best supporting actor in a series for Huff. The guy is brilliant in this role as a crazy drugged up lawyer.
  10. Guys I am sorry but the city of Buffalo has a curse on it. I don't know who or what placed it. But if the Red Sox could break it..... maybe we can break this some time this century.
  11. odds on new kicker 100% new QB 70%
  12. Well it was fun while it lasted. But this is a game of fate and this city is cursed. I really feel sorry for the locals of the Buffalo area who really need a break
  13. wtf is wrong with this team!
  14. My gut feeling says that we beat the Steelers no problem. But both the Colts and Rams lose. The Colts are almost a given and I am praying for a miracle with the Rams. Interesting stat that the Jets have only beaten teams with a ridiculously low winning percentage that gives me faint hope. But I am being honest who cannot see with all the bad luck we had at the start of the season that as fate wold have it that the we do not make the playoffs even though we are now one of the better teams in football and no one wants to play us. A pessimistic me can just see all the pissed off people calling up WGR with a bunch of coulda shoulda wouldas next week and for a good chunk of the offseason. The optimistic side of me albeit a little smaller says that the Football Gods will find a way to put the Bills in the playoffs. GO RAMS!
  15. Actually it is because Ralph Wilson has voted against home night games as Buffalo is a small market team with many fans who commute to the games.
  16. You never get tired of hearing the equipment manager story week after week
  17. Arizona had a beauty of a punt that was downed on the Bills 1 Yard Line. Arizona challenged it (I can only assume that it was because they felt a Bills player had touched the ball) No penalty called on the original play. Turns out upon review the Arizona player that downed the ball at the 1 had stepped out of bounds and was not eligible to down the football. Arizona was penalized 5 yards and had to rekick. Even though this was the right call upon review of the play I have never seen a penalty called against a team on a review... even worse the team challenging the call getting the penalty.
  18. I had a 2 hour drive home and it was my daughters first Halloween. My wife looked after my daughter all day as she prepared the house for Halloween. Sorry but my family comes first in comparison to staying an extra half hour only to spoil things at home. Perhaps there were others in the same predicament.
  20. sec. 133 I know they suck but for these seats at face its worth it.
  21. Just saw it is not. How cheap can I get tickets from scalpers for good seats?
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