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Mark VI

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Everything posted by Mark VI

  1. When is "Grammar Wars, Revenge of the Thesaurus " coming out ?
  2. 1 spot for me, Bro. Doesn't have to be upfront.
  3. I freelance for Bison Dairy. I've been authorized to make a bid for our " Got Milk " campaign. I can't wait to apply the slogan.
  4. Actually, Brown reminds me of Eric Dickerson. Tall, runs high without lowering his shoulder. Exposes the ball a little much but has been effective when healthy. Problem is he struggles to stay healthy, as was the case in Colorado during his college career. I'm sensing a pattern. No surprise that Henry finds another team considering him. The Titans will stuggle badly this year, having just gone through cap hell. Brown will mend in time for the regular season but the Titans have a legit RB depth concern with his constant injuries.
  5. When did the coaches do that ? They just insisted on a 3rd round pick in April, instead of Shelton. They probably predicted he would be cut anyhow, since he didn't seem to be getting any real interest from any other team. Plus that 3 Mil salary. Now they can consider him at a reduced rate, if they have an interest.
  6. I disagree. I think Mularkey,Clements and Wyche were completely frustrated with having their hands tied all year with Bledsoe's glaring limitations. They could never implement the Offense they wish to run. The Bills 6 game winning streak was mainly the result of huge plays on ST's and Defense. They combined for 10 TD's and everyone knows that's a rare happening and impossible to expect again in 2005. The Head Coach insisted on the change and one game wasn't going to blind them to his struggles of the past 2 1/2 years. The losses were not all his fault but he came up small all too often in close games, usually in disastrous fashion. Fearing change is only natural with an unproven rookie but he is replacing a proven failure with no upside as the Bills QB, regardless of his past name recognition and accomplishments which no longer applied to the current situation. I feel far better about our QB situation than last year, since I believe our BACKUP QB is even an upgrade over Bledsoe. If Losman stumbles or is injured, we can replace him with a solid talent who can run the Mularkey offense. Bledsoe was the polar opposite of what Mularkey wants out of his QB.
  7. Stuart Scotts' "Stump The Schwab" didn't crack the Top 10 ? Impossible.
  8. (shudder) Oh well, he's in Dallas. Parcells can lose his mind now.
  9. I liked that also. "I hit him with a bottle," said Sylvia Velasquez. " Nice to see you can drink Tequila there, while taking a break out front of your workplace. Sounds like my kind of place. Attacking birds and drinking in public.
  10. http://www.cnn.com/2005/US/05/18/birds.attack.ap/index.html PETA is on it's way to save the day !
  11. She nipped that in the stub. What ?
  12. Gross invasion of his privacy... after spending months invading her privates. He doesn't have a 3rd leg to stand on.
  13. OBD is under siege for cutting Dante Brown.
  14. Couldn't stand the Walt Corey 3-4 D. Flashback 15 years. Jeff Wright at NT. The Giants kicking the crap out of our front 7 for 13 minutes of the 3rd quarter in SB XXV. Yeah...let's bring that back.
  15. Hopefully, Triumph the Dog will be there to interview them !
  16. Goo IS the key word with Hillary. I'd pass on that image.
  17. Underneath Hillary... Slick Willy, that poor bastard...
  18. ESPN is completely influenced by off-season player aquisitions and wish to hype their favorites. The Bills rating is probably a little low but we're not a sexy pick. Dallas at #12...BWahahahhaaha..what a fantasy. Seahawks, who we destroyed on the road, at #13.
  19. I can see the Andre Reed argument for both sides, point taken... ...but he'd consider Ricky Watters ! Lenny's a little old to be smoking the hippie lettuce.
  20. You're so wise. You're like a miniature Buddha, covered with hair.
  21. ~NG~ and Ron Burgundy are one in the same.
  22. My prediction. The Bills are going to kick some serious ass.
  23. Obviously an evil scientist....trapped in a glass case of emotion !
  24. I see he just established the Michael Crook funeral expense fund. Send $$ to a P.O. box.
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